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Mii Pandemic

Yep, you heard it first here......

On my Mii parade I had noticed an odd sneeze here and there but today it is 2 in 3 Mii's sneezing.

Not sure if this is part of the AI coding or just a strange happening but very funny to watch.

Thinking of making a Mii Doctor, Nurse and a Paramedic in case things get worse LOL

Wii - Goodies

Looks like we have the New Channel at last and the best of all we now have Mario Kart 64 for 1,000 point :-)

Best racing game and it's got humour :)

Lost Planet Update

Found something I don't like and it is minor but annoying.

The Snow Pirates...

Why do they have to sound like your classic sea pirate, they sound so cornie totaly cringe worth

So much so you would expect then to have a parote on their shoulder and a wooden leg LOL

Lost Planet

The more I play this the better it gets, it will never be the game of the year but fun it is.

Feels very much like a classic 2d shooter of old eben in the way it prsents the end of level Boss.

Also until I watched a friend play the quality of graphic was mot that obvious. The best is the cloud generated with explosions the physics are excellent in the expansion and finally it's decay.

Java Error on Page

Sorry if I haven't replied to your messages but I cannot add text in the message box without getting an error.

Hope to sort and reply to you all when I have

Disaterous Evening

Switch is in place, new game in lost planet, count down to 9pm and the TV is mine, mine I say , MINE.

Well that was the plan......

My Son I mentioned in a blog around Christmas broke two bones in his hand, well he had an operation to insert 3 pins until they healed in the right position.  So yesterday at 3:30pm he was at his third physio appointment when they referred him to a doctor as he had an infection in the pins.

Not that much of a surprise as we had taken him to the doctors on Friday and he was on medication for the infection anyway. 

Well they decide that they have to operate to remove the pins and it has to be that evening.  I was at the hospital, so I drove home picked up his Mum and drove her to the hospital, was told I should go home phone everyone and she would stop there. About an hour after arriving home she calls saying nothing is happening and can I pick her up so that she can collect some stuff for him which I do.  We just get to the penultimate turn on the way back home and a call comes in to say he is just going in for the operation, about turn back to the hospital we go.  We finally got home about 11:00pm.  He looked a little shook-up as they took the pins out under a local and they had fused a little to the bones (yuck that sounded nasty how he described sorting that bit out) but he has got over the worst he may even be playing footie again in a week or two.

It's strange but I didn't feel like playing after that lot LOL

Switch and Lost Planet

OK, the component switch finally arrived, Suzanne hide it the mare :-( took me an hour to find it as I would not bribe her for the coordinates of where she had hidden it.

Finally in possession of the switch I attach both the XB360 and Wii, then for the 64k dollar question 'Picture Quality'? not that bad really slight interference but fitting a ferrite ring sorted that and image quality is an acceptable trade-off for convenience.

So loading lost planet, very much a sibling of Gears of War, graphically not as good, game play on a par and all in all a nice little game to fill the void that is Jan/Feb in the release calendar.

Not sure if I would be harder on the game if there was anything else around to compare it to but I think not.  The reviews say that it is to short and the first mission took me no time at all even with the leaving curve of the controls etc. I think I read somewhere it is about 7 hours to complete (for me that will be 24 LOL). It reminds me of the old 2d scrolling shooters where you work your way along a sent area then the big boss pops up you hit it and move on, very Capcom in feel.

Recommend giving it a try and do not judge by the demos they do not do the game justice.

Monday and Well Not That Successful a Weekend

Didn't get to play a great deal but when I did Smooth Moves caught me in the old just one more try scenario.

I need to trigger one more game on my current game set before I will move to the next set (I can move over now but principle forbides it) and it appears that I have to break the magic 30 successful games barrier and 29 is the best that I have hit so far.  Not that it matters as this game group keeps using old Ninty games as their base including Star Fox as the boss level LOL loved that back in the day and the odd snipet of Metroid Prime then a little Zelda for good measure.

Still waiting for a Component switch to arrive so that I don't have to disconnect the Wii for the 360 and visa versa but no sign, Ebay sellers seem to be in one of two catagories Fast efficiante or Crap.  This guy claimed he shipped on Wednesday from the states so mine got dispatched 2 days later on the Friday, normally US shipment takes 3-4 days currently on 10, Arghhh and then you have the positive/ negative feedback rubbish, you cannot leave negative feedback because they hold back and will give you negative in return, it should be double blind so neither knows what the other has put till you have both given it.

On a totally different noteeBay has Japanese PS3 going for $1,265 US making a profit or what LOL

Sunday and Fridays List, Huh

Well, I have done a lot this weekend just not gaming, sniff.

Finished off the last 3 Suduko in the DS Brain Training game and that was it apart from one new area in Wario Smooth moves.

Never even switched on the 360, nearly brought Lost Planet but resisted as I hated the demo but may download that again and see if I still feel the same way.

So not a wasted weekend just not an as planned one.

DS Brain Training Let Down

Nice little game in the DSs' Brain Training game, kept going back every now and then to hit the Suduko. 

I hear some of you saying 'Sado' it is just I love Suduko, any way to day I completed the last one, I had worked through the beginners, intermidiate and finally the advanced (not as hard as I had dreaded) but what a let down.  You would have thought that you would have had some acknowledgement even if it was the Hex Head but no not a thing :-( Ok the nature of the game is not the sort that you would expect fireworks or a complete cut scene but Hex Head could have popped up and said something.

Feeling good having completed it but I wanted Heax Head to say 'Congrates'