@Rie_BooM @davedrastic Perhaps you're not stating your views quite as clearly as you think you are. And, on an aside, could you please not use the word gash, it's perhaps in particularly poor taste given the discussion topic.
@Rie_BooM @AtheistPreacher Yes the answer SHOULD be simple, and the reality is that it IS simple.
No employer out there is not hiring someone based on the fact that they are female. OK, some are, but very very few dinosaur minded companies that no one in their right mind would want to work for anyway, and will likely go bust before long due to the fact that they're failing to secure as good quality employees as their competitors will due to their ignorant beliefs.
@AtheistPreacher @Rie_BooM "Is it "the problem" that men perceive women as only playing cute crap, or is that just the reality? Honest question. I don't really know."
No, it's not THE problem of sexism in gaming, in fact it's hardly a problem at all. Even if it is the reality.
Why this subject is always dragged into the discussion of sexism is damaging to the discussion as a whole.
People get picked on for all kinds of silly and non-sensical reasons. Because they have a gap in their teeth, they're overweight, have acne, are of a different nationality, have a different skin tone, too skinny, too tall, wear glasses, have red hair. Is this list exhausted? not by a long shot, we could all go on and on about how unfair it is to be insulted or derided for one absurd reason or another. It's pathetic and childish. We ALL face these issues. NOT JUST WOMEN. Grrrrrr./Stop trying to hog the sympathy bus. (new term alert).
"I'm curious... do you think women avoid games because they perceive it as nerdy or a "guy thing," and/or do they play games as much as men but keep it on the down-low for the same reasons?"
I think (some) women avoid games because they're just not into them. They've not grown up being into them. They've had other interests to occupy their time and mind-space, and that's not a bad thing - that's potentially a very good thing. It's no different to those boys that have grown up without an interest in gaming.
I could agree with you that women may have a tendency to avoid games because of the gender stereotypes, or nerdy perception of gaming, but then I personally don't view playing facebook, iOS/Android, or DS/3DS games as being nerdy or having gender stereotypes. Having said that I did think playing DS games was a little nerdy a few years ago. Nowadays I think portable gaming is so prevalent that it's just something that people do, and not limited to those that have nothing else going on in their lives.
If you saw a girl, or a young lady, playing Angry Birds on her mobile on the train, would you make a point of publicly ridiculing her? I doubt it. I doubt you'd give it a second thought. Oh my gosh, a lady, playing games, what has the world become.
I doubt she'd give it a second thought either. "Oh I really want to play Angry Birds, but what if someone should see me. I would die of embarrassment My parents would never forgive me, and I'd never find a life partner. Why am I so sick and twisted. Whyyyyyyyy." It's a fairly unlikely scenario. Still, if you do witness it, put it up on YouTube.
My wife used to play her DS before bed. Simple puzzle games. You know, the 3 in a row type, Bejeweled rip off games. Now she's moved onto Facebook games, Farmville 2, and she plays them on her shiny new mobile too.
We've also started playing CoD spec ops together. And of course she's quite hopeless, but it's great fun and if we keep at it she'll get better. Maybe. But she has other things to do, so do I so finding the time isn't that much of a priority.
Some people game, some don't. There are no sexual gender barriers of entry. Same with anime.
@Rie_BooM Oh my gosh, they looked shocked. Oh that's just not on. How blinking dare they looked shocked. They make me sick.
Why would you not be taken seriously? You think your employers will not recognize your talents because you're a female? That is an incredibly poor view of employers that you have. Perhaps you've had negative employment experiences in the past? Perhaps you live your life based on illogical opinions, and this is just one of them?
For Gees sake. grow up and accept that there is still remnants of a view that games are for boys and not girls - these views are held by adolescents or those with adolescent minds and they hold similar views such as wouldn't it be great if dinosaurs were put into a big cage in space and we could pay to watch a big battle every Saturday night. If this is turned into a game, I want credit.
If you have talent and you're able to display that you have talent, you will be hired and will be a desired employee. If you don't have talent stick with Just Jeans.
@Spokker Is the world more or less sexist than it was ten years ago? This is an excellent question.
Very difficult to answer.
I would say that tolerance and acceptance has continued to increase and improve, as it will continue to do so. We're seeing women in different roles, we're welcoming them in them. Some don't, but they're becoming fewer and fewer.
At the same time, media images of women are increasingly becoming predominantly hyper-sexualised which concerns me, although it presumably doesn't concern women at large (or something would have been done about it).
I think women are still coming to terms with what women are, and what women want, and how they want to play the gender wars, and what the end result wants to be.
When I was growing up, I used to open doors for ladies - no shit. Nowadays they walk into me with their prams, display their cleavage and fat rolls at the mall, and is it just me or are quite a lot of professional women atrociously patronizing and aggressive.
@Spokker @mahavir_singh89 @CaesarIIII Well journalists and media outlets that just accept such statistics without giving any kind of consideration or examination to their validity are just plain lazy and do the industry a dis-service.
Why are we discussing something based on statistics which are likely grossly incorrect.
@mahavir_singh89 Yes I think, purely on common sense speculation, that this 50% gamers are female is b.s. Unless it's some bogus statistics such as the female concerned plays at least once a year.
If the surveyors asked have you ever played a video game, then sure, I could see the 50% statistic.
davedrastic's comments