8 full weeks of Christmas night-shifts in work are done. Banksy's 'Consumer Jesus' strikes home twice as hard.
Im leaving the ugly scenes of consumerism in about 3 hours. My bag is packed, exploding with presents for my families back home; the silver lining of my job being a 30% discount, or as i like to call it, an excuse to spend more on pressies! Hypocrit? Never!
The past 2 months have been spent dreaming of waking up my 2 year old neice on Christmas day, my gran in the room next, my brother, sister and brother-in-law I haven't seen in 5 months. My Parents. Eating warm food in warm company. Seeing daylight, glorious daylight. Today was the first time I saw daylight since last Wednesday, now I have 4 days of it to look forward to.
I'm doing 2 shifts in my old radio stationover the weekend, and the speakers & projector were delivered back home last week ahead of another game-night with all my local Waterford buddies.
So like most of us, I'm making the best of a brilliant time of the year. God bless to those of you who earn his blessings & Happy Christmas to my fellow agnostics. For me the true meaning of Christmas is family, and whether you visit your respective churches tomorrow morning or not, I hope you have a fun & loving day with people who are fun & loving.
Happy Christmas Gamespotters!
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