Guess no one is? Didnt think this game would be that popular anyways, seems like a crappy console port. IxX3xil3d0n3XxIIt's a good game, just a little buggy in places. To answer your question, I have not had save problems at all and I'm nearing the end of the game.
creaturemagic's forum posts
Oh noez, someone does not like the game from the grorious game dev. Quick someone call the "special forces" of the fanboy platoon. Oh wait, they are (or rather he is) already here.
And no the ad populum arguement does nto work either, sure WoW does well at what it does. But WoW is subjective and clearly the shallow carrot on a stick progression and the "guitar hero/simon says" PvE clearly doesnt appeal to him.
Are you saying that I'm a Blizzard fanboy? lol....I started a topic the other day saying that TL2 was better than D3. I hate starcraft and I don't even play WoW though I think it's a great game. So fanboy....sure if that makes you feel better.
Again with crap games out there like Tera how can anyone say that WoW is the worst mmo ever? Sure some might not like it but it has done really well for a reason.
It's funny that when someone says World of Warcraft is terrible and the worst MMO they've played, you get all defensive and argumentative and start telling the user that he/she surely cannot have that opinion because you and 9 million other casual gamers love it. But you will happily call another MMO crap as if your opinion is above everyone elses. If you like WoW, fine. If you hate Tera, fine. But don't go around telling other people their opinion is wrong only to offer your opinion up as if its gospel.Was initially exited to try this after following gameplay footages and all. Bought for 10$ and after 30+ hours, uninstalled it after trying out all the weapons and upgrades. Won't be coming back as opposed to Chivalry or red orchestra 2. I can expect marines will lose and aliens will win. I can't find any challenge to keep going since once you play enough hours you seen it all. Hell I finished hotline miami in an evening and expect to come back to it in the future.synxzIt cost me $15 to go see a 2 hour movie. 30+ hours of entertainment for $10 is a bargain. Why are you complaining, 30 hours is a substantial amount of fun for $10.
>.< So tempting! xD Do it! Buy it! $10 buys very little there days, if you want hundreds of hours of fun for $10, Why the hell haven't you bought NS2![QUOTE="jettpack"]
Gah, ive been playing it... natural selection 2. is so ******** dope. SOO DOPE. its great. everybody should buy it. please please please. please please. buy it and chivalry. they are the two must fun multiplayer games ive played in forever.
[QUOTE="Ravenshout"]Starcraft 2 sold more than both games combined.
That is one way of looking at it. I prefer to look at number of widely acclaimed games.
Planetary Annihilation, the kickstarter project that raised over two million dollars, is one of our best hopes for the genre.
Starcraft 2 is also more highly acclaimed than Civ 5 and X-Com, as well as being one of the best acclaimed RTS ever.I agree, however, that the RTS genre is in stagnancy in terms of number of quality titles. I think Blizzard's genre dominance is partly to be blamed: It scares off other developers.
Relic have interesting concepts, but they don't execute nearly as well as Blizzard, and this is because of one thing: budget.
I might even go as far as saying that Sc2 alone probably cost more to develop than Coh, Coh2, Dow2 combined.
Bit of a Blizzard lover eh? Relic's Company of Heroes received a 93/100 on Metacritic, matching Starcraft 2's 93/100. So, while SC2's budget was 10 times that of Relics, Relic still made a top quality game. "Sc2 alone probably cost more to develop than Coh, Coh2, Dow2 combined." Funny, I love CoH and DoW2, I hate SC2 :p
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