@domiddian: Maybe reread your original post and think why I may have started by asking that question.
I won't own Battlefiel...I mean Battlefront. However, I'm not really interested in old big AAA games. I've played most of them. I'm interested in retaining the classic releases I own like Bomberman, Daytona USA, Virtua Fighter 5, Streets of Rage, PacMan CE, Simpsons Arcade game...well, you get the point.
@orochipunisher: Well, it sure isn't because of exclusive AAA games. It isn't value. It isn't features. It must be resolution then. If it isn't marketing, Microsoft revealing, then it must be resolution.
@orochipunisher: Microsoft was promoting the system capabilities and felt that they didn't need to speak much about games since people already knew that it was a gaming machine. Poor oversight on their part. There's really no such thing as being a gaming machine first and entertainment hub second. That was just brilliant marketing on Sony's behalf. More interesting is that it allowed Sony to market positively fir a system that was missing tons of features. PR spin at its finest.
@Random_Matt: Cool story bro. Now where's the real one? You've been anti Microsoft and trolling Microsoft/Xbox articles far before the Xbox One released. It is interesting how trolls need to make up stories due to their bias.
@Jdzspace: Ahhh...Tomb Raider...the same franchise that became exclusive to Sony on the PSOne and PS2. You do realize that PS4 will get Tomb Raider, right? Xbox One will not get SFV. However, I do believe Xbox One will get it's cousin...SFV Arcade Edition.
@silversix_: So you're going to pretend that Sony didn't just announce micro transactions for Uncharted 4? At least Halo 5 players won't have to invest in new map packs as they all will be provided for free. In fact, Microsoft has been offering the best value when compared to Sony. Backwards compatibility is not behind a paywall. Xbox One owners now get 4 free games a month to play on Xbox One. They off substantially better bundles. Xbox One owners get free TV DVR. Xbox One owners have the option for EA Access. Xbox One owners are getting better deals with publishers offering BC games with the purchase of the latest title. Microsoft offers free One Drive storage for your game saves. Microsoft offers the ability to use external hard drives. Microsoft continues to add features and improve their system UI. Yeah, they are surely getting milked.
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