forget 24hours i still have beef with lack of backward-compatiblility. i mean not only would it have great for existing 360 owners it would have improved the convert rate to xbone and facilitated sales of xbone. sadly microsoft couldn't see pass re-selling old games to us as future HD collections.
@spindie you know what's sad, they don't even care about how much we spent on xbla and dlc that they didn't even try to support customer library with the xbox one. you sell your 360 and access to your game library is gone.
@Rheinmetal perphaps i will even buy a ps3 to catch up with the first party games i really really want to play since the ps3 will become really cheap like beyond, last of us, mgs4, uncharted trilogy ( already played heavy rain and loved it) or maybe a wii to play epic yarn, SM galaxy, metroid prime 3, skyward sword or donkey kong returns.
i hope next-gen figure a way out to make developing new ips and genres less risky unlike this and all other previous gens in which development cost kept rising every time.
corteztheg's comments