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Ok for those who watch anything i say or do at all, im just letting you all know im going to go into a bit of an internet/radio silence for a week or so. I need to clear my head , but mostly i have a load of stuff i need to sit down and work on / finish / start. And the internet can be the best and worst thing for projects when your working on them.

When i get back i hope to have a number of things for everyone to see.

All take care for a while and ill be back soon.

what is a good tv show?

so as those of you who know me may know. Ive got a tv station for video games.

Ive only got a few bits on there right now, but i am hoping to add my own shows soon. And hit other people up for some stuff too.

But I am faced with the problem of what to make.

I mean what really makes a good video game based show??

Do i follow the ground rules that others have put down before me, or create something new.

Not only have there been shows about games on tv , but also sites like this one have and have had shows too.

Do i go factual, or funny. Market towards the masses, or old schools?

Maybe i should make it for the general public. or for geeky uber gamers, the hardcore elite.

Maybe it should have reviews , previews and walkthroughs just like a video magazine. Or instead it should hav nothing but one off features.

I couldnt get interviews very easly, being indie, but maybe i could try that too.

The problem is the lack of any examples on tv. We have had a few shows over the years in the uk.

The best known , most loved and biggest of them was gamesmaster. there have been many others , but none that lasted very long. My actual fave is a show called cybernet. A clips show really, one with a voiceover and an animated tv headded robot wobbling about between the clips. Its was compitent, if not very well informed , and clear speaking. And pleasant. It just gave you what facts it could and showed nothing but the games. Shame it was showed at 3 am or worse, or on a different channel or network each few weeks.

So anyone got any thoughts on what makes a good games related show? What was your fave growing up, and of the last few years. What would you likde to see in a games show.??

tv station update

Now added to all your games are belong to us charlie brookers gameswipe

Take some time to give it a look if you've not already.

going live

Hey kids, Im going live in a little over an hour and doing some practice colouring.

I hope someone comes to watch and stuff. more company the better.


So i bought the miss adventures of tron bonne for ps1 last week. And i started playing it yesturday, at which point my girlfriend looks on ebay for it. She finds it only on ebay usa and its up for the equivilent of £165.00+

this was a usa copy of the game and translated from $

so its gotten me to wondering how much the much rarer pal uk edition would be. In 10 years ive only ever seen 2 copys.

all your game are belong to us

So for those who didnt read the last post.

Iv'e spent a little time fiddling with live stream and ive now gone live with a channel called all your game are belong to us.

I currently have all my you tube videos up and on a live loop , but im working on adding some games related movies and also more trailers. Ive also got a live video podcast type deal in mind.

Anyway please take a look at the channel.

heres the page

And so things are new again

1st oct 2009

So some of you may know that i have been fiddling with live stream. Today I launched a second channel.

This was to seporate what i broadcast. 1 for art. 2. for games.

the new channel is called "all your games are belong to us"

Guess where thats from... :P

anyway, not only is this the name of the channel its also the name of a project thats hopefully going to appear on the channel too.

More on that later.

It's not showing much just now. just a handful of game trailers and teasers. Just so that somethings actually playing. BUT , i am putting up other bits and bobs over the next few weeks. Bare in mind im still getting used to the whole thing. lol.

Theres also the first part of my "lets play batman archam asylum demo" video. Part two to be added soon. Have a look, share any thoughts and views. and i hope someone enjoys.

a must see

So some of you may know of him , most outside the uk and with lives probably wont, but untill the last few months Charlie Brooker was the uk's best kept secret.

A writer and former video games journo, Charlie has become the best out there at looking at the worlkd around them with a comical, side on and absolutely gressivly honest view. Always laugh out loud funny , often offencive along the way. But always a worthy read or watch.

Originally becoming well known (in the publishing world) for creating the underground website tv go home. From which he was offered a job working for the guardian newspaper, writing a weekly spot on the past weeks tv.

He was later picked up by the bbc to write and host screenwipe, more or less his writing made 3d and louder.

look here for the first series and more.

Also he co wrote nathan barley with chris morris for channel 4.

anyway lately screenwipe has popped out some specials, the first was 6 episodes on tv news.

the latest a special on computer games.... hence what you should watch. It was shown on bbc 4 last night and is available to watch on bbc-i here now. Its both well informed and witty. But most importantly very funny.

Give it a watch while you can.

times of change

I came to this topic somewhat late. Times are not in change for us, they have changed and more then we may have noticed.

It seems that something has been lost over the last 3 years. The cycle of change really started with the birth... or more importantly the death of the dreamcast and sega going multiformat.

Games are no longer played.

Odd a statement that may be, its quite close to being true.

It seems that we live in a time where we dont do what we always thought we did, and still "think" we do.

I realise that what im talking about is bound to be a little confusing. Ok , so the dreamcast, although not really the first console to be "online" , was the first true online games system. It was , from the start more then just something to play games on.

It's changed why people bought a console, or at least lead us onto that path. Its successes helped inform sony, nintendo and microsoft of new ways to go with the little gaming machine on top of the tv. Its played dvds, surfed the internet, played and stored music and eventually movies.

Now each console is something more... or other then a gaming machine.

The xbox has become more an entertainment station, one which will soon allow you to just wave your hands and have any movie you could want at the , well touch of your voice. As long as they are movies microsoft and its partners make avilable.

It'll let you watch live tv, tweet the fact your flapping your arms about on your arse watching movies and football sat on your sofa . Games will only be a little bit of the xbox.

The ps3 will be 3rd life, with blue ray. And a huge hole in your pocket where your money used to be.

And the wii , now is just a strict nazi like health and fitness coach. Its even gotten its little buddy the ds in to keep track on how much you walk. "IM WATCHING YOU EVEN WHEN IM ASLEEP YOU KNOW!! but dont worry its fuuuuun!!"

Its just sat there yelling "DANCE FATTY!, I WANNA SEE YOU DANCE!!"

The only system thats even close to being a pure gaming machine is the psp. And no ones even interested in it anymore.

No longer play games, even when we do its to be better then everyone elce, to compete. To get more gamerpoints then our friends.

And with avatars we can even live indoors, dressing how we want, actually spending real money on clothes that we cant afford in reality.

And i love it!!!

roll on progress.