not sure if it will be worth buying at $60 when it's essentially just another movie game. although, if the online is great, i will buy it day1.
It is hard to troll when everyone knows that it is open world. Good try though, but you still fail
not sure if it will be worth buying at $60 when it's essentially just another movie game. although, if the online is great, i will buy it day1.
It is hard to troll when everyone knows that it is open world. Good try though, but you still fail
@moinsyyed: Well, the only evidence we have is the a fact that director said that the Noctis in the earlier footage was high level. And the possible high level air combo I was thinking of was when noctics teleported to the side of a building and attack an enemy who was climbing at high speed to the point that there were after images. It could be that that move, and the sky slash you saw were merely special moves or abilities. Who knows.
I think an important think to note is that they probably do not want the combat to be too much like an action game. It seems like swings make yo commit to the animation, as oppose to being able to interupt it before it starts. Come to think of it, have we even seen jumping yet? Maybe the teleportation ability is how you zero in on targets in the air to initiate an air combo
@acp_45: they also did not cover whether summoning will be in the demo? there didnt seem to be a visible option for summoning.
In previous interviews he said that there would be summoning in the game, but it would not be the titan seen in the trailers. And I think some of the air combos you are thinking of might be some high level moves.
@cyloninside: So no boring filler and dumb fetch quests? Awesome news.
according to reviews the entire game is boring filler and dumb quests.... so... yeah. what now?
Oh? Link me to those reviews. I played about 2 hours now and I'm enjoying it a lot although I can see why some people would hate it. It's very very movie like and story heavy, gameplay is not the focus. It has sky high production values, graphics, voice acting, cut scenes, ect. I applaud them for doing something different instead of just making another duck and cover shooter. I think this will appeal more to older gamers rather than the younger kids who want action and whatnot every 2 seconds.
Um. According to your words, it is a duck and cover shooter, but with a great story and and production values
The roll in TW3 seems to have a way shorter range. TW2's roll was bad, but necessary. It was pretty dumb. You could upgrade the range and you looked like a moron with long range rolls. I think they are focusing on giving you the option of like 3 or 4 evasive maneuvers.
@JangoWuzHere: I have seen 1, and it LOOKS like it was good for its time, but it seems like you have to time strikes as oppose to hitting enemies who are actually in range. Either way neither was perfect, but I can definitely say that 2 had flaws in combat, but It was still amazing in my opinion
This is the part that I don't get. The Order is just like Heavy Rain when it had QTE, cut-scenes, and Heavy Rain was a good game which I was able to beat it in 7 hours. Metal Gear Rising was 6 hours game but it was fun and the replay value was worth it so this begs the questions, why now all of a sudden that 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9 ect. should matter when gameplay matters? I'm a gamer, I have done a lot of data research for 1886 to qualify for me to buy it day one and I'm still buying it cause it's Steampunk.
The Order is not just like Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain was focused on providing an interactive story that had you make choices that you had to deal with. The Order is a story focused story experience, but it is also a tps, and there are certain expectations that come with that. Some expectations are well warranted, but then again, it is all about preference and expectations too. The gameplay matters, but to a lot of people it does not look like much .
Anyway, it is good that you are still plan on enjoying it.
Western films were generally about moral lessons and questions of ethics. Red Dead, being a game, is about the action.
It would have nothing compared to the likes of Unforgiven, The Good the bad and the Ugly, The Ox Bow Incident, High Noon and so on.
I feel like that is giving the give less credit than it deserves. It is an open world game, there is no escaping that, but a lot of the events and subplots have there on messages if you actually pay attention. There is the tragic tale of a prostitute, the story of a woman who used you to bring a family tragedy, a man who left his home and met a tragic end. One of the most interesting stranger missions has you encounter a man who claims to know John, this man is likely death himself
Would you consider the actual gameplay in remember me to be well crafted, or the environments and visuals, while the gameplay is ok?
It is a beat them up where you have combos with slots for types of moves and you pick the moves of that type to fill them.
It's combat is like Arkham but the rest is not. Unlike Arkham, it gains nothing from being open world.
I was aware of your response for like a week, but never got around to responding, so I apologize. However, I already knew about the combat of the game, and a little of the story, I was just wondering what the TC's opinion was on the different things that I mentioned, because reviewers disliked remember for reasons other than its linear nature
Would you consider the actual gameplay in remember me to be well crafted, or the environments and visuals, while the gameplay is ok?
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