crucifine's forum posts
Everything associated with the dominance of amateur music making, from trashy web sites that pretend they can teach one how to properly play an instrument online, to the swarms of untalented hacks that are glorified by an easily amused mob, to the obsession with image over musicianship. Given that all this crap is indirectly the result of the commercialization of the art form, one could say that the infusion of capitalism into music making is the biggest non-death-related tragedy in music.
pianist is the biggest punk on OT. Well said.
Perhaps I might get into trouble if I say this in front of people from the mass media. Games are not a work of art. It's actually a product. If we think of it as a work of art, then... when we think about Picasso and Van Gogh's paintings, the end result is beauty, so it doesn't matter if you sell it or not. However for games, it's a product. It is a commodity. The producer has to think about that.Keiji InafuneTruth or fiction? I personally agree with him. Games can be artistic, with moments of beautiful experience that can be pretty awe-inspiring, but I still find it hard to think of games as art. IMO, for works within a particular medium to be considered art, the artists creating those works should be able to create them spontaneously, working more from bursts of inspiration than they do from corporate-style committee planning. It's been proven time an time again that video games are a form of art. However keep in mind, art is normally sold as a I suppose its both. Its art, a product and a form of entertainment. :) How is it "proven"? Individual assets within a game can be considered art (the story, the music, the art style itself), but I still do not consider the game as a whole "art." Art isn't just entertainment, either; it should be personal as much as it is intended for the public. It's hard for a game to be personal when every aspect of its design is decided by committee.
John Milton sold Paradise Lost to a bookstore owner for ten dollars. Just throwing that out there, even if it is irrelevant.
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