crucifine's forum posts
Mike Patton- Crazy range of styles and languages
Chris Cornell- Alot of soul, range and ability
Mikeal Akerfedlt- Vocals ranging from melodic folk to death. He also plays incredibly complex guitar lines while singing.
I don't get why so many people get hung up on Maynard. He has no range and his flows repeat constantly. I heard the new Tool and either they've replaced him with a worse singer or he has gotten worse. Maybe people love the lyrical content but as a vocalist, he isn't very special.
Probably the same reason I don't get why people get hung up on Mikael Akerfeldt. His guitar lines ain't all that complex, it's just a matter of tuning the guitar correctly. The thing with Keenan is that his voice is very hard to replicate, and their music is complicated as all heck, so there aren't nearly as many Tool cover bands as there are Opeth or Alice In Chains, etc.
[QUOTE="Sheik_Yerbouti_"]7.5 / 10 (i.e. full marks for the first 3 picks, 0 for the last one)WitchsightBecause you dont know it, or dont like it? And also Blood Mountain is about 10$ right now... I really liked the story behind Leviathan, and the music is great too. Is it more of the same? I wouldn't know, all I can tell you is that I really liked Blood Mountain. I haven't listened to anything of Leviathan.
Im not a paid professional but I also have great experience with building computers and I have seen this occur more than once with this exact PSU...thats the only reason I strongly believe it is the PSU...jwat4I'm probably gonna just buy a new cheap one then, lower wattage, because this is only gonna have to survive for another 8 months (except the hard drives are gonna come with me). thanks fellas.
It's much better for you than cigarettes, without the addiction potential.
[QUOTE="crucifine"]*bump* If it helps, I have an Antec 550w True something or other that's almost 2 years old, haven't added anything to it since the time I installed the PSU, it just suddenly started doing this about a month ago.cspiffoDid you change operating systems recently? Does the power button on the front work at all? Nope...I don't know what it is. Sometimes, when I start it up like this, it doesn't load all the programs it normally loads, either.
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