crazymaghie123's forum posts
Are there any games that play like PvP in WoW, War, and Aoc where you don't have to level up your character or get gear but the combat is similar to those games and you just join servers or what not?
Anyone know?
I had a friend named Bert who used to play with the kids in the street, help them build go karts, race them, make tree houses and stuff, until he started playing that devil game World of Warcraft.
Soon after he started playing, there were no longer kids playing in the street in their go karts, no kids swinging on their tree swings and playing in their tree houses because those tree houses had been neglected and fallen apart.
After a while, he put on a lot of weight, and as a result of stayng up for what became 2 weeks of non-stop WoW raiding without sleep, he drank so much coffee. Due to his weight, he decided to switch to artificial sweetner in his coffee. The amount of coffee he drank, along with that sweetner caused him to get cancer.
He died earlier this year from it.
I helped my friend's family sue Blizzard however (I am currently voted and awarded the best lawyer in the country), for mental damages they inflicted upon him which drew him to a the life he lost and to the life he changed to.
I settled out of court (which is why you don't read it in media)with Blizzard for the sum of $6.233 million US dollars, which his mother and I split. I now live in a rather luxurious house in the tropics.
haha, absolutely hilarious...
To all the people blaming World of Warcraft they should be blaming themselves or their friends. People need to have self control. WoW like every good thing is only good in moderation. Blaming WoW takes the blame off what should be the people..
Starcraft 2. But i will laugh when it gets overhyped and people are dissapointed happens it seems... Which is why I never overhype games :D. I think starcraft 2 will be fun though just hope people dont' get over excited otherwize like every other great game it will "suck" when its actually good.blade55555
I had huge hype and when I played the SC2 demo 7 times at pax it never dissapointed haha..but I know what you're saying..Its has happened to me before
[QUOTE="crazymaghie123"]FunCom=Age of Conan
Both=Forced out too early hahaha
WoW was forced out too early also.
People were screaming bloody murder the first 2 months it was out. Servers constantly cashed, severe lag; people thought the game would never take off.
Yes, but people are less forgiving these days. They leave WoW and if the game isn't good enough right from the beginning they go back or quit altogether.
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