And my head hurts already, better have another drink LOL
coxmartin Blog
Happy New Year
by coxmartin on Comments
And it is a great one coming, I have just had a phone call from my Mum in San Fransisco and My Step Dad has just had a kidney transplant and he is doing well.
This has been such a crappy year what with three deaths and other life crap then this good news just turned it around.
Me thinks it is time to get a few drinks in before the chimes of Big Ben toll :P
Luck Day for Me Today
by coxmartin on Comments
Passing by a games store, I spied a numbchuck and classic controller for my Wii, Yeah.
Had these on order for what seems like an age without luck.
So today I downloaded my first set of games from the Wii Store and the classic controller works perfectly, infact I think that they have come up with a very nicely layed out controller, the buttons respond with a definate feel.
Well now to wast yet more money downloading like made :-)
And I must turn on the 360 :) haven't touch that since Christmas day as Zelda has me hooked
The Break from Zelda Payed Off
by coxmartin on Comments
Well I hit it again this afternoon and saled it even the Boss seemed easy, that said it still took me 3+ hours.
They really should reduce the size or allow saves at key parts.
Now for the next puzzle
Zelda - This Can Be So Frustrating
by coxmartin on Comments
I love the game Zelda but at times, it can drive you up the wall.
If you enter dungeon you have to complete it before you can save. This would not be so much of a problem if they where smaller in size.
Currently working through Goron Mines with multiple precision sequences that never work on a first try and having gone nearly 2 thirds of the way at one point circumstances meant that I had to end play losing all the progress I had made. If they have to have such involed dugeon sequences they should allow at least key sequence save points but they don't. They should allow for gamers that cannot always guarantee a 3 or 4 hours stint.
So currently I am going to shelve it till my mood is better and time allows for completion of this section.
The problem now is what to play the games I got for Christmas are good but they haven't grabbed me enough, if that makes sense.
I am now going to sign off and sulk some more.
Only 364 Days Till Christmas
by coxmartin on Comments
Yep not long LOL
Well we all survived and in fact it was a very nice Christmas, the kids enjoyed and that was all we really wanted.
I got a couple of games old ones but ones that I have always wanted to try and as they are both cheapies now added then to my Xmas list.
King King, feels a little dated but still a nice little game and Condemed, very atmospheric, slightly strange though I am not sure if it is one I will play to completion.
Also brought myself Star Trek Legacy, not 100% sure about this one as the missions seem very vague and online play is a little flawed but not shelved it just yet.
Zelda is still top of my play list at the minute.
New to me but Old Games
by coxmartin on Comments
Merry Christmas One and All
by coxmartin on Comments
Not PC I know but Happy Holidays sound awful.
So Happy Christmas and may you all get what you wished for and something you never knew you wanted but is perfect and shows that the giver really cared enough to bother just for you.
Wii Health Warning
by coxmartin on Comments
I will set the seen, neccessary to get the full effect.
It is Christmas Eve, had wrapped all the pressies and had started to prepare dinner....
We chose something simple as there is so much rich food to come over the next couple of days, so we had colliflower cheese (not sure if it has that name in the US) with a little ham. A very pleasant meal and I chose a bottle of Chilean red wine, a nice choice as no one else drinks red so it was all mine...
We then watch a couple of hours of TV when my Son challenges me to a Wii Sport match, we start with bowling (not my best game as I always lose) with loser picking the second game and as I lost I chose Baseball (very good at this even though I have no idea of the rules).
The match begins as most normal matches do till my second innings (may be the wrong term, my second bating).
He pitches, I strike, I fart, he laughs.
He pitches again, I strike, I fart only loader, he laughs louder.
He pitches a fhird time, I strike, I fart like a God, he falls to the floor laughing and we abandon the game and the living room.
I am not sure if it the Wii or the colliflower that needs the health warning but we still have the windows open and it is -1C outside. LOL
I promise this is true, I could not have made it up even if I had tried.
Star Trek Legacy
by coxmartin on Comments
This is an odd one, I like it but the controls are very compex. It is the kind of game you have to keep playimg or after a break you forget what button or button combination does what.
It initially cheesed me me off, then as the controlls became more familiar I liked it but then the mission are not that well described so about 90% of the game seems to be trying to find that out. The manual (yes, in this instance I actually read it) doesn't really help only gives some of the more obvious contol options.
So to cut a long story short, for a Trekie it looks good for a games I still to be convinced, but not given up.
This is one that I amy shelve till an FAQ or Game Guide comes out
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