@livedreamplay: The list will be released on Monday, they already said that. Also, Borderlands, Just Cause 2, Fallout 3, Dirt 3, and all Gears of War releases, have been confirmed. Many of those games take great advantage of the 360 hardware, so it isn't unreasonable to believe that the emulator will be fine running most games. I also think Halo Reach is going to be a part of it as well considering it's shown on their BC PR picture.
@Swoopalz: it was a hardware bottleneck that they solved with software. The architecture between the 360 and Xbox One would not directly allow BC, but they figured out a way to do it through software emulation. Nobody thought it was actually possible (people claiming the Xbox One was too weak). I'm sure the development of the emulator was not something that they were able to write overnight, and in 2013, they most likely did think it wasn't possible. If it were, then I'm sure they'd rather have it in the beginning of the console's life to spur better initial sales.
@domiddian: In what way did I act offended or like a child? You made a generalized statement about how BC in past consoles didn't mean/do much, and I provided a reasoning on why it is more valuable with the presence of digital libraries. You're the one who is spouting off its lack of importance because it isn't important to everyone. Sure, it isn't, but it is also important to many.
Twitch streaming isn't important to everyone. Game DVR isn't important to everyone. Taking screenshots, posting on social sites, multiplayer, and so on, are all things that are not important to everyone. However, the more features provided, the versatility the console provides for everyone. So you're just proving my assertion that you're dense.
Xbox 360/PS3 is home to a ton of classics. Whether it is playing Bomberman, Simpsons Arcade game, Outrun, Daytona USA, Castlevania, Turtles Arcade game, and so on, these games could possibly be enjoyed once again. They still will play online, and you have the benefit of using Twitch, Game DVR, Upload Studio, and screenshots, which are all added bonuses that go beyond the 360. These are all things that previous BC did not allow. I don't understand why you think you have an argument here.
@joshrmeyer: WiiU is below Xbox One. Like I said, the article you're referring to isn't counting sports games (Fifa, Madden, NHL, NBA2K) all run 1080p 60fps. You also have Halo MCC, Forza 6, Diablo 3, Tony Hawk 5 (which I'm sure the WiiU could run too), Outlast, Sniper Elite, WWE2K16, Dark Souls 2, Borderlands, Gears of War, Devil May Cry 3, and Saints Row 4. I did not include sequels ( like counting Forza 5 and 6), indies, or dynamic resolutions. I specifically found games that I know the WiiU would not be able to outperform under the same benchmarks.
@The_Mystery_Box: no, not the preview list, the 100 games list.
You said, "Unfortunately most of those 100 games are some crapo indie titles nobody cares about."
This implies that you have the list since you know they will be crapo indie titles and you know that it is a gimmick. I guess Borderlands, Fallout 3, Gears of War 1 2 3, Dirt 3, and Just Cause 2 are all crapo indie titles. These games have all been confirmed.
@joshrmeyer: it's supposed to be around 200 by the beginning of the new year. I do know that Sega announced that Streets of Rage will be BC, so there's already one game I know is coming. I already own Dirt 3, so there's another one.
I'm not expecting every game I own to be on the list. The fact is, there is value when any game I did own appears on the list. Before E3, that number was 0. My Xbox One game library will continue to grow on its own. I'm hoping for Virtua Fighter 5 to make the cut out of all the games I own, as well as Outrun. These are classic games that will never be made again, and the 360 is full of such classics. I can't wait to play Bomberman Live again.
@joshrmeyer: No, they are not marginally better. Maybe the remasters, but because they are remasters. Forza 6 crushes Forza 4 in graphics. Halo 4 on the 360 pushed the 360 to its max, and with it came erratic frame rates and a declined resolution, something of which was no problem on Xbox One to be 1080p and 60fps. Compare Forza Horizon 2 between 360 and Xbox One.
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