@je29836 @Zhalor So then you just clicked on the link to not watch the video and make an asshole comment? Congrats on being what's wrong with the internet.
Danny I couldn't agree more on your assessment of the 360 and PS3. All my friends were on 360, and I bought all my games for 360 except for PS3 exclusives, and I didn't enjoy the PS3 interface and the crappy online infrastructure. But given how you've described the PS4, it looks like they made some good changes and I will be less apprehensive about picking one up eventually.
@cowshiy I agree, after watching 4 or 5 of these videos a week, and in each video there are 3 or 4 stories, and after each one she says "let me know", it gets kind of old. Maybe there's a less repetetive/more efficient way to ask people for their opinions.
Man...my first Zelda game was Ocarina of Time, and when I tried to go back and play the old top-down versions it was just unsettling for me. I'm not sure if I could make the commitment to try a top-down version again. Its too bad since it sounds like its a good game.
crazeon's comments