I didn't know that interrogation methods had to cause lasting physical harm in order to qualify as torture.-Sun_Tzu-The physical definition of torture from Websters Dictionary: tor-ture (tawr'-cher) n. the act of deliberately inflicting extreme pain as punishment or reprisal; anguish; torment; v.t. to put to torture; to inflict agony. And nowhere in that definition does it say anything about long lasting physical harm. Virtually everyone who has been waterboarded will tell you it is torture. This isn't even up for debate. This has only been a controversy since 2004, when the Bush Administration called it "enhanced interrogation". It's pretty scary how Orwell wrote about this exact thing, over a half century ago; about how language can corrupt thought. Waterboarding or any other "enhanced interrogation" method would undoubtedly be considered "cruel and unusual punishment" thus violating the 8th amendment of the constitution, and it also violates the Geneva conventions. It's not a punishment. And the Geneva Convention is a joke, do you think that any of the soldiers who are in combat operations actually fighting the terrorists would follow that thing?
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