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Friday and Gonna try for a full weekend of catch up

This weekend I am intending to catch up on my Christmas games, not really played them and will even try the Star Trek game I brought for myself.

On the Star Trek game current opinion is it is better than some trek games but still not truly captured a good mix between gameplay and the series.  Some of the problem chould be in the majestic motion of the ships, they are big so they are slow so you feel like you are always playing catch up on the enemy, which incidentally always seem to have a speed edge over the player regardless of the chosen race.

Condemed is good and I enjoy playing but just never seem to get the urge to load it up.

King King, again a nice little game but another that I just seem to want done as opposed to enjoying the doing.

Lastly Smooth Moves, going to be playing this inbetween the others as a bit of a break from serious gaming LOL

I bet come Monday the above will not have been touch but that is the plan so far.

I Hate Monday's

OK, it's Thursday but changing the lyric of the song just didn't sound right.

Post Christmas finacials are starting to  bite :(

Work, well they are expecting me to do some, I mean, well the cheek.

No games this month that  are worth getting and no money if there was.

May even post on the forums, see if I get a post in without an anual MOD finding something to winge about, wish thatthey would get a life but not today, today I want a wingey MOD, I need a little textual fighting, I do, I do

There maybe blood on the keyboard before the sun sets tonight and the Vampires rise, then again I am really busy like at work and may not have the time to truly verbally flay them :(

Two Hours Solid on Smooth Moves

I know that you don't have to stand and use the Wii remote like they do in the adverts but I have to.  It adds to the fun especially with something like Smooth Moves and it is excercise all be in in a small way.

Not that small a way, I need a shower after playing for the last two hours but loved it.

OK if you look at the game scientifically it ain't much but something about the rapid fire unlinked minigames really appeals to me.

And any way there isn't anything new game-wise on any of the consoles for ages, even thinking about getting a new PC and trying that route but for money issues I would.

Fatal Wii

The Story I read this thinking at first it was a funny but it ain't.

Surely the radio station new that large volumes of warter can be dangerous, I mean that is one of major reasons 'E' can be fatal.

DS Vs DS Lite

My Son has the DS and has had almost since day one of release and I joined the DS club with a really sexy black DS Lite last year.

Nice little machine looks so goos I think I spend as much time cleaning it as playing it LOL

Nintendo seem to be aiming the DS lite at the adult market and with the styling it does appeal more to that age band.

Back to the story, that due to the extreme tangent taken about yu have no idea of, apologies ;)

Well I brought Metroid Prime: Hunters (brilliant little game) my first serious FPS on the DS Lite, and then I notice just how difficult it is to get my fingers to hold the unit comfortably and reach all of the buttons.  It is not impossible just not comfortable, any way up comes the level boss after about five attempts of being within a shot or two of winning but not Jack suggests trying his full size DS.  Being the trusting parent I saif 'No' as I thought that he was after a go on the game 'BUT IS IT MINE OK' but he wasn't I should have remembered he hates anything that is not GTA or a sport sim LOL.  So eventually I give in and bang the boss crumbles before me.

The old DS may not have the looks but it does have the gaming ergonomics short fat fingers require LOL

Still prefer my DS Lite for all bar the hardest of play areas but glad that I have a standard DS close to hand when the hard ones come along :P

3 New Games for Me today

Best of the bunch has to be 'Metroid Prime Hunters' nice DS FPS my only serious game for the DS and a lot of fun.

But not so serious and a hell of a lot more fun that I would have thought is 'Wario Smooth Moves' for the Wii, nothing to it but it has that something that is hard to describe that makes it different.  So many silly little games coming at you so fast blink and you have missed it LOL.

Lastly Red Steel, heard nothing but bad about it, but I don't think it is that bad.  OK it is not that amazing either but does allow a little more variety on the Wii until a good FPS comes along.

Must remember I have a 360 LOL but there is nothing new game-wise that I can see that interests me so far this year

360, Wii and the PS3 too

Being looking at the available concoles and well have come up with this;

The Wii does not compare with the 360 or the PS3 in any way, that is not to say it is better or worse but a different concept in gaming.

It's graphics are acceptable but never going to compete with the other next-gen consoles, the games are pretty naff at the minute (Zelda being a very big exception) but looking to get better and soon.

But what it does bring to the gaming community is 'FUN', watching Mum and Dad (granny to maybe) dancing around the room in Wii Play or Sport. With the 360 or PS3 they would only look on with fear in their hearts LOL

From a personal view point I like the Wii as a fun machine and looking forward to the use of a DS as a controller and all the other good stuff they have planned.

Now for the 360, nice console some have been prone to problem (touch wood) I have not been a victim but have heard some real horror stories.  Graphically the games look good, the catalogue of available games is quite large and varied.  However I feel that something is missing (and this will probably sit in the PS3 section to) I get the impression it is a little 'up itself', concentrating to much on making the games look good but forgetting about originality and gameplay.  I am not talking fun as in the Wii because this and the PS3 are more serious game player offerings to make a point I own 23 360 games very few are completed, I think 3 grabbed me sufficiantely to bother.  The majority are played for a few days them when the newness wears off the games starts to feel like most other games in the genre, what ever that genre is.  Even the beloved Gears of War was only a FPS but with stunning graphics and enough hype to land a man on the moon (nice game but not really innovative).

Would add lots of text about the PS3 but don't own one, can't own one until March due to the usual regional rubbish that the gaming industry seems to love. But I am getting the impression from the street vib that it to may have the sickness of the 360 game offerings though we hope that we are wrong and that it will make the M$ game offerings work harder at being original but I dounbt that that will be the case.

And as a point of interest I own the Wii and the 360 with a strong hope for the PS3 subject to the UK release numbers etc. and love them all for what they bring to gaming. I don't give a damn what I play on as long as I can enjoy playing it

Wii Component Output

The Wii component cable arrived today but not 100% sure if it is an improvement on 564i using the 480p.

OK the image is crisper but due to the reduced number of lines the images' edge is slightly jagged.  It is hard to describe the difference and may not be as obvious on the NTSC(524 Lines) system over PAL (624 Lines) transmission.

Still going to live with it a little longer before I decide whether to try the RGB scart leed, don't want to end up with a cupboard full of unused cables as I normally would.

Multi Platform Fun

Well didn't get a vast amount done but I really enjoyed myself, sound a little daft  but it was.

Borrowed Butnout Revenge for the 360, not a serious racing game but fun in bucket loads.  Even more fun when you go online, have no idea what you are at but still manage not to be last.  Ok I was 3rd of 4 but that still isn't last LOL

Then I down loaded a Wii virtual console game I think called Bonk and OK the graphics are very dated it is something hysterical about a baby ( I think, he does look a little like a peanuts character) head butting his way though a level.

Then back to my old fav Zelda, I did get a save that took me past that wagon (still no idea why that seemed impossible for me) and I am flying, in fact after the wagon it feels almost to easy LOL Oh, Yes and thanks again to Roy for going above and beyond to get me sorted , I think he must have wasted the best part of a day trying to sort me out.

Right, Time for bed whilst I am still winning.