crazymaghie123's forum posts
It's a good idea...
...but if it was EA's idea first, everybody would be pissed.
Haha, true. I guess reputation has its dividends
i think its a good idea.
if its a really epic campaign i think it should be separated into separate parts to do it justice.... pushing all the campaigin into 1 part would be like fitting all the three lotr movies into one 3 hours movies :P
I agree.
Personally I've been playing starcraft for years and years and the races still really interest me..I think with what they are doing with Starcraft 2 and the various approaches to each Starcraft campaign we are definitely not going to be bored by a certain format since each format is going to be different. I'm sure as each product is released new units, maps, and various other things will be released too..
[QUOTE="nevereathim"][QUOTE="Lach0121"]lmao to think blizzard was making enough money off of WOW, and diablo3, (not to mention now that it is actually Activision-Blizzard, with all the money they are bringing to the table)
blizzard is far from hurting on money.. so why do they pull this????
The pull this not for money, but because they want to release the game sooner....basically if they don't release it as episodes, we are gonna have to wait a LONG time for starcraft 2
ummmm then they should of started work on it sooner... they had the better part of a decade easily to do excuse.. and if you think its not for money... then i feel for you.. its business..
if its not for money... then see SC- ep1 as 20 dolllars, and the following 2 episodes 20 dollars each.. if they are more, than it is for the money.....
Their RTS team hasn't just been sitting around. They started work on Starcraft 2 immediatly after Warcraft 3. The project is just extremely ambitious.
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