@NightOfInsomnia Lowers sunglasses... looks at camera - insert comment about two brands being in league with the Devil. Walk away looking nerd cool. Sheep hit like button. The end.
@QTEseven Well someone has to cater to the person who only games while commuting or sitting in a waiting room. They were the first company with a smartphone App marketplace (including games) so good on em.
@toddx77 You did know that one of the pioneering contributors to Googles Android OS was from Apple? Does that mean you are an iSheep? No - I did't think so. Speaking of sheep - has any smart fellow noticed the overwhelming trend for posts here bagging the Apple brand? Thank God Apple haters aren't sheep following the Apple hater crowd.
@GermanBomber Yes people only buy for the name. I for one only buy for name. I never want customer service, reliability, ease of use or a decent set of intuitive features. Those are never considerations because if they were I'd be using your phone because only you are smart enough to know what is good for everyone. What is the Apple lifestyle man? You seem to know a lot about it?
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