@darthbuzzard said:
@WitIsWisdom said:
@darthbuzzard said:
@WitIsWisdom said:
Looks like a dime a dozen open world exploration RPG. (Which I almost always wind up getting by the way... lol) That said, it's VR, looks generic, and will likely be trash like everything else. Nothing beats playing a game on the couch, a chair, the floor, etc., and playing on a tv. That said.. VR doesn't even come close.
What an idiotic comment. First of, this is only getting excellent reviews and isn't nearly as generic as you think. It's not a crazy innovative game, but it's far from generic because of the constant scale-switching and the god form that you inhabit.
It's funny how you think everything else is trash when some of the best games of the past couple of years have been VR games. Your idea of trash must apparently be everything that isn't the game of the year.
VR can make playing on a TV look like a joke. Hellblade on a 65 inch 4K TV? I'm sorry, but no. That's not how you want to experience it. You experience it in VR the way it's meant to be played. What's funny is there's very little room for flatscreen games to improve, but VR can improve so much despite being so good already, so people are going to prefer VR more and more as the years pass. Look forward to it, because in a decade or so playing games on a TV will feel like playing ATARI games today.
Look dude, you like VR, we all get it. On that note. I don't give a flying rats left nut what some paid off shitty VR reviewer thinks about a game that they need to be relevant in order to keep their broke ass employed. That's like Walmart nominating itself for best customer service and satisfaction award and then presenting it to themselves at an award ceremony that only they are present at.
You are constantly telling everyone how great VR is... and saying how the majority agree and blah blah blah.. which isn't true. VR is still very niche and shitty technology all around. Except for perhaps in the porn industry which I have yet to indulge in, but must say sounds a lot more enticing than forcing myself to use it for shitty game play again (if that's even what you want to call it in 95% of the cases).
It may be cool in some games, but to me it is no more than a gimmick.. and a shitty one at that with shallow ass games, terrible mechanics, and laughable production value in the vast majority of the so called games that make Wii shovelware look like high art.
The games VR is the best in you don't even need VR to play the damn games and you can use a controller... so what is the point? The views? lol.. I'm glad everything looks so good to you.. it clunky and looks and feels like crap to me.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, even if they are way off base and ass to others. I'll play on my TV and enjoy my experience (much like the vast majority of others) much more than VR.
If you think in 10 years that playing games on a TV instead of VR will be underwhelming I have a bridge to sell you. Maybe 30-50 years from now you will be right, but for now non VR is much more popular and what the vast majority of people prefer whether you like it or not.
You act as though each time someone doesn't like VR they slapped your grandma or something... lol. Like what you like man... just know people can and will disagree. VR exists for people like you... not for me. I simply expect more, and to me it just isn't there yet, and may possibly never be there.
I see you brought the tinfoil hat. Because yes, he apparently must be paid off. So are the users for this game too, I guess, who have equal opinions in a lot of cases. What you've said is just an excuse, and not a good one either.
When I say majority or most, I never talk about every gamer or every person on the planet because 95% of the population has yet to use low-end VR, let alone high-end VR. So when I talk about this, I'm talking about the population that has tried VR. It very often blows people's minds regardless of background, hardcore gamer, casual gamer, non-gamer, whatever. The best games? People love them and in quite a number of cases consider them once in a lifetime game experiences.
So apparently VR is shitty with shallow games despite people loving it, and despite this being a big meaty game. Again, an excuse on your part to conveniently ignore the truth as you plug your ears.
30-50 years is completely unresearched on your part. Just a random guess. VR is going to make quantum leaps in the late 2020s well beyond people's expectations.
Have you even tried VR? What games, what headset?
Look man, you can spew all the bs you want.. that's fine. I'm not trying to cut down something you like. Different people like different things, and I'm ok with that. His job hinges on the success of the content and those giving good reviews obviously like VR and are already on board... it shows and proves absolutely nothing. If I were to play the game and didn't like it then I could give a shit less what other people think. That said, I'm not saying I wouldn't like the game.. it just doesn't look like anything special to me (perhaps a leap for VR.. but for me that isn't saying much). However, I have been wrong about games before, so who knows.
Yes, I do own a PSVR and yes I have used Oculus although I don't own one I know two people that do and I have used both. It just isn't for me. I don't care much at all for any of the exclusive VR games (I own several VR games for PS inlcuding VR only and games that don't need it as well, including the so called critically acclaimed ones).. and the VR games I did slightly enjoy wasn't because of the VR function since I could still use the much more responsive controller and not have to use the shitty VR controls.
Alluding to the fact you understand over 95% of people haven't even tried or give a shit about VR but then talk about how great everyone thinks it is.. well that is absolutely hilarious. People buy what they want.. you think 95% of people can't afford it or something? Perhaps they don't know it exists? No... they just don't give a shit, mostly due to the fact that they either don't care at all or tried it and didn't like it. I tried it.. gave it a fair chance, and I think it blows donkey nuts for the most part. Not entirely.. I did slightly enjoy my time in Ace Combat and a had a couple other experiences that weren't all that bad. That said, do I feel it is worth the price of entry? No. Do I feel it is better than non VR? No. Do I feel there are good games and experiences I can't get anywhere else? No. Do I feel that the technology is there yet? No. Do I feel like the headsets are small enough and comfortable? No. Do I feel the experience is seamless and pulls me in? No (mostly due to all the cords and bulkiness) Do I feel like there is still room for a lot of improvement? Yes. Do I think that in the future VR will be a lot better? Yes, most likely.
All said, my opinion doesn't detract from your opinion though... We obviously have differing views, and that's fine, it's what makes the world turn and keeps it from growing stagnant. I have a buddy that talked me into getting it and he absolutely LOVES it. That said I have a couple other online buddies that own one and don't like it either, and 10-20 times that number that don't care about it at all. The vast majority of people I know have little to absolutely no interest in VR whatsoever at all. Of all the gaming related things I own in my entire collection (and I own nearly 4,000 physical copy games, just about every console you can imagine, countless peripherals, and PC games new and old) I have the most regret about purchasing my PSVR and it sits there collecting dust. I just haven't seen anything that interests me (especially since the experience for me wasn't a good one... perhaps I expected more). I mainly got it for a couple so called tactical shooters, and I didn't care for either of them. Tactical "walking" (without the ability to run), twitchy arms, horrible control, bad detection, shitty aim (can't even look down a scope), etc.. Felt more like a shitty version of airsoft than anything else, and the constant sound of your gun clanking off of every surface because of terrible collision detection.
Maybe I'm just not that easily impressed since I actually lived that life and it is nowhere close to its real life counterpart. I served in the USMC as an 0311 and did two combat tours in Fallujah Iraq. Maybe it deadened my sense to VR a bit and if I hadn't had that experience I may feel differently.. I don't know, it's hard to say. My buddy who loves it even brought that up and said since he was never there perhaps it was the closest he would ever get. Although you can get 1,000 times closer just going to a shooting range or paying to walk through a live fire kill house or tactical target range.
My guess of how long it will take to be truly ready (to even have a chance at mainstream) or be better than using a regular tv is a guess. Yes, I know, which I already said, but you are guessing as well.. which means neither of us know for sure, so acting as though you do is once again laughable. You see how that works? We are on different ends of the spectrum. You think it's great and mind blowing. I think it isn't ready yet and is a sub-par experience dragged down by shovelware and poor integration. There will be people that agree with one of us and others that think it's simply ok. To each their own.
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