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Tips for the Old amongst us

HI, tips of the day, when planning on not playing a game for a while, write a short current status and leave it in the case.

This will save you the trouble I had last night with Kong, in that I went the wrong way and was convinced that I had to go through this door.  A whole hour trying to get through before I thought go back see if there is a key or something, well no key just the next goal I had missed when I first loaded the game LOL

The old grey matter isn't as good as it was LOL

I actually play the 360

I finally spent a little time on the 360 tonight and really enjoyed myself.

Have the break on the Wii made it feel fresh again and I hit a couple of the games I got for Christmas and well they may not be the most fantastic of games are enjoyable :-)

Nice evening all in all

Checking Out 1Up and Forum Fun (NOT)

Well I have an account with 1Up as 'Bardrock' and seeing how it feels.

At the minute it seems a bit alien and unfamiliar but will see how it grows on me this week before I decide to move over completely or not.

I did get myself past that spot in Zelda, with a lot of help from Roy and a game save posted that was only a fraction futher into the game than I needed.  It was just the rubbish we went through in the forums, even managed a gamesfaq bad for 7 days LOL

The thing about the forum ban that made me laugh was that it related to not having correctly read the threads rules, which is fair enough but did all the posters that followed and failed to read my post correctly and left tips that had already been listed and in that listing got me banned, I think not.

Gamespot and it's associated forum are just run by the most anal of people that to use them for any useful purpose is all but impossible.

This is Desperate - Zelda

OK, getting so desperate and not something I would normally do.

Are there any European gamers with Wii and Zelda that can  help me out?

RabbidDawg tried but we think it is a region thing that prevented my save working on his console.

Can anyone take my game save and just get me past the burning wagon, don't want any more than that. Hate having to ask this but something about this level just does not work for me, I know exactly what I need to do but cannot get it and have got into the state where I accept defeat even before I load the game.

Anyone, please??????????????????????

Zelda is Dead

If I was not a calm mature person, I would be typing this with a molten blob of ex-DVD infront of me.

The damn wagon sequence has killed the game for me totally, something about my style of game play and the task just does not work for me in any fashion, add to this the need to sit through 8-10 minutes of story before starting each session a fresh  which cannot be skipped.

This was fast becomig the game of 2006 till this section.

One thing this area has shown me is that some times the response to the controls can be slugish and this area shows it big time.

So with a sad and heavy heart I am going to shelve it for good and still so much more to do. 

HD Connectivity Issues

My HD TV only have a single hdmi and a single component input not very well thought out on Sony's part in my opinion. 

I have been looking for some time at the component lead switches which amazingly seem to vary from about £70 to £500+.  Though not that expensive at the lower price end still to expensive just to improve the measly 480p Wii image, so when I spied one on E-bay one for $14 about £9 I jumped at it knowing full well that there will probably be some degradation of the XB360 image if not of the Wii one.  I am hoping that it isn't going to be to noticable and allow an imidiate fix to my connectivity issues until I can afford a decent unit to replace it.

But £9 is basically nothing and it saves having to manually switch cables, will let you know if it works properly or not but that won't be until next week.

Packed Up Smoking Again Today

Did it for 5 months prior to Christmas then slipped when my Son did his hand in.

So going to avoid frustrating games for a couple of days so no Zelda until at least Sunday LOL

This time I am packing up for ever, where as before 12 years was my max ( what a prat for starting after that number of years).

Puzzlers this weekend boring but relatively stress free, unitl that is tiy get the dreaded 'No More Moves' message :P

Zelda and The Female Driver

This is gonna be very sexist I would probably apologies if this was a real life thing but it ain't.

The Buring Wagon sequence, after some good advice (Thanks Roy) I managed to stop the wagon going up in flames, cool you might think, this guy has cracked it, well NO and why? FEMALE drivers, thats why.

There I am keeping the bad guys off of the wagon putting out the fire occasionally but still I have not managed to finish that level, because the silly female driving the wagon cannot follow the damn road, round she goes, so many times I started to feel giddy. Each time she gets to the road does she go straight no but takes a sharp right. OK this being a wagon that she is driving it probably does not have sat nav, but how hard can it be to follow a road even for a female.

If anyone can assist maybe give her a few basic wagon lessons or perhaps a brain transplant as the 1 cell she is currently running on isn't working to well.

And to the ladies out there I have the greatest of respect for the majority of you on the road it is just that one bad driver of the fairer sexy does tend to tar the rest and any ways this is only a game.

And anayways it is good to RANT LOL

Super Mario 64

Downloaded this for the Wii last night, I had forgotten just how good it was way back on the N64 console.

This version is a little buggy in the graphics rendition but nothing major and definately not enough to spoil the game, though collecting the coins can get confusing as some seem to re-appear but collecting them again does not increase the coin count.

OK, I will confess I am useless at the game but it is one of those that winning isn't so much the fun part as watching Mario do his stuff.

It was also a good opportunity for me to test out the Classic Controller and it is cool.  It squeaked a little at first until the buttons had been used a few times but other than that is a nice little accessory, well essencial if you want to play some of the downloadable content though not all the downloads need it most will work better with it