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The prices of the HD 7970 are dropping from $549 to $479, with the HD 7950 dropping from $449 to $399. AMD looks to be banking on the "Three for Free" bundle, the price drop and the fact of ready availability of the HD 7900 series to continue to spark sales against the GTX 680. In addition, AMD cutting the price of the HD 7770 to below the $150 price point at $139.
yep add to the fact that at max overclocks the 7970 is generally faster than a 680 gtx at its max overclock makes it a pretty sweet deal for the 7970 IMO.
Yeah, nope.http://g3ar.co.za/2012/03/22/msi-radeon-hd-7970-lightning-overclocked-to-1-8ghz/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=msi-radeon-hd-7970-lightning-overclocked-to-1-8ghz
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