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dannyodwyer Blog

London Baby!

It's official, my girlfriend was offered a job teaching Science in a school in Newham, so the big London move is a-go-go. Really excited at the moment (I've never had so much cancelling a net connection) but also trying to figure out the logistics around the big move.

Quick few notes, this doesnt mean the end of my site - We're still commited to running the podcast via Skype and if anything, being in London will help us do more news work for our UK audience.

Updating my portfolio site like crazy, looking for jobs in anything from Web Design, Graphics, Video, Writing Production or Shoemaking. Its still work in progress, but any feedback on it would be greatly appreciated:

Anyway, really excited, must go write my notice letter for HMV now.
Its funny how things work out, today is exactly 1 year from when I first moved to Cork.


Brendan Sinclair Is A Ref In Fifa 09

Playing Fifa earlier, as I tend to do with days of the week that end in with Y, and noticed (not for the first time) a striking resemblance. The ref in my Arsenal V Manchester United game (simulating tonights Champions League match) looks like a certain Gamespot news editor and podcast host Brendan Sinclair....

Real Brendan

fake brendan

fake brendan

fake b 3

Am I going mad?
Do Canadians understand football?
Does this post make me sound like a stalker?

Fat Princess BETA Walkthrough

I've taken a step back from dumping Quake Live videos on Gamestop to record this little walkthrough of the closed BETA forTitan Studios's PSN exclusive Fat Princess. Currently the only video in the Fat Princess gamespace is a cringe-inducing episode of Gamespot AU's Crosshairs, so this one is for those of you who haven't had a chance to play the beta. For those of you who are playing, if you want a game my PSN ID is dannyodwyer.

Profanity Warning - Its tagged as explicit.

Thanks to Jody and Community team for sorting out a handfew of Gamespot users with the BETA keys.
Show your appreciation by Voting for Gamespot in the Webby Awards.

CitizenGame Teaser - Quake Live

Yea so enough stalling for time, here's a look at one of the game-footage-heavy bits from Episode One of Citizen Game where I take a look at online gaming gem; Quake Live. Just something small for you guys to chew on while we keep working on the show. It's been tough trying to fit it into our already busy daily grinds, but we're looking forward to wrapping up soon.

Profanity Warning - Its tagged as explicit.

Please, any opinions good or bad are welcome.
Also, I know I said 'I.D.' instead of iD, so thats being re-dubbed later :P


I (heart) QuakeLive

Capturing loads of footage for a peice I'm doing on Quake Live at the moment. Had a stroke of good luck at the end of a brutally close match that was too good not to upload. For those of you who don't know QuakeLive is a free to play version of Quake 3 Arena that runs inside your broswer, or in fullscreen. Even my terrible graphics card-less laptop runs the game, and it cant even run it from a CD. Im totally hooked!


If any of you are playing it, add me to yours friends list as 'dannyodwyer' for fun, chat and maybe more ;)

If your not, then get on board:

Video Feature: Red Faction Guerrilla Demo

I've been neglecting my blog here for a while, spending most of my time developing content for my own site. Howver I hit 100,000 page views today so I wanted to do somthing just for here. I've been recording loads of game features for my sites upcoming monthly show, and so I took the equipment and recorded this little walkthrough of the awesome Red Faction Guerilla BETA demo. This is available for preorder folks in the US, but totally open to anybody on European gamers who register on THQ's website and here. Both Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are available but you can only opt in for one. I got a key for the demo beta last weekend, and have been enjoying it since.

I narrate the demo for the full 12mins so check it out if your enjoying a lazy Tuesday like I am. It would be in HD, but we still cant post HD uservideos on Gamespot, so just squint a bit :P


For those who missed it, yeterdays blogpost is here for your time wasting pleasure.

Currently Playing:
And Yet It Moves
Resident Evil 5

Currently Listening:
Static-X - Cult of Static
Santogold - Santogold

...And Yet It Reviews

Hey everybody,

Just a post about stuffs. I recently reviewed a great indy game called '...And Yet It Moves'. It's a superb game available via Steam which is worthy of anybodys time. Check out the video below and click here for the written review. I've been trying to practise my writing skills as much as possible these past few months(reviewing games I wouldn't play usually and such), so any feedback (pos or neg) would be greatly appreciated!


Insanely busy at the moment working on video for my own website, but also had the chance to review Peggle a week ago. (Click here for the Gamespot version of that). I'll be posting a super huge update about that video content once we've wrapped on it. Its been months in creation for a good reason, cant wait to have it done and out there for internet consumtion. The site still has loads of news, podcasts and reviews going up in the meantime. Oh and I was on radio again last week explaining to the nation of Ireland about the wonders of 'OnLive': check it out!!!

Apart from that I'm awaiting word about my girlfriends possible job in London, im working 35 hours a week in the only recession proof CD shop left in the UK and training for the annual Cork City Marathon (up to 12km a day now - good bye flab!).

Happy Easter everybody, oh and cheers to everyone whos visited my blog here on Gamespot over the past 18 months. Just had a look and I'm a stones throw from 100,000 views, which is pretty bewildering, thanks again!

- Danny

PS: Summers coming!
PPS: Red Faction BETA is pretty amazing, might put up a video on it soon.
PPPS: Blitz: The League 2 is perfect for people who cant play football, but love rupturing testicles!

Irish Eyes Are Smiling

Grandslam Winners

The countrys suffered a collective hangover this morning, the aftermath of last nights national party at Irelands victory in the Six Nations Rugby Tournament, and more importantly the first Grand Slam for the country in over 60 years. For anyone who enjoys those passionate moments in sport, check out the link below and listen to commentators scream, shout and cry just like everybody crammed into living rooms and pub's across the nation yesterday evening.


Resi 5 Schwag Dolls

We're giving one away with each copy sold in HMV. Along with a much more forgetable t-shirt.

Honestly I think it's the best free schwag I've ever seen. Street Fighter 4's special edition has to 1.5' low quality figurines for an extra €40 on the standard game price (€85 in total). These bad boys have removable weapons, arms with 4 seperate moveable parts (elbows can bend up and sideways like in us real hoomans) and the detail is pretty amazing.

Hope this doesn't come off as bragging, just wanted to post this because I'm shocked Capcom were sending these out to fans of the game for free. Its pretty brilliant in my opinion. The game was hardly going to struggle to sell.

By the way, I haven't bought it yet and I feel I owe Capcom now :P

Should I?
