So yeah. Looks like my PS4 is dead. For the last few weeks i've been getting random safe mode restarts. I power it off and restore it to default settings and it usually last a few days, but then back to square one.
Is it worth doing a fully system erase or should i just send out for a new one? If it's already doing this less than a year after i bought it, seems like i've got a dude on my hands.
Anyone any experience with this?
cyclops10's forum posts
Uncharted and Zelda. Fallout will have too many bugs to score a 10.
No matter how good the game is, practice like this is utterly disappointing.
GOTY my ass. Witcher 3 takes the top spot by far now.
by far? lmao no. Dat reaching.
MGS5 has The Witcher 3 beat in pretty much every single aspect. Graphics, performance, presentation, gameplay, combat, story and voice acting. The Witcher 3 has it beat in terms of side quest content and scope. I have played 50 hours of MGS5 and have encountered zero bugs. I have numerous side quests in the Witcher 3 that are unable to be completed due to quest breaking bugs and don't even get me started on how many times i have had to reload old save files. MGS5 runs at 60 fps, the console version of the Witcher 3 can barely manage 30 most of the time.
The Witcher 3 is a great game, Metal Gear Solid 5 is a masterpiece. And this is coming from someone who's actually played both games.
what's the grinding like? If it's a somewhat fun time-sink then I don't see the big issue. Game companies have to find new sources of money. They might as well milk the rich kids who don't have the patience. If the grinding is tedious and boring then I would agree. The execution of a concept is much more critical than the principle of it.
It depends on how much you focus on Mother Base throughout your game. If you ignore it...then yeah, it's going to be grindy. I had to ''grind'' about an hour to unlock the full ending. But it also depends on your overall skill level obviously
Well, I refuse to be reactionary about this until I know for certain whether MB Coins can be earned in game or not as an alternative for paying with real money; that's usually how the microtransaction trumped up false fiasco scenarios go down but everyone bitches anyways, it's ridiculous.
They can't be earned in game, Konami confirmed it.
Actually you DO earn them in game. It's right there in the article on the GS news page.
People seem to need to actually learn about the damn situation before freaking out over nothing.
The article said that, currently, you can only earn 80 MB coins for logging in. Additional FOBs cost anywhere from 1000-1700 MB coins so while you could probably be able to afford an additional base within a few weeks you're still at a severe disadvantage to someone who's paying real money. The whole system reeks of mobile game bullshit.
HOWEVER: you're not locked out of experiencing FOBs if you choose not to pay. Having one FOB is what the majority of players will do, and since additional FOBs means more room for enemies to sneak in and steal your shit, you're not necessarily paying to win the game here. And of course the fantastic single-player game is all still here, and the "true ending" is still obtainable without engaging in FOBs at all (people managed to unlock it when the game got leaked, before servers were live and FOBs were even available--which doesn't take as long as charizard is making it out to be).
All in all this whole situation isn't even similar to the MCC. It sucks, but you're not prevented from playing any parts of the game. And since the GS review accounts for the single-player, why should it change?
I'm not saying the review should be changed at all, I am just disgusted that such a good game is being brought down by something as scummy as this.
Then you should edit your posts as they are full of misinformation.
I really don't give a ****. This game is a goddamn masterpiece and while hiding additional FOBs behind a paywall is scummy it doesn't negate the rest of the game, which is mindblowing.
"Protest" this game by not purchasing it if you're fine with not playing the best game this year, and the best game this generation.
I know, right? The reactionary hyperbolic circlejerking would be funny if it wasn't so obnoxious and ill-informed. Don't waste our time with your BS ''OMG Pre-Order cancelled!!!! OMG BOYCOTTDOCKTHESCORE'' basic ass vanilla posts about a game this amazing when we all KNOW there's no way any of you claiming this will cancel your pre-orders/pre-ordered in the first place. And if you are? Well that just makes you an idiot seeing as the micro-transactions are totally avoidable unless you're lazy/an idiot.
@uninspiredcup: This is the sort of thing that will stick with people in regards to the game's perception in the long run. Yes, it may have gotten 10/10s, but the brand is tainted, and this stunt will be at the forefront of everybody's minds when the awards season comes around.
'GotY' my ass.
I disagree, I'm not going to let some garbage publisher change my perceptions of this amazing game just because of some non-essential micro-transactions. I got the 100 percent ending really easy as i was all over Mother Base throughout the game.
I think it's unfair to the men and women who put their heart and soul into this game to take it out of the GOTY contendership because of some suits. Plus, it's a much more complete game than The Witcher 3. Not a single bug throughout.
Also i fail to see how Arkham Knight can be considered a failure? lol what? Obviously the PC version was a disaster but that's unrelated to DLC practices.
It's not great. Trying to navigate the store is tedious.
Not surprised, but the number of 10's GS is handing out these days is kind of devaluing it for the metagame.
Or maybe it's just been an amazing year for gamers?
The Boss and Liquid Ocelot fights are without a doubt the most emotionally charged fights of the entire series. Nothing comes close. Rex Vs Ray is also up there for pure fan service.
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