microsoft over estimates the amount of online consoles out there and under estimate the amount of US and UK consoles bought and then sold to the rest of the world and played mostly offline. my bet is don't waste your money on xbone because offline ps4 are gonna dominate outside America and Europe hence microsoft is gonna lose thirty party support really fast due to dwindling sales in other countries that buy from america and europe.
i think microsoft over estimate the amount of online consoles out there and under estimate the amount of US and UK consoles bought and then sold to the rest of the world and played mostly offline. my bet is don't waste your money on xbone because offline ps4 are gonna dominate outside America and Europe hence microsoft is gonna lose thirty party support really fast due to dwindling sales in other countries that buy from america and europe.
@Tsiawddood hey i think you over estimate the amount of online consoles out there and under estimate the amount of US and UK consoles bought and then sold to the rest of the world and played mostly offline. my bet is don't waste your money on xbone because offline ps4 are gonna dominate outside America and Europe hence microsoft is gonna lose thirty party support really fast due to dwindling sales in other countries that buy from america and europe.
wow the stupidity of young adults hits a new heights all the time. who would risk being a prison bitch because he has no games to play on just one console.
corteztheg's comments