Yep, this is a tribute to my awesome friends here. Each and every one of you rocks out loud! :D Yes, you, friend! You're a nice, spiffy, and totally awesome person. Like all of the other wonderful people I know here, this entire blog is dedicated to you! *deep breath* Angel (13iluvDP13), Fox (animekitsune), bLuEfLaMes433, Chris (Bountyhunterc28.), Jennifer (cartoonfan101), cartoonwachter, Charles900, Dannysghostgirl, Danny_Fanton14, Mel (DarkAngel101), Jenn (diamond07), Jordan (Doggin500), McKenna (DPfanFOP) DPhantomFntic84, Nada (dp_fan92), Paco (elpaquilloloco), Nikki (Ember76), EmBeRrOcKs, gemma418, gothicsweetie, Bree (hsp_hsp), Isidro (isidroman), Meg (I_love_DP348.) Jaikeis, Carly (jena911), Kay (kaybee_2), Kitty (kittykatt107), Kitty and Brittany a.k.a mrschrist3ns3n (kittychristensen), knasty, Greg (Konman83), Lady-Moth, LE_moonlight11, Lil_Sango, little_magelly, Loco4siempre, Magicalboy, manny95, MichaelIDJ54, Jack (morty17), MusicAddictBabe, Jen (musictv_lover), Opt1mus_R, paulinaiscool, Gwen (PhantomFan), Kimberly (Phantom_Gurl), pink2006, przm22, redpoet2, Sparky (roxy_rocks), sammyrulez, Emma (sam_manson), sam_manson20051, Snapcat6190, Camille (SpottedLeaf), squishy34, tomatoes1990, TootPeed, ToxicOrange, Tsukasa120, quiet_soul, Fanci (xxx_fancy_xxx), Susan (Yarnalee), and zovice. Well, 'tis all for now. I could go into depth, but I'd be here all day and night typing out how each of you are so nice, smart, friendly... you guys have great qualities. Don't ever forget that ya'll are great people, with lots to share with the world. :)
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