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#1 cyclops10
Member since 2004 • 696 Posts

@blackace said:
@cyclops10 said:
@blackace said:
@babyjoker1221 said:

Sony's E3 basically consisted of them showing 3Rd party games, begging for money, and an UC4 that didn't want to play. Poor show.

Uncharted 4 didn't look as good as it's initial reveal. It didn't look as good as last years demo they showed. Doesn't really matter though, because the game actually looks fun. More fun then The Last Guardian and Horizons. What's funny is most of these games are multiplats. FFVII remake is coming Kickstarter hits like $4 million, it could come to the XB1 easily. With Win10/DX12, it would be an easy port from the PC. Wouldn't cost them much at all.

You really think the budget of Shenmue 3 is only 2 million? lmao.

Shenmue 2 cost like, 70 million, and that game is almost 15 years old.

They are only asking for 2 million on their Kickstarter, which they will make easily. They are already over $1 million in just a few hours. I'm assuming they already have some funds for the game.

Right. I figure Sony will be funding the majority of the budget. We'll see i guess.

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#2 cyclops10
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@cainetao11 said:
@GoldenElementXL said:
@mems_1224 said:
@GoldenElementXL said:

Every gaming journalist rolls their eyes whenever someone talks about "winning" E3 but leave it to Gamespot to throw fuel in the fire.

I will play along since they started it. Sony "won" by a long shot. Their conference was like Cow fan-fiction come to life. Microsoft was ok but there were no "wow" moments like Sony had tonight.

I expect Nintendo to bring it tomorrow too though. Will there be a re-vote once Nintendo goes, @GameSpot or do they not count?

What wow moments did Sony have exactly? A dull looking TLG demo that they had to show? The FF7 remake thats a multiplat? Announcing a kickstarter for a multiplat?

Those were all big announcements to games that people care about. Multiplat or not those were "wow" moments in their conference. They had a much bigger impact than Halo 5 or Gears did for Microsoft. It's not a good thing when announcing backwards compatibility is the big moment of your show.

Well that's subjective I suppose, because Gears 4, Halo 5, Ashen, Recore were more exciting to me. FF7 is a JRPG so that's hot garbage to me, TLG isn't winning a show for me when it was shown to me 6 years ago, Shenmue Kickstarter? LOL Oh wait maybe it was the PS Vue?

The problem is, is that your making the conference about yourself, and not the bigger picture/gaming community as a whole.

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#3  Edited By cyclops10
Member since 2004 • 696 Posts

@charizard1605 said:
@super600 said:
@darkspineslayer said:

Go home everybody. Sony dropped some goddamn nuclear warheads tonight.

The nuclear warheads dropped were awesome, but somewhat predictable and not super shocking because of all the rumors that popped up related to those three games.A lot of the stuff shown in sony's conference was predictable in my opinion.


I know. Lol, most ridiculous comment i've read on the internet in months, and that's saying something.

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#4 cyclops10
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@sailor232 said:
@cyclops10 said:
@sailor232 said:
@cyclops10 said:
@sailor232 said:
@cyclops10 said:

Sony obliterated them. 3 of the most mythical games in one night? It will go down in history.

Sure, the fanbois will make it about multiplats, but for the true gamers among us? We won.

"we" as in a whole? because thats what multiplatform games are, available to all. So we all won then, not just Sony.

Did i not just say that?

Well, those of us that aren't limited in our choices and interests.

But in terms of overall hype? The Sony conference provided the most, easily.

True it did provide the most hype, but the hype is really empty when you think about it. Games can be played on other systems, will not be coming out anytime soon, dam Shenmue is a Kickstarter game lol.

What "Mythical" games did Sony show? I'd like to break them down.

You're acting like a butthurt fanboy tbh. Just enjoy the fact that we're going to get three amazing games(hopefully), finally. Well, unless you don't own a PS4/Gaming PC.

No Im buying a ps4 for Uncharted, like I did the Ps3 for Uncharted 2. You stated something that "Sony obliterated them (obviously meaning Microsoft), and now you have no claims to back that up with, System wars at its finest. Then go on to say I'm butthurt, a typical fanboy reaction when called out.

The Sony conference broke Neogaf and Kickstarter, Microsoft's didn't. I don't have to make ''false'' claims when you only need to look at the various social media responses to both conferences. The Microsoft conferences was strong, Cuphead looks beautiful. But it just wasn't on the same level as the Sony one which was like some sort of Fan Fiction.

But whatever, i'm clearly talking to someone who's desperately negative.. I'll be over here excited for to play so many of the amazing games shown off today.

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#5 cyclops10
Member since 2004 • 696 Posts

@blackace said:
@babyjoker1221 said:

Sony's E3 basically consisted of them showing 3Rd party games, begging for money, and an UC4 that didn't want to play. Poor show.

Uncharted 4 didn't look as good as it's initial reveal. It didn't look as good as last years demo they showed. Doesn't really matter though, because the game actually looks fun. More fun then The Last Guardian and Horizons. What's funny is most of these games are multiplats. FFVII remake is coming Kickstarter hits like $4 million, it could come to the XB1 easily. With Win10/DX12, it would be an easy port from the PC. Wouldn't cost them much at all.

You really think the budget of Shenmue 3 is only 2 million? lmao.

Shenmue 2 cost like, 70 million, and that game is almost 15 years old.

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#6 cyclops10
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@uninspiredcup said:
@FrozenLiquid said:
@uninspiredcup said:
@PurpleMan5000 said:

@uninspiredcup: I will never donate to any Kickstarter campaign.

I'm not inherently against it, but it's baffling that no alarm bells are ringing.

I get people LIKE the game, but doesn't this even seem just a teeny weeny bit suspect. Just a tiny teeny bit. Like, grand canyon miles wide size?

Look at it this way, if someone was up their at an Activision or EA stage asking for a kickstarter, everyone on this forum would be raising an eye-brow, without qeastion.


There are no alarm bells ringing. It's not a game that's being published by Sony.

Shenmue 1 wasn't a commercial success. Shenmue 2 wasn't a commercial success. The series had been dead for 14 years because no one wanted to fund a commercially unsuccessful series.

The reason they have chosen a Kickstarter is because Yu Suzuki wants to know if fans will put their money where their mouth is. Using the Sony conference and being released on the PS4 is simply free marketing Suzuki did not have to pay for.

Making stuff up.

Not a valid argument.

Its common sense. No executive is going to fund a cult came of this cost of they don't know if there is interest out there.

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#7 cyclops10
Member since 2004 • 696 Posts

@sailor232 said:
@cyclops10 said:
@sailor232 said:
@cyclops10 said:

Sony obliterated them. 3 of the most mythical games in one night? It will go down in history.

Sure, the fanbois will make it about multiplats, but for the true gamers among us? We won.

"we" as in a whole? because thats what multiplatform games are, available to all. So we all won then, not just Sony.

Did i not just say that?

Well, those of us that aren't limited in our choices and interests.

But in terms of overall hype? The Sony conference provided the most, easily.

True it did provide the most hype, but the hype is really empty when you think about it. Games can be played on other systems, will not be coming out anytime soon, dam Shenmue is a Kickstarter game lol.

What "Mythical" games did Sony show? I'd like to break them down.

You're acting like a butthurt fanboy tbh. Just enjoy the fact that we're going to get three amazing games(hopefully), finally. Well, unless you don't own a PS4/Gaming PC.

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#8  Edited By cyclops10
Member since 2004 • 696 Posts

Nobody in the industry has the same level of presentation as ND.

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#9 cyclops10
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@strothers101 said:

@cyclops10: I literally couldnt care less about any of those games...and I am sure I am not the only one.

Who gives a shit about how you feel.

I'm talking about the gaming community as a whole.

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#10 cyclops10
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@xhawk27 said:
@Heil68 said:

They need some after loosing E3 this year.

So they lost to what an eight year old game with PS3 graphics.

Because graphics are what make games great.

Can't believe people still use this argument in 2015. Must be the COD generation.