Can you imagine a TLG/FF7/Shenmu trio? Greatest E3 conference ever? Obviously it's too good to be true. The universe won't let us have it.
I won't be surprised if none of the turn up and we're all crushingly dissapointed.
cyclops10's forum posts
There is no doubt people want a FF7 remake in the millions.. It's been going on for more than a decade. People want it. End of story. But I just don't see how this can be possible at this point in time. We already know SE are extremely busy around the clock creating FFXV and KH3, amongst other games. So how in hells name are they going to deliver a FF7 remake by 2017 LOL?! FFXV alone has taken nearly 10 years to create. Unless this is just a enhancement to the original game with proper HD prerendored backgrounds, redone characters, redone soundtrack plus voice. I would be okay with that actually. At least it would be better than a simple PC port..
This is what i expect tbh. Redone character models and backgrounds and an overhauled script/battle system.
I highly doubt we're going to get a whole new engine for it. Not with a 17 release date.
Know what is better than backwards compatibility?
Having games this gen.
I'm in the same boat. I haven't played a last gen game since i crossed over. Why would i want to? I mean, it's great for those that do, but it's not something i ever cared about.
The best thing about this is that it's going to force Sony to respond.
Jesus don't we have this thread every month?
It was ok i guess? Too many sequels.
Cuphead is the only game on the One that makes me want to buy it tbh. Looks beautiful.
This is really starting to piss me off.... How about instead of remaking games in the classic franchise you MAKE new games likened to the old? There's a thought huh? No one wants the shit thy are shoveling out now. Fans want turn based, exploration, card game, leveling system, magic, etc. Get it done.
Everyone is demanding a NEW and GOOD FF and a DQ, but the idiots keep shoveling out dog crap that no one wants but continues to buy because they "hope."
Nobody wants a FF7 remake? LMAO. It will be the biggest gaming news of the year if it's legit. >>>>>>>Fallout 4
I'm not talking about any one game, I meant in general...... However, if you think a FF7 remake would be a bigger announcement then Fallout 4 you are truly hilarious. FF7 isn't even the best FF game in scores and isn't even in my top 3.
I was a fan of FF 7-10, but what I mean is INSTEAD of remakes, how about making a new game similar to the play styles... I'm sure you can wrap your mind around that if you try.
Who cares about scores lol? FF7 has the biggest legacy of any JRPG, and will sell by the bucket load. And if you think the Fallout 4 announcement is bigger then you must be new to gaming/the internet. FF7R has been hyped for over ten years now to the point the remake has almost become this mythical thing. Read the neogaf thread, people can't actually believe its happening.
SE are making new games? What are you on about? FF15 and Bravely Default? Your posts reads as whining for the sake of whining tbh.
I never said anyone cares about scores...etc etc lots of crying.
God damn this post was so embarrassing and cringe i'm just going to leave you alone now. Clearly you have some sort of psychological issues around FF7.
This is really starting to piss me off.... How about instead of remaking games in the classic franchise you MAKE new games likened to the old? There's a thought huh? No one wants the shit thy are shoveling out now. Fans want turn based, exploration, card game, leveling system, magic, etc. Get it done.
Everyone is demanding a NEW and GOOD FF and a DQ, but the idiots keep shoveling out dog crap that no one wants but continues to buy because they "hope."
Nobody wants a FF7 remake? LMAO. It will be the biggest gaming news of the year if it's legit. >>>>>>>Fallout 4
I'm not talking about any one game, I meant in general...... However, if you think a FF7 remake would be a bigger announcement then Fallout 4 you are truly hilarious. FF7 isn't even the best FF game in scores and isn't even in my top 3.
I was a fan of FF 7-10, but what I mean is INSTEAD of remakes, how about making a new game similar to the play styles... I'm sure you can wrap your mind around that if you try.
Who cares about scores lol? FF7 has the biggest legacy of any JRPG, and will sell by the bucket load. And if you think the Fallout 4 announcement is bigger then you must be new to gaming/the internet. FF7R has been hyped for over ten years now to the point the remake has almost become this mythical thing. Read the neogaf thread, people can't actually believe its happening.
SE are making new games? What are you on about? FF15 and Bravely Default? Your posts reads as whining for the sake of whining tbh.
This is really starting to piss me off.... How about instead of remaking games in the classic franchise you MAKE new games likened to the old? There's a thought huh? No one wants the shit thy are shoveling out now. Fans want turn based, exploration, card game, leveling system, magic, etc. Get it done.
Everyone is demanding a NEW and GOOD FF and a DQ, but the idiots keep shoveling out dog crap that no one wants but continues to buy because they "hope."
Nobody wants a FF7 remake? LMAO. It will be the biggest gaming news of the year if it's legit. >>>>>>>Fallout 4
Why? wtf is the point?
We know how it ends.... we know all of its content. it was an easy game (so unless they add a hard mode... I really cba to breeze through it for the 10th time) It will lose some of its cartooney charm. .... anything that actually changes about the game will be moaned about by die hard fans....
What is the point in remaking this game?
What's the point? For real man? To service the millions of people who have been wanting a remake for years? A remake of the biggest most popular JRPG in history?
You shouldn't project your own desires over everyone elses.
This is really starting to piss me off.... How about instead of remaking games in the classic franchise you MAKE new games likened to the old? There's a thought huh? No one wants the shit thy are shoveling out now. Fans want turn based, exploration, card game, leveling system, magic, etc. Get it done.
Everyone is demanding a NEW and GOOD FF and a DQ, but the idiots keep shoveling out dog crap that no one wants but continues to buy because they "hope."
Nobody wants a FF7 remake? LMAO. It will be the biggest gaming news of the year if it's legit. >>>>>>>Fallout 4
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