@codec7: I'm waiting for Sony to show more of their plans for the near future. Right now xbox is showing us what they are doing and where they are going with their console.
I try to picture myself with a ps4 and that controller in my hands after being with xbox and it doesn't seem right, like a downgrade.
Sony probably thinks they don't need to state their plans, i think they're banking on the PS4 hardware doing the talking, meaning the graphical superiority of the games compared to the same games on X1.
I can confirm you are right about the PS4 controller, it is a downgrade compared to the X1 controller; my hands start aching within half an hour of using it, so the PS4 controller design in general is very inadequate; Sony definitely got the design wrong. Bigger hands do not fit properly with the PS4 controller, and the battery-time is shockingly bad. Sony should be ashamed of themselves for overlooking such basic an obvious things as hand comfort and battery-time on their controller.
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