no. nintendo took 6 years of failure with motion controls to make the perfect game with motion. all other games now should use LoZ SS as a model for motion controls in a game. imagine Dark Souls with LoZ SS controls???
metroid is a thriving series. it has had 2 games on each of the last 2 gens and all 4 of them are great. Other M was a nice diversion from Prime series, and i loved the action based gameplay...but i admit i missed Primes exploration. well, that doesnt mean it was a bad game, and after getting 100%/0% i still enjoy playing it. i would like to see team ninja make another.
overall, i really enjoyed it. i did get frustrated with it and some of its issues. but i thought it was a better rpg then FF13. i would have like swords instead of just having the force.
played, beat, reaplayed, beat...moved on to dark souls, played, beat, replayed beat, back to demon souls, played beat...thats where i stand. im satisfied, take them down and make more games.
dumbing down games for everyone to play. having waypoints, regenerating life, autosave features are all tailoring games to the unexpierenced gamer. What ever happened to playing quake 2 and only having 100 health and having to find shards of armor. now you get rewarded by cowering in a corner waiting for your health to recover.
OOT, SS, Link to Past, TP, LoZ1,WW, MM, LoZ2 in a distant last. all that really matters is that all zelda games are in the top of their genre and even the "bad" zelda games are still some of the best games you can play period personally, OOT has the emotional nostalgia bias for me. but SS on hero mode is the best zelda expierence, wait, best video game expierence ive played in years. M+ controls show us that all action rpg games should have M+ controls.
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