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Zelda - Very Much Like a Fine Woman

You Love Her, You Hate Her, She Frustrates You, but you always come back LOL

Last night I completed a dungeon, byt not berfore experiencing all of those above.

The Forest Temple, simplicity itself once you have spent hours going round in ever decreasing circle, and falling into the trap of not trying the impossible that in games isn't.

Two things that did irritate (add that to the first list to :) ) where the Monkeys they kept getting into the camera angle and that silly Mokey noise constantly nagging in the back ground (add that to the first list as well, boy am I going to be in trouble if the Missus reads this :P )

Anyway after an embarassingly long 4 hour stint I cracked it and can probably do it in a couple of hours now and it feels good to have succeded but it was painful at times, with a good dose of feel stupid in there when the answer became apparent.

Still we are in love again, Me and Zelda

Star Trek Legacy and Wii Remote

Both have arrived, so Wii tournie with my Son till he gets bored then on to the 360 for Star Trek Legacy.

If you here nothing about the Tournie it means that I have lost otherwise I will be bragging about my skills as a gamer and how I made him suffer, so expect to hear nothing :)

Zelda and my poor 360

I think that my 360 thinks that I don't love it any more, it has been almost a week since I turned it on (Sunday was the last time) but the Wii like all new members of the family has demanded my attention :-)

I should be getting Star Trek Legacy today so it will get a little bit more attention, but I have doubts about this game. Hated nearly every Start Trek game that I have come across so far and hoping that this will be different but the reviews seem to be mixed and apparently it suffers from the biggest flaw in the gaming world that I know of, lack of a save facility midmission and they are saying that some can take 1+ hours to complete
:-( still time will tell.

It will have competition as I am also expecting Wii Play and a second remote to arrive so that I can team play with my Son.

Then again with Christmas post I may not have either and I shall cry, not a lot I have Zelda and she loves me ;-)

The fun is in the Wii Mii's they are silly, they are pointless but they are fun but don't ask me why :-) I have set up about six and set them to travel not sure if any have made it into the wild apart from one I directly sent, though that adds the excitement (OK excitement is probably not the right word but cannot think of a better one)

Invested in some Wii Points that work in a simular way to the Xbox Live ones then could not make up my mind what to download so holding off till I have less to play.

Wii has a plus on the messaging system in that you can message a PC and them you but it does lack the Xbox Live comms option, if only it had that it would be perfect and if the press releases are true after today it will even have a web browser, Yeah.

I know what your thinking, I do "When will this guy ever shut up about the Wii" all I can say is not just yet LOL

Zelda the Wii and Mii

Zelda had a good hit on that last night and really getting into it big time, lovely game if the Wii had the graphics power of the 360 or PS3 this would be truely spectacular graphically.

Received my first couple of Miis on my Wii last night, its sounds silly but it was quite exciting to see how they interacted with mine and funny when one actually fell asleep when chatting with one of mine, sniff are my Miis that boring LOL

The Wii really is breaking new ground in game play and although I thought that it might be a little gimicy it isn't it actually works.

Zelda - It's not just a game

Never seriously played a Zelda game before but have given this one a few hours now and once you get past the slow arming section it goes into turbo mode.

It's hysterical to watch me play to, they videoed it and well it's to embarassing to upload or though that was the plan, a grown man with his numchuck tangled up LOL

And as RabbidDawg says the graphic have that magical arty feel, this is going to be one for the other producers to aim at from now on.

Wii Part Two

I like it todays initial play started by avoiding GT Pro that was such a negative it could kill the console if it was the only other game you had. Went for Wii Sports and although the genre doesn't normally appeal but the unique control system takes it to a new level and apart from the fact my arm is killing me from trying to hard at baseball I love it.

But Zelda is where it truely shines the graphics are considering the consoles potential for a mere 480p are great, the controls once you get the feel for them become very intuative as new actions are introduced.

So after a slow start I am sold just as my friend was.  My only fear is that we get to many games like GT Pro as that kind of trash can give a great console a very bad name.

If you can buy it, Nintendo have rediscovered Fun with a capital 'F'

I have a Wii

Online company could not fill my order but a store that I had forgotten I had placed a query with called me late yesterday and quick as a flash I was in the car and away.

A fiddly setup with lots of wires to add to the spaghetti already half hidden behind the TV but the actual setup once turned on was even more involved, very well explained thankfully.

I took an instant dislike to the speaker in the remote, tinnie sound but found the volume and turned that off, so down to play

A friend brought one on release and took it straight back (he did go back and buy it again and loves it) and I can see why. It isn't control system is a real pain until you get your head around it though it does grow on you.

Right now for the game;

Wii Sport - Nice typically Nintendo cutsy offering but fun all in all

GT Pro Series - Mistake, the graphics (unless you are looking at the sky and it's light effects) are rubbish, the gameplay all but none existent.  The only good thing is the three plastic bits that make up a steering wheel that the remote goes into to make steering easier.

Zelda - Classic Nintendo Cutsie, graphically it slaughters GT in fact I think GT somehow entered a time warp from the 90's. Not played this long enough to form an opinion as yet seems to be OK though.

So my Wii experience is incomplete, I only managed a couple of hours of play after all the setup but I will update this as I go. It looks like it will be fun but GT blew a whole in it for me if that is a taste on what maybe on offer by the majority of providers however if Zelda is more typical this could be a winner.

I will post more tomorrow.

All I want for Christmas is a Wii

Well the tree is up (looks pretty good to) but no sign of more stock of the Wii as yet.  I am guessing that unless they get them in before Tuesday I will be out of luck.  Not totally given up just yet but it isn't looking good.

Had a 360 retro day today went through all the games I haven't touched for a while and rediscovered some little gems and some frustrating levels I still cannot beat, so perhaps no Wii will get me through a few of them till I do get one :-)

Also been heavily into the NDS a very nice machine the more I play it the more I like it.

My Son's Dilema

Christmas is coming and Jack had a list a mile long mostly games from the 360, ps2, psp and DS, most of which we have brought him to.

Now for the dilema, last night playing around with his mates he decided it would be a fun thing to fall over and in doing so punch the ground, well to cut a long story short he broke two bones in his right hand and cannot hold a controller for love nor money.

Poor sod, I have volunteered to play them for him until he can though LOL.

PM and All is Quiet

Only about 4 of us still in the office everyone else is at the Christmas party. This would normaly be the cause of much moaning on my part but today it has been a blessing.

I have been assisting a customer over the phone action a pretty heavy deployment excercise for the first time and although it has worked perfectly with only a couple of silly hick-ups has give me brain ache, still it is Friday and to end the week with a success is aways a plus.

Hoping to slope off a little early but it doesn't matter as I can browse from here :-) after all no one behind me this afternoon