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all your game are belong to us episode 4 : echo queche

yepper the new episode of my podcast is up nows, if anyone has the slightest interest please feel free to take a look and tell me what you think.

and subscribe on itunes if you like

feeling the effect

So ill admit i tend to come to the big games quite late. But after all the hoopla about mass effect 2 i'd thought it might be a good idea to pick up the first game, what with not having the saves for the 2nd, and being the type of person who cannot play a game unless hes played all the parts before hand. Ive still not touched digital devil saga as ive only got 2.

Anyway, I've spent a good 4 hours playing now. Not far in obv, but enough to get a good grip on the game. The first hour or two was/were a little bit of a loooong experiance, just that early rpg thing where you dont know quite where to go and you pick up side quest after side quest to the point of forgetting what your doing.

I am highly impressed not with the quality of the visuals but the overall presentaition and sound design. All working to give a realistic but still futuristic feel matched with a musical score that lulls you into the world, relaxes and invites. Its all very good.

But like i said ive a long way to go.

so much to do

so with all this podcast stuff ive not played any games the last few days.

Most saddening in the lack of time ive devoted at all to any rpg's I used to play through them in quick weeks. But now i dont get past an hour if i play them at all. I currently have 6 I really should devote some time too and just dont see myself getting too.

Sad face.

All your game are belong to us episode 1 uploaded

the title says it all really.

episode 1 : electorial cupcakes

Podcast feed is now heres!

also look for the series 1 page and the link to send space.

Also bare in mind we recorded the episode on a cheap pc pencil mic and its very tinny. Ive today bought a pro mic though and after some tests its proved very good indeed, so please bare with us. We are still learning.

And enjoy.

oh, and please visit the forum if you get the chance.

Podcast episode 1 updates

so I have a full cast of people ready to record our first episode of "all your game are belong to us" and it's recording on the 6th. Two days to go.

for a look at our completely crappy site and a read of any blog stuffs on the podcast visit

After the first recording all i need to do is set up the podcast as an rss feed. but im simple, so if anyone knows anything that would be most helpful.

podcast : looking for

So for the new podcast i spoke about before im looking for both 1. eather an american guy / girl who wants to produce a weekly feature that can be played on or recorded during the podcast recording. Or that can provide view of the gaming news and events from the american side of things.

2. possible people to be co hosts on the show. Based in the uk, can use skype if too far away. would be for the whole recording time which could be up to 3 hours (before and after recording doing touch ups, preparing and such.

Im calling out for people on my blog first , but after a little while i shall be putting an invite up on the forums also if i dont find many people.


so im getting close to setting up a podcast and im wondering if anyone out there might be interested in taking part some how, if just via skype as a guest.