It started out on this blog, so it seems appropriate to mention this here. Today (March 2nd) is the anniversairy of the Citizen Game Podcast, which myself and good friend Denis record every week. Over the past twelve months we've taken the podcast to the Blizzard Invitational in Paris, to a crazy weekend of gaming at the Liepzig Games Convention, from the radio studio in my hometown, to using rockband mics while we paid for our new studio setup in Cork City.
Its been a pleasure to do every week we can (think we missed 4 weeks last year), on our lunchbreaks, in between working shifts, minutes before plane trips, hung over and/or on a normal day. Just a quick thanks to everybody on Gamespot who gave us feedback over the year. Since the podcast started we've launched the site which has gradually driven and retained more and more traffic each week, to the point where we have multiple daily updates, a wonderful news and reviews staff, and have been mentioned on Kotaku, The Escapist and many other gaming blog and media sites throughout the year.
For anybody who's interested, we're going to record and a special birthday edition of the podcast in about 30minutes, which should be availble on the site and via iTunes in the next 2 hours.
Also, if anybody is interested, were running an open Killzone 2 game night tonight and your all more than welcome.Details on the main page of (sorry, my links dont work).
Thanks again to everybody who supported the site and podcast over the past year. Looking forward to another year of exciting developments.
Thanks again
-Danny :D

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