@wyan_ Because the PS4 bandwagon is really strong. Even though we know next to nothing about the PS4 console. Since Microsoft actually released info, its easier to say a console that we know nothing about is obviously better. And thus, troll every piece of Xbox One news (or non-news in this case)
@Kyffre With the way they described playing another game while waiting for matchmaking in another game...it would be impossible to have two discs in at the same time. I'm going with a "no" on needing the disc.
@Bren128 What's the difference between Microsoft running the used game market and Gamespot? With Microsoft you won't have to take a trip to the store likely. It will be easier in a digital market.
@gamer20482 Not all games will be 50gb. In fact, most won't be. Some of the absolute largest games on PC are 20-30gb. These are the huge MMOs with cinematics etc. The average game like Max Payne or GTA runs less than that. Its more space than you think.
Look at all these haters spamming right now. There hasn't even been any info about the PS4 except "Oh look it has social stuff!" and they are acting like they have all the info about both consoles and its clear the PS4 is better.
No one knows which is better, we might have a more clear picture at E3. Get over yourselves fanbois.
colt_a's comments