@johnyogi yeah true. I don't think the XB1 is headed to its doom. I just sincerely doubt it will outsell the PS4. The last two generations say so but the horrible launch reveal campaign so far has hurt MS. I really think they put limitations on aspects of the machine that didn't have to be limitations if they were smart about it.
@johnyogi @damo320 Or you could say the more obvious problem was the following two games - ODST and Halo Reach did not feature a continuation of the Chiefs story. The real spanner in the works is 343. 343's team was 3 times the size of Bungies but managed to push out a pretty poor multiplayer effort without even a public beta.
So more staff doesn't equal a better game. I have no faith in 343.
@johnyogi were those polls nationwide or of states? Here in Australia the "National" polls for the last year all say the current Labor government is going to be demolished. Check back in 3 months time and you'll have a good idea of how accurate they are.
By the way I wouldn't choose a console based on a poll. Duh. Just saying trying to tell everyone the XB1 will outsell the PS4 is fanciful thinking
@johnyogi @damo320 11.77 million sales for Halo 3. Highest selling Halo game of all time. But as you say we all got a different opinion on what works and doesn't. I think the lesser sales of Halo 4 point to people falling out of love with the game and the direction it has gone in. Perhaps they are tired of the franchise. But others like me because the competitive play has headed down a crappy direction.
@johnyogi Then you have a problem. For some people owning two consoles is an option. Not for many others. Some people just want to collect a library of games for one console. If MS lost some people to PS they will be very lucky if they manage to drag them back.
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