Other scientists: Hey, that bottle was full when we gave it to you! Bush: I swear to god, officer, I haven't drank anything. Other scientists: And that's not even alcohol! Bush: It's not? Other scientists: No, it's diluted bull semen. Bush: That would explain the salt...
I've read it, and I hate it. It says I should be dead because I work on Sundays. It's also quite poorly written, as many of its plot points are repeated more than once, main ideas are given and then taken away. I normally love fantasy books, but this one was awful.
Not a modern recent movie you saw and disliked. We're discussing the true banes of the film industry.
Thus far, I think Surf Nazis Must Die still takes the cake. I'm surprised no one has listed some blacxplotation films yet.
Worst movie ever is (somewhat) officially held by Manos, the Hands of Fate . Whereas most bad movies are occasionally entertaining to watch for their badness, this one couldn't even pull that off. There were maybe three actors, and a scene that had nothing but five minutes of driving through a field.
The guy who said "Benderist"...his quote is from Hunter S. Thompson's novel Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. For those of you who don't know, Hunter S. Thompson was one of the most liberal journalists ever alive.
And I don't know why this thread isn't locked yet, political discussion always ends in flame wars.
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