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OK, I Have Tasked the FEAR

I have gone from sceptical to sold, this is a scary game, took a little while to get there but it does work LOL

One thing I will say is to get the best out of the fire fight forget trying for surgical precision, just shoot, reload and shoot some more.

FEAR - What We Think So Far

Well, it's good and has some nice and unexpected spooky touches, it is easy to get into without overly complex controls and the like.  Graphically it's nice but the liquid effects seem a little dated though effective. Sounds if excellent, playing through a 5.1 AV or suround headphones does make you feel in the middle of something real.

Does that sound slightly subdued? it is how I am feeling about it all in all.  I am on the tail end of the 3rd section so not really gone that far into the game but at the minute it seems a little easy.  My normal game strategy is to reduce the difficulty to the min, run a couple of levels to get the feel for it then kick off again at the default level.  Well with FEAR half way through section 2 I quit and upped the dificulty as it wasn't cutting it as a training run. On the default setting things are far better but what I would has expected on the easy configuration but perhaps that all changes later in the game.

The way that they have introduced the spookyness is unexpected, not going to explain as that would spoil it but some nice touches and a very appealing part of the game.

So at the approach of level 3 completetion judgement is reserved, as much due to the lack of time I have given it as anything else.

All this said this is a nice game and I am enjoying it just not as much as I had hoped LOL

Played Gears Again

I played Gears of War again last night for the first time in an absolute age and apart from getting killed a couple of time because I forgot how to use the grenades had a blast, literally.

I had managed to down grade the graphics in my head and unlike the usual human condition of remembering things better than they really are did the reverse.  Them graphics are sweet and the sound effects added to the game experience nicely.

The game is great but still feel that the hype did more damage to the game than good, that and the lack of levels.

The funny thing is that when I was originally playing the game my Son was going on about what crap it was etc., blah, blah as teenagers do, then suddenly all this changed and Dad can I play the 360, can I play Gears, can I , Can I. 

Then it became apparent peer pressure was the cause, one of his mates has the game and he finally played it properly and realised just how nice a game it was.  He also noticed that he was getting his bottom wiped every game so has been using mine to practice his skills on LOL

By the By, Fear has arrived double quick time so expect to be playing that tonight if all goes well.

Postal Fear

Well FEAR is in the post and not just because it normally contains the bills either LOL

It was dispatched today, so tomorrow is a possibility Thursday worst case.

Fingers are cross for tomorrow

Fear, Two Fold

The first is the FEAR that I may have miss calculated my credit cards balance before placing my order for FEAR

My second FEAR is that I may pup my pants playing the game LOL

If it is half as good as I have been told I had better go by myself some night light to :roll:

Just hope Game don't take to long sending it out, could have gone to the shops but just to lazy really.

Thats Another Brown Day Done

No idea why but today was a brown day of mass proportions.

No matter how well I ducked, I caught the brown stuff right in the kisser everytime.

And the bit that cheesed me off most was it wasn't always my fault but I don't stich up even guilty people.

To give an idea how bad it has been I don't even feel like a FPS to have a kill feast, in fact I am off to bed.

Apologies all :-(

17 Already!!!

Well I new that level 16 was a quick one one less than 24 hours !

But why so quick, what did GS have in mind when they set this one up I have no idea

Magic 16

Look like level 16 is still that magic level 30% on first day, not that I am grumbling LOL


Well having just watched the film I am so glad not to have invested in the game.

The plot is one that I would normally have liked, always been a Dragon Riders of Pern fan and this comes close

But with a film that fails this badly what hope woulf the game have?  Normally games based on films don't work but this film doesn't so the games in my opinion would have been doomed.

I did try the demo and that sucked not that I have a great deal of faith in demos as they are usually early beta's at best.

You never know one day I may try the game and I will probably love it but somehow I doubt it


Played condemned for the first in a while and have decided that the attempt at adding atmosphere is in fact annoying.

They decided to reduce visibility to only that within your torches beam, very atmospheric, well at first but even in the darkest and depressing of places they have been know to use lighting.

I think what I am trying to say is that yes this does add atmosphere but a little variaty in how this is acheived would have been more enjoyable.