@Lacerz: Had I known that I would get better specs two years down the line, I wouldn't had bought my ps4. And I think I speak for a lot of people. Mid gen upgrades consoles isn't the trend and many many people will feel cheated.
Can't believe some people are OK with this. You're being shat upon people. The upgraded ps4 version will be the definitive version, vanilla ps4 will be sub par 30 fps.
You're getting screwed by Sony by being offered a second rate gaming experience. Had people know earlier that there will be an upgraded pd4, I'm certain there wouldn't have been 39 million ps4s sold till now.
@rlg5150: That's why people buy consoles, soo that they don't have to upgrade it constantly and get an uniform gaming experience as all other console owners.
Believe it or not, they are very few people who buy consoles for exclusives. It's because of ease of use and just plug and play.
@rmiller365: You're just shitting on the early adopters by launching a better model in just 2.5 years. Why should the early adopters get a second-hand gaming experience?
This will be financial suicide for Sony coz when the next console cycle comes, nobody will buy the ps5 as they'll be waiting for an upgradable model.
Crusadernights' comments