@neowarrior793: You can earn a gold pack within a few hours. Also, the way the game is designed in game, it's really impossible to use your cards in an unfair way. I earned my battle rifle loadout within the first 2 hours playing. I see absolutely little reason to spend money on packs unless you really want the cosmetic gear.
@rlg5150: I'm not a fanboy, just a realist. I don't need multiple consoles when I own one that has games in different resolutions. You're ignoring factors like AA and upscaling that make it truly difficult to see.
@adam_nox: It should be noted. Only Sony fanboys can see the difference. Well, only if they read there's a difference first. These are the same guys who thought Killzone was fully 1080p. They couldn't tell the difference until it was reported.
@txoutlawtx: Lol...okay buddy. You sure you're not mistaking that with AA or intentional motion blur effects? GTA5 is 1080p and it looks like shit due to jaggies caused by a lack of AA. Playing through Halo 5, I can't tell when the resolution shifts. Also, the Xbox One has a great upscale that makes it even more challenging to discern differences. As an Xbox One owner, I've played games in many resolutions. You can get jaggies and blur on 1080p. Just look at Forza5. It literally does not look 1080p.
@adam_nox: It doesn't help that both consoles also provide adequate upscalers. Also, with proper use of AA, it makes it even more challenging. I have Titanfall which is 792p and GTA5 which is 1080p, but Titanfall has better AA and comes out looking cleaner. I have to hand it to Sony though for their marketing of this "importance"
@metalhead9806: Ignore him. He's the typical insecure fanboy troll. If you put both versions in front of his face, he wouldn't have a clue which was which.
@TristanPR77: Yep, that's something to brag about for sure. Put both side by side and they'll look identical. I'm thinking, if all the PS4 can do is have a marginally better resolution, then is it because the Xbox One isn't as weak as it seems, or that the PS4 isn't as powerful as it seems. I'm going with the latter.
@cojuelodevil: Blind or stupid to what? You're telling me you can easily see the difference between 1080p and 900p? The only way you can really tell between the two is on paper that tells you there's a difference. Pretty much every single comparison video posted has literally proved a fail for discerning the differences between the two consoles. The biggest difference between both systems, visually to the eye, is their color output. Heck, I've been playing Halo 5 and Witcher 3, and in no way can I see the resolution changing. That's with 20/20 vision, 50 inch plasma, sitting about 6 to 8 feet away.
@timmyp1982: I think it is something that you're hoping to happen more than the reality of it. Nintendo has the most profitable first party games, and those who buy Nintendo, invest highly in them. It doesn't take Nintendo to sell 50 million consoles to be profitable. However, Nintendo consoles will never make a dent in the market if they can't bring good 3rd party support to their consoles. They have been struggling to do so since the N64 days (also didn't help that Sony paid royally to get publishers to publish only on PlayStation).
Nintendo may never have the success of the Wii again. However, Nintendo will explode financially once they go mobile. While people here have been questioning Nintendo's new focus on mobile, I already know that their franchises will be a booming success in the mobile market. Heck, Sonic Dash has been a big hit for Sega. You put Mario and Zelda on a mobile platform, it'll be money that never stops coming in.
I personally do not think the NX will make a big splash on the market. The problem with the WiiU was that it was rushed. It came with too many 3DS ports, confusing marketing, and literally put out there with little market research. It will never catch on. I, too, have a WiiU, and yes...it has some good exclusives, but there is so much wrong with it. The UI is inane, online...though free...is no more advanced than Xbox Live in 2002. Nintendo needs to rid of the restrictions to protect the children. I want to voice chat in Mario Kart. Why can't I? Provide a parental lock that bans voice chat and leave it to the parents.
I don't see Nintendo failing financially. They've built a good system where much of their development titles can be reskinned and altered without having to continue to create games from the ground up. However, Nintendo will never be the #1 console on the market again.
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