best gameplay, Legand of Zelda Skyward Sword. Nintendo said motion controls where the future, it took 6 years of ok games to make SS and now i dont want to play any other game without Wiimote
all of the system war fanboy hate is just dumb. i like rock music. i dont like pop. my wife likes pop. all that really matters is we like music. i like video games, no matter system or game. i play lots of different genres of gaming and will never judge something i havent tried myself. if someone else likes the games i dont, then great for them. but as long as we can talk to each other, we will never stop the petty bullying.
no. one of the best things about SS was how great the controls are. i dont want to play another action/adventure game without M+ controls. LoZ SS on hero mode was more challenging then Dark Souls. And how amazing would dark souls be with LoZ SS controls?
top 10 wii games in no order SMG2, NMH2, MH3, LoZ SS, DKCr, RedSteel2, MP3, SSBB, Mario Strikers and Geometry Wars Galaxies. this is accoring to my Wii and Geometry Wars is #1 with over 400 hours. I still obsessivly play it.
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