They're going to come back swinging after this generation's embarrassing butthurt loss out to the PS4.
dbzee_cool's forum posts
@Gue1: What the hell have you been smoking? I'm not including rehashes of past games, your so called 800 games on the PS4 is pure farce at this point (which mostly are made up of indies & rehashes). Why don't you compare non-indie titles? The PC has so much more in it's catalogue to offer at this point that your post is incredibly goddamn stupid for a PC gamer.
What if I feel like playing the entire Dead Space franchise? Nopes can't do that on the latest consoles..
How about going nostalgic with something from the 90's... Oooh! Age of empires! nope can't do that on consoles...
Hey what about a couple of new games that came out in the last 2 years... say Battlefield 4 or COD.. Yees! and they run far superior too!
Stop embarrassing yourself.
Well to be honest, if you get a console now you will run into a problem of not having enough games to play, with that said, you will get bored of playing the same games until new titles launch. If I were you I would go for a PC for now, save up, and wait it out until the next generation, the massive library of games will keep you very well occupied and some of the best games of all genres are available.
I, too am waiting out purchasing a console, well until GT7 comes out at least.
Get a Z99 board, skip out on the Skylake processors, and get a Cannonlake CPU ([in 2017] that is too if you really need to) because they will be far far superior.
Intel 5k CPU (Socket Z99)
@RyviusARC: Ugh.. you could be right, I'm running the resolution at retina (2880x1800) with in-game resolution scaling at 30% of that.. runs silky smooth like that!
Should be fine, since I'm using the Nvidia 650m GT and playing battefront on ultra graphics, AA off @720p with smooth frame rates.
@Midnightshade29: Oh look... I WAS joking ;) everybody who has played the POP series know that there is no stealth factor, once you enter an enemy's radius they automatically turn to you.. you cannot compare MGSV to Thief because while MGSV does have a stealth aspect, the entire focus is not on it unlike Theif, where the entire game requires this focus.
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