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DCUO: Best MMORPG EVER? Character creation and the facts..

After playing dcuo for a few hours I decided to give my first impressions of this brilliant game. Being an avid collector of marvel and dc comics back in the days of the 90s and early thousands...I will def know alot about the accuracy of the game. The characters seem to be taken from context of early 2000 era comics so it fit me perfectly to analyze. The game is brilliant, it works perfectly for an xbox generation controller and up. However accounts are limited, and exploring the hall of doom (justice??! idr) etc took me an hour or so. Character creation only 10 minutes. The character creation menu is brilliant akin to photoshop or an easy use game developer program even. I so far created agent liberty (no blades, no shield somewat tried as a first attempt), hyperion, gladiator (no symbol), valor (no rope cape), deadpool, miss martian (harness is partially white, no upper cowl), impulse, hitman (er...with parasite venom) and hyperion (for disrupting trademarks sake) to the T. I saw a dead on Magog in the game, and even an Ultraman (some characters get new weapons/clothes throughout the game to build up accuracy). The best thing about this mmo is if your that character, you'll never be hacked. I experienced hacking ever since my avid days of battling dragons in Pso online. I still experience it today with games like happywars for xbox 360. Some developers seem to get privileges or special abilities that no other player has...in other words...they are simply lording over the players. However, I exp hacking on this game but remotly, and after deleting my character and starting over, it was just simply strange like my powers were you know gone. Which is why I am always a dc/m character, i don't want to be missing that 'special item' on my suit tomorrow. The game itself can even do other characters like guardian etc if you buy the shield. I tried buying something and got network error...so there you go, it doesn't work. However, in the end I couldn't stop flying and pummeling characters across metropolis. An excellent AAA rpg online. Give or take me not buying powers such as rage etc. You can def reach level 9 within 6 hrs basically. This is my new thing, once it was freedom force then service pack 2 came out (lol long ago), then it was mugen (which is still @marvelvsdcu.tripod.com), now its dcou. However I still urn for custom skins and mods with this game, given some restrictions to play dc/marvel characters. Unlike on wargaming though, I am fairly familiar with the characters and the background so I have no complaints. I actually heard DC Comics was fairly protective with their material. It is crossplatform too, however I made the mistake of not knowing it wasn't for PC. Like with third st saints, there is some competition though, the series has a more intricate character creation model to follow&I had the ability to change or distort the characters more (series was free on xblive and steam for a time). Improvements on the game can go like this, maybe add some more characters for a mod such as deadman or oceanmaster. You could also add power sets as is the case. A power set is limited and limits the creator function eg a rope climb, or even to add a car entering ability (for vigilantes). Add skins, a high jump, rope climb or grapple device swing, a slower run ability (slow but that's why you can steal cars), maybe a few more skins and you get full integration for dc and marvel characters, maybe even an extra world or a marvel universe version. This would be an excellent mod add on& every comic fan would be playing it with their favorite superhero. If your superhero doesn't want to climb buildings or can not, then maybe a ground based mission scenario ala gta (maybe he can enter buildings to go up). Also more colors (at least 4) to the skins would be nice. Freedom force did it, why not this game. These additions would infact suit for a sequel of the game, if too complex...maybe make it smaller and call it DC vs Marvel (lol). This is by far the largest superhero MMORPG available imho&it can only get better, its fairly large compared to freedom force. When done playing with this game, will give my full impressions and update the blog with pics of the dc/marvel characters.

About Pics: Make a DC/Marvel character directions&Pic corrections

Agent Liberty, atomsmasher, gladiator, black panther and she hulk on the way were done recently plus or minus a button, cape, perfect power set, notch or character. The easiest character to create is infact Superboy in all variations (Superboy, Superboy Prime, Kon-el hence there are obtainable massive handcuffs). Above are Impulse, Hyperion, hitman, arrowette, Valor, Vulcan, Miss Martian, Bloodsport, shehulk, wildfire, livewire, maxima, alpha centurion, starlord, timberwolf, gunbunny and Knockout (not in order). In order to proceed pls familiarize yourself with the template locations and color patterns. Pics are the same, however I replaced miss martian's belt with a ribbon belt and maximas belt is half-purple now to give the illusion of a smaller one. You may want to look at the template signatures before proceeding, if it is not a given, however I did not buy things like electrical powers for characters like livewire. Starlord maybe needs to revert to the plasma pistols which is earned via atleast level 10. Starlord also needs to revert to a standard stance, from a powerful stance. Valor was also taken incomplete and has a supermanish jerry curl (yes or no). Impulse needs a smile possibly. You might need to change things like maxima's hipsize or hyperion's facial features (angry for instance) and belt on the way. All buyable during gameplay. Maxima for instance has shoulder pads (level 10 defeat mister freeze) as well. If you need the color template dl the png file and grab the color numbers manually in ps or alt enter and look for the color/costume yourself. I did Maxima except she changed in game her skin to youthful and I narrowed her hips over time to make her look younger ie more accurate to the comics counter-part. The Superheroes can even get apartments, naturally...Maxima would live in metropolis high rise apt near the beach, idk its purple and a highrise. Hyperion would live in gotham's brainiac sector ghetto low rise flats over a restaurant that say grill (i presume he's poor lol). The Generator can be named in the apartment, for instance, Hyperion's generator is named Quadriconator. Something dumb. Also the colors are always considered ie bright colors with bright colors make the head look slightly larger, maxima's skin was toned down to make the head appear smaller...if you borrow from these characters, consider this editing practice while playing the game. I also did supreme and solar from valiant comics however they are not shown and should be a given. You also have to be careful with the tech tree, for instance if you want a vulcan character, you need something like under weapons to go straight down and he will have the same powers as the comics, Maxima will have supervision accurately, and move precisely as the comics too yet arrowette will climb up buildings, float and move too fast hence tech tree accuracy of character is rare. I'd like to say its okay for hitman, because he probably has some sort of parasitic venom. He even flings back and shoots like in the comics. Characters like Atom Smasher need upgrading to get say..the fourth world belt or once again a paid for attribute to make it more accurate. Character creation wise, this is the best mmorpg, however its servers like 90 percent of the games out there may run into glitches, plagues or simply unknowns which the user or player has to well...live with. For starters, the character creation accuracy itself may be limited to maybe Solar, or Supreme from Image comics (3 color palette comics). Pls feel free to use seeing how I would never hav the time to play with all the characters, just look at the palette box and moves list for ideas. DC is more drama orientated whilst Marvel gears towards drama, however Marvel has the art whilst DC does not. Both have a concept of evolution however Mutants are in Marvel, DC has metahumans hence Mutants are invulnerable to magic whilst aliens are not. If you don't want to make the new bloodsport, the old one is also possible. Yet both tend to borrow from the concept of genetic alteration. DC does so more frequently, they tend to rear towards human gods as opposed to gods in space. Yet both in their own way have Mutants (beings born with powers), Metahumans (powers granted or genetically enhanced), and Aliens (beings foreign to this earth). Both also borrow heavily from the occultic religion and folklore eg new genesis and apocalypse to thor. If the skins were manipulated a little bit further, this could be a great DC/Marvel collaboration or an add on to the Marvel universe skins or Central city even. Which do you think is better? These are starter characters so choose freely. Like in freedom force, the advantages of having a character owned creation from the comics is total emersion with the game experience. Building up powers to your likeness of the comics etc. Be warned though, you may have to save, write down and resave color schemes as well as recreate leveled characters if you build them wrong during the game or choose a wrong selection at the begining ie a stance change is irreversible. Click on the link to navigate DC Universe Online Live or find a specific player to copy. You try. Legal stuff: Copyright trademark dc and marvel comics made for free use to public by the dc universe character creation program.

Leveled Up Characters +20 and above

Character NameRec Power SetNew Color Sets/Revised items
Hyperion (Marvel) Level 26Brawling/MentalMain:cb0000, f77410, dc6B3B Eyes: dark green, Skin: c33028 (angry), Hair:E1531f, Makeup: N/a Mentor: Superman, Base: Uptown Metropolis
Maxima (DC) Level 30Brawling/MentalMain: 540000, darkpurple, fe3400 Eyes: bright green, Skin: dark tan or below fe8e10, Makeup: fe6a00, Mentor: Lex Luthor, Base: Gotham's Brainiac incursion zone
Impulse (DC) Level 16Super-Speed

N/a, Revise youthful appearance to cheerful

Atom Smasher (DC) Level 6Brawling

Promethium fourth world Belt, Revise hairset

*Not Listed yet: Miss martian, Vulcan

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Other easy Marvel/DC character builds such as Moon knight and Black panther are also 100% accurate to the comic counterparts with adjustable powersets
Other easy Marvel/DC character builds such as Moon knight and Black panther are also 100% accurate to the comic counterparts with adjustable powersets

Future Updates&Blog Corrections: Excuse the pic editing system on gamespot, it seems to be a major glitch here, can't remove in any way. Since all accounts are saved to notepad and can be put on a chart or table as seen above, I may update pics (atomsmasher's promethium belt&mohawk, maxima's shoulder pads are all level 10+) and template numbers to even rec a given power set incase you need to purchase one for you next month. I will do an armor update when my characters reach level 30 and above. Maybe level 60 or 100 even if possible which means I'll be only playing 3 characters maybe 2 in the list above, Maxima, Miss Martian and Hyperion.

Here's my A game, the other characters managed to stay at 34-40 levels with great difficulty. This one has a PvE item at 59 and PvP items at 97. As you can tell by the trophy room itself. The game I play the most has got to be the best...however on warthunder/wot you can get top tier 6 or 7 level tanks by playing just 20 min a day with 1000 xp earned. 1000 xp earned in 27 days is a tier 6 basically or tier below a tiger. On warthunder I am saving for an he 162 currently. On xb360 I will cont this fall when I get money to cont. the jagdtiger tree or highest ranking game. DCUO and Xbox 360's wot are my highest ranked games currently.

Marvel Heroes 2015 vs DCUO Quick view (Marvel vs DC the argument conts.)

I honestly think both games are great and equal in their own right, whilst getting to level 10 in Marvel heroes wasn't hard I didn't manage time to get past it. Both have equal to comic characters, yet Marvel heroes is more simple and user friendly, whilst dcuo more complex. DCUO is more of a pay for feel, if you don't pay for stages like central city (gotham and metropolis is free) you could be missing a 3rd of the game. However, I still have to break Marvel heroes in. I like both games, however DCUO is far more complex and therefore better imho. In general though, you can't have one without the other, and you can play marvel characters in dcuo (kind of). Some say this game takes the cake, and destroys the dc universe bringing an end to the idea, however I say its almost crystallized. The notion of one better than the other. Marvel has its thor continuity, cosmic gods, inhumans and mutants whilst DC has its New gods, supermen, martians, magic and aliens, yet both have atlanteans, galactic empires&civilizations and other similar foreign cocepts. Both have similar human histories such as ww2 and wat not. Both borrow from each other greek mythology and greater literature which is deemed true. Marvel heroes however may need low key characters just like dc universe online. Hence I have yet to see darkseid, darkhawk (you know new warriors), thanos, deathlok, lobo etc. Sure Marvel's best superhero spiderman can't even lift up a car, and the characters look like a circus. Jk, i do have marvel favs and a large collection of both to boot. DC has caped do-gooders and nerdy morals, yet their stories (like marvel's art are up there so to speak hence the often uninterrepted views of good vs evil in morality). Marvel though has the drama DC neglected, yet makes up in their elseworlds line. In particular the knightfall series or daredevil's fall from grace is good. Maybe I haven't seen them yet. Its not perfect but its good.

Key aspects

Marvel Universe: Intergallactic, Lower heaven, Venusians, Cosmic beings, Norse Gods, WW2, Near Future, Magi, Earthly gods, Mutants, Decentralized earth, Democratic, Worldly evolution

Dc Universe: Interstellar or Galactic, Heaven and Hell, Martians, Far Future, Human gods, Ethereal Magi, Metahumans, Cosmic Gods, Decentralized space, Republican, Interstellar evolution, Greek Mythology

Both: Alien races, Comedic characters, Lower Gods&Cosmic Gods, Atlantis, Extra-Dimensional, Marvel and DC aspects toned down or diffrentriated

On other Good DC/Marvel News...

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Notice above is skin02, slightly more round, larger and unappealing to the Capricious heroine due to a tanner skin color to match the primary purple outfit.

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Alright made it to level 76-79. In loo of this great franchise shearly descimating the competition, in shear speed and gameplay. You never know how good it feels to be the most powerful on your team, and still saved right before a boss kills you&a mere few minutes before the world shuts down. The victory present shall come, I decided to put up 20 to 40 new stages and characters on mugen@marvelvsdcu.tripod.com come this fall. Free to upload, playable, and checked. That's nearly 2000 dc/marvel characters in your possesion, just by downloading the game. The game already has 1300 or so characters. Or atleast that's an estimate. Merely dl it on the website for free in 4 parts, 1 part a day or every few hours with a free account. You name it, play new mugen characters that you thought were broken, Modok, J'onn, Red Tornado, Abomination, Moon knight, Dr. Fate, Jean Grey, Blue Beetle, Amazo, Kitty Pryde all with profiles to boot. Mugen characters you thought were unplayable because of code or dos mugen now are. Available sometime this fall after realizing I skipped the spring yearly updates thing. Will be playing Evolution II on DC, Metro 2033 on Xbox 360, DCUO on PC&WOT on xbox 360 to boot.

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About the character:

Youthful skin makes the face smaller, longer head and hi-forhead gives the illusion of smaller facial structure. The skin as well is purposely toned down for all the marvel Japanese enthusiasts outthere that plague the game (ie the shield powerset has a dozen captain America clones, yet Wonderwoman comics use the round shield as well). A few comics had Maxima's powerset purple instead of yellow. Comics use color to envoke action usually. A yellow powerset would be nice, but a purple one was done a few times in maxima comics ingeneral anyways. The hair is short but this is forgiven because of its length in the back. Both Universes are the same though, after reading JLA/Avengers again on the internet, I thought so.

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The character itself has two or so builds from the comics ie youthful skin, alientech, a sword etc for a more almeracan appearance. I avoided the fire powerset because even if its shield and certain powers do justice to the comics, it has a burning effect or may ruin the character's actual mental powerset. I do confess that I experimented early on with the best character to play. This was hard work because I had to build certain characters to level 30 to find out the power sets (8hrs will do a level 30). I also had to experiment on the costume design, ie the same personality with certain costumes and helmets.

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Maxima - Powerset Mental/brawl and/or one-handed dagger, sword etc/damage (superhuman powerset)

pallette 3c006f, fe3907

*6c3e2c skin (human skin youth), d16262 or df7065 if same skin tone use ff1500, 13008d for brighter colors&humanskin02

hands-elbow high, feet thighhigh, belt-new genesis, legs-retrotech, chest slimline, shoulders-sharpshooter

*Maxima Doomsday - Powerset Mental/brawl/control (mental powerset)

pallete ff887c or bc4f44 - skin (humanskin02 just use *df7065 as default skin for all 3 costumes), I prefer the green gloves version with EAE713, 7c0000 as cape with heroic as title or the below with Legendary as title

002811,*aa7000 or ffa000, fffd75 - other

hands-retrotech, cape-short or *classic, feet-thighhigh, shoulders-freeze or *kabuki, waste-alientech or remora, chest-rapture (use green for gloves&standard yellow for cape if u choose a red belt) or use split cape via champion of earth even perfered on these two maxima doomsday versions (yellow or green gloves, legendary or heroic title). Classic cape is best because of the illusion of a slimlined figure.

Maxima Default is the default maxima with Powerset (there are a few more interchangeable varieties are with various maxima builds yet this is the best one for this costume in particular):

DA Whirlwind, Pyrokenesis, Dustoff, Downdraft or Uppercut Spin, HV, Swoop attack

CT Psych Spheres/health or Bolt Barage (depending on 2pve or 4&8pve), Mass lev, Psy Shock, Phantom Flame, TK Bolt, Mass terror

Optional Lifting cars, powerset best suits the capricornian's temperment effect (in comics she doesn't have freeze breath or a driod)

Total 15 power points

Maxima's trophy room as a small urban city apt
Maxima's trophy room as a small urban city apt

Maxima jla extreme version - Powerset mental/one-handed league of assasins sword/damage (superhuman powers eg flight, laserbeam, superspeed, airbursts) or control (mental powers ie hand lift, bubble entrapment, shield, mind lift)

ff7aoo, ffoooo and red

Skin e8654e (youthful skin), sword blade red handle, yellow, yellow, if same skintone costume stays the same except red (use humanskin02 with default skin only)

Legs-briefs, feet-greco-roman or *powertech, shoulders-retrotech, hands-Powertech

waste-alientech, chest-barbarian (briefs and chest red, rest yellow), cape-*short or egyptian

Apt name Maxima's den or stronghold (if you buy a larger apt, apt location highrise building injunction with costume color eg purple building in metropolis etc makes sense), Costume transloader name: 'Almeracan device' with handprint insignia

Mistress Maxima


7ac41b, ffdd00, ff0000

chevron-belt, raptortech or *formal -chest, jahkir-cape, necromancer-legs, thighhigh-feet

Should be near 100% accurate to the comics then with a 10 percent margin error. Aquaman, Etrigan in game are not on target either so...


* stars mean rec

Conclusion: Is the game worth the time?!? Teiring and Leveling reviewed

Trademark characters like Solar from Valiant Comics was fairly easy to mimick, most players will play until level 80 to 90 with the same costume, yet will be dismayed to see mentor abilities the same past level 30 with no available free generator abilities to tier from. On top of that mission access via DLC is limited time only.
Trademark characters like Solar from Valiant Comics was fairly easy to mimick, most players will play until level 80 to 90 with the same costume, yet will be dismayed to see mentor abilities the same past level 30 with no available free generator abilities to tier from. On top of that mission access via DLC is limited time only.

Alas, its my final day with this game, seems to me free players can't tier past 5..the problem with this is a majority of steam players are free because of account access. Ie my win7 system blocks access to programs via crtl, alt, delete. It doesn't transition to 3 different accounts easily basically, paypal steam then dcuo. Everytime I try to pay I get charged and no account balance. Very unfortunate indeed, this is no wot and as far as I know I do not rec playing or tiering in this game watsoever past level 84-87. You may see me there to browse and heckel, but I don't just buy a weapon and flaunt it. If I win its due to skill. My gpedit config is infact ireversable in win7 without reformat. On top of that, the missing an episode buy me gimmick is something I did not catch with my eye while playing the game. If it were steam cash I would say the game is not BS and did not go from a grade A to a grade F, but its Daybreak cash, an account transfer from literally 3 sources. If a user has gpedit under crtl via irreversible functions, then it would make sense. If you add funds, there's a chance you can be ripped off in a major way like via twenty dollars. On top of that, an episode available for free players to tier is a necessity, no matter how intricate the items you get are, people are usually wanting to build their character in their unique fashion. I did it against 1million odds and built a maxima character to its liking. The characters are generic if not of likeness to the DC universe anyways. Do I rec: My answer no. Is it worth it?!? Not really. A game that has 3 months of 8hr day work days to achieve level 87 is a game no one would have time to play. Destroying the aspect of trust for free gamers everywhere. Sometimes, its free because its simply not built with a solid foundation. I give this game an F for Failure and A for Achievement. The game is so large, that it puts DC Comics in a new light. Yes one can tier and level to the point of perfecting a character, and even mimicking a trademark comics character, but doing so for free players is ackwardly hard to get to its likeness. Sometimes unachievable with a limited powerset that you wish would go a bit further. On top of that, the mentor storyline is limited and unchangeable to make the tiering longer or more enjoyable, and not resettable not even through payment. This factor though is completly insignificant, for it would take enormous effort to reset a mentor state yet past level 30 or so, the mentor levels are all the same and should be done. The interface though, is buggy as hell and not user friendly...anyways who said you can't use DC Comics trademark characters? I did...and does the generator mods even work without a power cell to pay for? My theory is no, that is even a kicker. Is the service worth purchase?!? A level 80-90 is a 3 month work day 8hrs a day for free players, for paid players on a horrible&glitchy system interface its infact possibly only a month. Level 30s can infact take out level 80s with paid for weapons literally spitting on the face of free gamers everywhere. However, Leveling is infact easy but this game was a paid for game once?!? How was it never free to begin with? Literally baring all mods for tiering from players, and even baring generator abilities. Not everyone wants to use 3 different accounts, and usually smart people lock their gpedit from computer hackers. That's me being jewish or safe, however, I am aware that you have to buy DLC membership before you can buy anything else first. If you don't buy DLC membership you get scammed basically. Okay, now that's wierd. I chose not to buy their service after all, not for the scam but for the fact that DLC membership is basically not permanent, I would think buying the game to play to tier 131 is permanent, but tier 131 will not have access to the game content after a month or two. Its a limited time basically. However, buying the game and basic features for 3 months only such as extra builds can lead you down the drain with a few hundred dollars. Not worth it. Here's how it works. A life time membership only would be nice or should be available. Basically they are pulling an xbox live scheme with a horrible service. Xbox live gets you hundreds of dollars of worth in games for a mere 60 dollars...this service gets you a few extra weapons (to buy), extra builds (to buy) and extra missions (to rent). On top of that, without a good PC config that a dev owns, you get drops on the service...xbox live does it easy no stat. Internationally, even. Proof is Crysis 3 runs excellently against people in say...russia. Is the service worth the time? Although good and expected, privelaged and not cheap. The Basic answer is Yes, if you are willing to contribute to the economy in a major way...No if you are not. I havent paid for gas or batteries in over 3 years on my emv. Im just not. Not trying to destroy DCUO here, but 1+1=5. Xbox live=5 dollars a month, DCUO 15.00 dollars to gain acess to extra content only. No star trek here. Only science, use steam cash next time to buy a FULL game, do not try the service to buy portions duh. However, the complexity and shear scope and magnitude of the game may infact convince me otherwise later. The game is infact a privelage, yet a costly one.

Older leveling pics:

Crossplay down?

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I don't know if its computers ingeneral, but I get horrible dcs and load times. I dont even notice crossplays, and when i mean dcs, im banned for the whole day. Idk, very nazi. Did I ripoff your wittle twademark chawacter? Awwwww. Well, back to wot 360 edition premium account.

2 topics: How to make Win 7 genuine via GPO...and What's better Xbox One, PC or Ps4?

Windows 7 key notes: .. XP vs w7

Have you ever got a PC and/or Labtop and had it say it was not genuine? Well now it can be. Windows 7 has a friendly gpo which infact is the audit system for tracking. This GPO is so user friendly it can falsify tracking services under administration. That means if you put a false negative under the positive it will block any access to your PC. That includes genuine notifications. On top of that the It is much easier than XP actually. XP has it so the GPO is more business orientated ie their is plug and play on xp, not on win 7 (only on win 7 ultimate which is infact a gpo version of xp for business). Make sure to turn off the notification service first though! If possible you want to delete the notification update as well. However, doing just those may not guarantee a genuine windows. You need to audit controls under security in windows GPO (gpedit.msc) as well. Maybe even take your time in reading the 1000 group policy list, and config each one to your liking. It won't harm too much, ie active x controls can be checked for malware etc. Then you can not get weird messages etc and your pc should run fine. You should probably not turn the windows notification security service itself off though. XP is infact superior for business if one doesn't have ultimate because the gpo can control the system more effectively. XP is also mod friendly, and lightweight with sleek new designs. I was able to stop 404s on xp, where as normally the server could reject users. Its fairly less complex than win7. However, win7 can easily become customizable as well in the near future, its a given choice if one wants XP for business, and servers or Win7 for games. Win7 is great for games, because its less customizable. Can't play video files? Did your web browser slow down? Was there a missing button or added tool bar when you were gone for that one day? It basically has an unstable corruptible registry like every other windows o/s since 3.1 came out. Ever want to get a Game only O/s? One that is not complex and fairly simple, and uses default, sam, security, system and software from the windows xp system effectively...for a cheap price? Oh, the pc broke, just click refresh...and its back to normal, nope...windows 7 is extra protective for the gay empire, it has keys upon keys so you will always have an illegitimate windows system...secretively...shhhh. It also blocked cmd quick commands which fixed winxp within seconds. That 5 dollar a month xbox live o/s is even more simple, yet you would be paying for windows 7 in a year or two via that horrible disconnecting service. Or how bout the o/s being built in? Well guess what?!?.....You can't! Microsoft is too greedy and stupid. They keep piling crap on their original o/s which is default, security, sam etc. Btw I just put a password on netlog on service by filling in the name then making a password then disabled computer browser and it seems to stop browser errors which are manipulated under services. Internet traffic and even viruses are regulated this way. This simple security settings tweak is the key to preventing fatal errors in operating systems via the web browser on all windows op systems. As for games, windows 7 is better because its direct x 11 and built faster. Ever get pages loaded badly in the first place? Like you know the html on the page streams wrong? That's computer browser service not functioning correctly or using older signatures..idk it just never loads correctly anyhow. Just put a password and half of your PC web browsing problems will not occur, you can literally go anywhere on the web (you can still get viruses though, they won't effect the system much i think, which is why gpo etc may be useful). Unfortunately, I did not manipulate this important entry after doing tests with the system, and downgraded therefore gave it an F for failure (simply because I hav no disc or way to back up and repair the system). Win xp is also a maintenance nightmare, where everything is automated in win7...for instance if you install a driver, you don't manually uninstall it in device manager. It detects it automatically, if you need defrag it does it automatically and silently in the background somehow. Win 7 is no way rec to buy basically because of its hefty price tag, yet it is rec to use and may infact be worth the 100+ dollar price tag offer. Hence, windows 7 is def rec to preinstall and send back to the store give or take if the computer you buy is a labtop or uber stable and expensive computer with preinstalled win7 that you accidentally destroy by installing something like iobit malware 2, I say that would be fair. Windows 7 is not 20 bucks or 30 bucks, no its 119 dollars or 140 idk a decent sized labtop is the same amount. An upgrd to windows 8 is another 80 bucks. This article telling everyone outthere they can get it for free...priceless.

My take on what went wrong on my o/s which was for free built into the computer:

They should have improved upon windows xp and have had this setting preconfigured, however they did not so it is infact an F grade because this open setting is worst than a virus, it can distort the registry and make your web browser not load ever if simply scanned by a tracer service built in (i installed io bit malware 2 which causes irq problems on win 7) or an automated service crashes. To alleviate I had to use their service (can't remember at this time), and it automatically checked files..nifty, however it manipulated the registry a bit...and computer browser was the service it manipulated greatly. If this service was locked these problems would not arise. This IRQ error in regards is also susceptible to a ponsy scheme, because it makes users think they need to buy the disc, however how come it only occurs with Iobit malware etc? Strange bizaare even, because the program is soo popular&millions use it. An IRQ conflict is not hard to do infact.

Second Attempt: Apparently the Serial number on the PC ended up working I must hav done GPO too much or edited something I shouldn't hav touched. So its genuine again. What happens is I used windows live and updated via home edition. Its now downgraded to 64 bit, but I kept the tutorial below incase someone doesnt want to use a crack or needs just to lock down their pc for unknown reasons. So after all this mess I regraded in reality Windows 7 to an A because its much faster and can be downloaded from any location. I do however use Easeus partition manager for xp first. Easeus is the only partition manager for xp and works better than shrink volume on w7. I noticed though, w7 is much faster in general. DX 9 is equivalent to xbox 360 and at times worst. It even loads akwardly, so its not rec. XBCD is rec or XBCD64. What else...drivers, the drivers gave me a bunch of viruses because I typed in the mb in google and got viruses, then I typed in the bios name optiplex meaning windows xp was too decentralized, these new windows versions seem to be more centralized. The advantages of that is the hardware is less different, whilst last generation had ati coupled with intel, it would cause more problems, and more different cards were released. So I noticed I can upgrd back to win64 7, and that's some good news. However I still hold my opinion of a B, because of the problems which occurred through thin air before the viruses happened, ie no sound, no drivers auto dl'd or even computer browser scripting pages wrong (which I disabled upon reinstall). All in all these new o/s are faster for gaming, yet their updates still need be tested. Upon set up I give it an F for not fully automated repair, or discrete connections which means setups can go wrong. Also programs like io malware destroy the o/s for some reason or give it irq blue screens. I give it an A for functionality after everything is setup. Its apparently not plug n' play and that's what you would expect with a nice interface like these. The performance in general by windows 7 is overall better, and rec for those people whom still use XP. Below I listed a possible way to get around SAM without a product key. As for the Games download and internet features of Windows 7, I would give it an A for the fact that so many games are available free, I would even give it an A because of the fact that the games are so cheap, howver I give it an F because my computer, once again, has a virus...from thin air, making my decision making process to never buy games sooo much easier. So I enabled all access to outcoming connections on the fw. No. However, since viruses do nothing to win7, I decided to keep it to avoid a third attempt dl.

1.) Audit settings in gpo to failure in order to not be tracked. Delete SUI in system32

2.) SLrg rearm etc in CMD and delete the popular kb update

3.) Open regedit and individually delete the Windows protection folder...its HKEY somethign something, if its not there it can't show up. Can't remember at the moment. Its in there somewhere. Then turn off automatic updates, restore, possibly even background services if you're good etc in gpo.

4.) Go to Security settings in Administrator and navigate to computer browser, type in a user name and password you want. Click apply.

5.) Nonvalidated windows is validated or not checked. If no disc is available, or no program updates etc it should dl, upload games fine. If validation network via sam still gets through...I rec using windows 7 as a game computer. Like I said, if its off, its off.

This is a short article, because PCs shouldn't be controlled, but mainly because people's private lives shouldn't be tracked either. If I pay for my xbox service, i don't want disruption. If I pay for my PC and/or its games, I don't want viruses, and I don't esp want to be tracked, its as simple as that. If you are in the same position as me and get stuck with a PC without a disc, you too, would not want to be tracked...however so that's the nature of plug n' play o/s. Sometimes you just have to go for the better one that suits you. A backup PC is a must. Also you might need an o/s with a disc, so they don't lose all together...sometimes people want the disc for the o/s. For instance, if I have backup work on this computer, it will be lost forever if say my harddrive crashes on a hot day. Or it may be that I accidently delete a file, or download a file which curropts the registry...idk, a backup disc is fairly important and that's why people do infact buy operating systems. I am only for the O/s being built in as free...for instance, i don't pay a single cent for xbox, ps4, or any other lightweight o/s. If I am to purchase win7, I would do so at less of a price or even for free. From my interaction with this o/s it had no set backs. Its basically xp built with firmware, fairly nice and easy to use plus or minus tweaking the bots and automated live controls. I may keep this one, for games only though. As for a rec, i do rec highly this o/s because it is virus safe, and even checks for viruses with bitdefender or without a virus scan. If you get a virus, its less likely to damage your system as it is with XP. XP does have some advantages though, and that is the advantage of locking down your pc and encrypting it without a smart card or hard-to-earn knowledge of c++ etc. Both are built upon system, sam, default etc..so i don't see a big deal or upgrade either. I just see an easier user interface with win 7. If I really wanted to test my hardware i'd go ahead and get win8 beta for free though. Below are some free programs designed for windows 7&8. The fact is is that all PCs are built with the web browser first, then the operating system and hardware, consoles are exactly the opposite. Game platforms will always be more effective. Proof is just the other day my windows 7 web browsers started working slow, I checked xbox 360, nope, nothing...I checked my other PC still nothing. Then I remembered I was one of the few million lucky winners to click on the green checked virus icon under google search...that's right you can land a virus just by searching for popular terms as "windows 7 uninstall office service pack 2" updates. Clicking on the first link or so, will land you, that's right..a virus. The gay empire has a lot of work on their hands, destroying such good technology as the pc and making it uttery useless...like a pyramid scheme. That's why I have a back up PC, and also installed win xp and win xp 64 bit under windows 7 in a separate partition.


Unfortunately, this is also a review. I give Windows 7 O/s after using it for 2 weeks a gradual cool F for Failure. I was able to use XP for a few years without major disruption, whilst w7 prevented me from navigating to any web orientated sites and slowed me down on a crawl. I used the same service on two other computers to double check its legitimacy. It is infact true, the myth that we degenerated from the sumerians and Bill Gates or walking sh1t is living proof of their computer, an unstable technicality upon civilization for the sake of secretive monetary goals. Windows 7 is literally sh1t. The true reason is XP can be manipulated and learned, if I had a W7 cd and a year with the program, this rating would infact rise. However, I don't, neither do I have the time of elementary behaviors or to decipher new o/s. It is infact a glamorized interface or o/s even built upon xp. As I suspected two weeks earlier, I would be downgrading within a month, and rec anyone else without the cd to do so. The automated systems are nice, yet they don't do anything to fix that big internet explorer dump they took, the one where they built the explorer program first so everyone and their mother can get inside your pc. Its called Windows, and regedit etc is infact a must. If I use the XBox 360 browser, or my modified winxp on another pc and its load time is not a 56k after navigating to certain websites, you would understand too. Here is to bypass the config below, for all those Win7 free users who don't have a disk yet for some reason shelled out lots of money on a pc. So you buy an O/s, and everythings set for gaming but wait...oh no the graphics on your graphics card jumps, that small jump will render an unknown (on win7 64bit, the graphics jump due to intervention of an unknown, even on minimal settings, when you rotate the camera angle it jumps...BTw whats a snap-in? Its a root directory from an outside source only available on windows machines to be virtually controlled by this outside source...DO NOT WANT DNW). On a console, the game will not be built with this glitch...ever online or offline. However, some lucky individuals (rich people) who own a 1000 dollar machine can hold their breath for a few months before maintenance issues arise. Here's the problem, if you have windows 32 bit instead of 64, you need some program tweaks for games. You also need to change the ram size of the o/s. Say the ram size is 4 gigs, you need to change it to 8gigs under virtual memory tab (the PAE tool, basically microsoft..millions of people want to play those classic games on 32 bit systems and still be able to play a new game without stuttering via a desktop etc...more ram is just better). Windows is byfar much more improved than XP, however you will run into the same problems if you don't know what youre doing. Windows is by far the worst performance machine on the market. Goodluck on configurations.

Here are some programs specifically designed for windows 7&free:

*Advanced Uninstaller pro ii, Windows Defender, AVG (virus scanner), Direct x 11

Here are some programs designed for the benefits of increasing gaming performance

*Avast (lightweight, Silent gaming mode virus scanner), CCleaner, ASC with gamebooster and/or game assistant 2, drivebooster, defraggler, etc DO NOT dl Io bit malwarefighter it causes IRQ conflicts on win7/win8. DL microsoft essentials instead.

Benefits of Windows 7&8: Almost everything is automated for instance, if your files are damaged they can be fixed in sfcscannow tool, etc. You can basically totally enable all gpe edit settings without any fear of damaging your system.

You can delete almost everything. However most regedit settings, naturally should always be left alone.

-Its rec to only use maybe 2 or 3 background programs, but you may opt for 2 of something the same as long as the company doesn't conflict with it (eg two virus scanners are usually bad news, yet 2 registry cleaners may be beneficial). CCleaner for instance is a lightweigh registry cleaner, but fast whilst Advanced Uninstaller can save up to 10 gigs in its operations. Ever get a download icon to a new web browser and have it become a virus? Oh yeah, try and delete those pesky root signatures, windows 7 unlike xp has a way to do it. Fraudulent signatures are a plague to the internet. They are infact the root cause of spyware & why the gay empire is so strong on the internet. However Windows 7&8 broke their back or diminished their powers just a little. Manually deleting these fraudulent sigs every now and then in *google chrome*, mmc etc are a must. Direct x 9 is good, direct x 11 is infinite times better, giving you trees, and an environment in most games. On warthunder you get grassy knolls instead of a 1998 flight simulator. For a gaming PC the bottom list is rec whilst for a business pc the top one is, both virus scanners have a good reputation so its up to the user to choose.

Video cards advice: If you want to put a new video card like an nvidia or radeon 1gb video ram on your pc, make sure its not something from like 2007, also make sure to plug it into the powersupply via a new 6 pin. You also need to make sure to put v-sync on. V-sync doesn't do anything to games like cs:source, however, it benefits greatly to the newer games. It gets rid of bumps and kinks, with a loss of fps. If fps is standard 60 frames, the eye can not notice and it works pretty much as well as a console. You also want that 8gb system to compete with ps4 and xbox one. You need 1 gb free on your gamecard, that's 9 gbs being used.

Xbone one vs PS4 vs PC specs analysis and comparison.

What's higher than the Ps4 and Xbone's 8gb is infact PC video ram or GPU. As for the below article (which i think is a mess), yes PC cards are hdmi cable ready. However, they need more space. An 8core ps4 won't do what a quadcore pc will do because of space ie videoram or GPU. The GPU is infact really large on a pc, and it does most of the work, so that's why a PC is more powerful than a console. That with including performance issues, will infact decimate the competition in games like gta v or call of duty etc. And yes, we all know Xbox one is more powerful than PS4, here is a link. A hyperthreaded icore3 PC is 4 quadcore at 3.30, so its twice as much as 1.6 (2.20 errr see chart). An icore 3 will be more powerful than a ps4 basically, or on the same level. Notice, the amd cpu is 1.75 gz each (8 core) whilst the amd cpu on ps4 is 1.6, a little less. The Xbox one is infact faster with 853 mhz directly to its APU. Don't expect blue ray or nice double layered discs for cheap gamers like us though. Consoles will usually have more disc space and easier maintenance operations. With game programs like gamebooster nowadays I thought the icore 3 was the best competitive solution, opting over the amd quadcore because of hyperthreading or widepipelines from mb-to-graphics card (wider pipelines=faster boottime). Some mbs never do get widepipelines, the amd soyo did, the amd 64-bit boards didnt. Some may get a blue screen, however that is simply because of vertical refresh not being on. The Ps4 however outshines all three consoles in gaming performance with a peak of 1billion pps. These are the cards with the most and best effects afterall.

Below I made a chart:

Ps4gpu cpu: 1 gig AMD Custom ATI Radeon GCN 256mb ddr5@1.61 (3.22) 8core AMD Jaguar + 256 mb ddr3 background ram@1billion pps
Xb1gpu cpu: 8gb ATI Xenon ddr3@1.75 (3.50) 8core AMD Jaguar + 853 mhz APU 512 mb interface ram@770million pps
Icore3 gpu cpu8gb ddr3, 1gb ddr5 (ATI radeon 5750)@3.30 or AMD quadcore-to-8core can be compared@around 725million pps (standard)

PC still wins before xbox and ps4 was even released. Xbox one wins in speed. However, 9gb gpu defeats its 8gb, and the system needs that apu/gpu ram on a heavy duty videocard to keep up. A 2010 Icore beats the ps4/xbox one, just barely. If you need to know evolution of videocards, the Dreamcast outdid its competition, the PC back in the day. The truth is the console makers, simply couldn't afford something that revolutionary it seems. Technology has its limits afterall. However, the xbox 360, ps3 seventh gen was a little better. Its Ps3/xbox one defeated its predecessor, the amd 64 bit chip series on the PC upon release only for a short time. The gen before this did so, for a few years. PC could not handle the ps2/dreamcast/gamecube/xbox1 generation in terms of graphics and capabilities. Dreamcast did test drive le mans, better than any pc or even ps2. It set the standard for arcade games being better on console as well (where as psone came close, the gens before this gen seemed to fall short technically speaking to the PC). Ps2 had the effects PC could never touch..and gamecube had ati graphics, it had rogue squadron which destroyed even the wii. An AMD back in early 2000 was infact poor compared to the xbox 1, with games like riddick or splintercell never falling short and always outperforming its bland pc counterparts. Out of all the gens, the sixth gen is by far the best. It was infact the media and graphics which ran through the gpu that made the consoles revolutionary and unique in the sixth gen alone. Where as now there has become only two competitors (nope, no dc nec powervr2 or ps2's custom vector-based cpu graphics or even the introduction of pc graphics to consoles in gamecube and xbox1 hence ati&nvidia) nvida and ati. Although, its not entirely hardware but exclusives and how they make them that win. Ps4 may have more pipelines, yet this does not constitute as 50 percent faster, it just means that Ps4 has more tasks. Xbox one is more arcade efficient and has the ability ps4 does not have, which is infact rendering graphics faster. If one were to make a framerate comparison, xbox one would win. If one were to make a multicore rendering comparison ps4 would win (you know like planes on the screen at the same time, the human eye can not notice fine details, in warthunder for instance I could not catch the terrain detail difference with my eye no matter how I tried, the only difference I saw was frame rate and sharpeness...i think, u know like pop up with the small details). On top of that xbox one has 512 mb interface ram. Hence, one has yet to see a game as nice as driveclub on the xbox one. On a major note, I chose PC than xbox one than ps4 because Xbox one clearly can mimick direct x 11 more which means lightning differences are greater. Xbox one can do direct x11 do to its speed. To prove this analysis or statement I compared these games of far cry which was more near to the PC than the ps4 version for instance trees move on xbox one, they do not on ps4 (i could not compare gtav cus it was simply programmed poorly, when you miss bushes and shrubs and make the game look like a totally new one with what appears to be the same amount of ram, you would understand). Gamers just won't understand these machines are exactly the same though with maybe a few small percent error as different. Ps3 vs XBox 360 was a year apart, yet xbox 360's unified ram streamed games better than ps3 and was easier to develop for. It also made those arcady capcom games look better. It did better bump mapping, yet ps4 did better effects same as the previous gen. Ps2 had rain effects etc and custom hardware as well. Last gen though, xbox 360 won and was clearly a year apart. For instance bad company 2 has better bumpmapping than its ps3 counterpart (vector based custom lighting effects, that rain effect you see in ms2 on ps2 can not be mimicked, not even on the best pc emulator). And it was more fluid. Dreamast/gamecube vs ps2 was the same story. Except ps2 was so powerful as to destroy the competition in polygons. Xbox one vs ps4 however is a different story. Both were released the same time, and the specs are identical. Game wise, PS4 is more compatible then xbox one. It comes in second place, because it has shown what its hardware can do, and proved it. Xbox one, has shown only what xbox 360 did, which was maybe a better framerate. With multirendering capabilities, better frame rate, better specs or a different developer doesn't always win. Ps4 is slightly ahead of xbox one, in games and specs. It seems to be inactuality sony's messiah so-to-speak. Its infact the best console since psone, hardware wise the best console sony ever made. Xbox one, however still has room to prove itself with its faster processing power (the xb1's xenon is infact harder to develop for too, yet it may prove itself with exclusives like halo 5). Xbox 360 infact beat ps3 imho last gen, not in graphics but in all around playability and bump-mapping being a year behind. This time around hardware wise, microsoft made some crucial mistakes. Both consoles are equal yet ps4 seems to do better in performance levels. Xbox 360 is microsofts holy grail for now, whilst ps4 is sony's. Xbox loses even if its the faster machine, ps4 is built faster. Xbox one can lose or win, basically having advantages and disadvantages in their hardware makes the competition equal. However development and game design show its losing (driveclub etc has not been done on xbox as of yet...let alone a pc ;P). Both hardware can infact compete. Yet if capcom releases a game that utilizes some aspects of bumpmapping let me know. PC wins this one and all around basically. Technically, Ps4 has faster pipelines or hyperthreading yet Xbox one may be faster in arcade games, however Xenon is harder to develop for (cooler, and more silent what I heard, yet harder like the ps3 in last gen). Xbox one wins in its exclusives which are mainly unreleased right now and ties in graphical translations (minus gtav, a big flop imho). So because of its speed, and its exclusives, I still say its a tie with technical aspects, wider pipelines and faster bootimes don't always help. Game development wise Ps4 is coming in a smooth first, above even the PC. PC wins in overall performance with its hardware of course, with outdated pcs from 2010 outclassing both consoles in resolution, detail, and framerate. Whilst PC is good, games nowadays are fairly equal in appearance, for instance nba 2k series retains that photorealistic feel which only videogames can derive (cgi has not entered this form of art). However, EA games NBA live retains it even further and it being only on console has a slight advantage over PC. This feel can be seen as far back as dreamcast with its test drive le mans game, making my point in this article on the margin. Yet the scale of detail Ps4 delivers in a microscopic level is uncanny to what a PC can truly do, one example is driveclub's zooming in feature built for the system hence PC still has to proove it can do spec graphics to the 'T'. All 3 game platforms and/or consoles are infact equal. For now, the games released on ps4 can be done on PCs from 2011-2010 in resolution and certain effects (batman arkham city, warthunder, etc would look better on pc than console though).

Wot Xbox one thoughts..

Its cool that wot was released on xbox one by some wargaming incorp..er not gaijin. Anyways...here's wat the xbox 360 version stands out for that the PC version lacks. 1.) arcade play 2.) speed&flat terrain 3.) upgradables 4.) joystick. The PC version has these but to a certain extent. The fact is is that the PC version also lacks teamplay which can be played via squads or tier 6. However, not worth the wait. The XBox one version if upgraded from the 360 elements of course, will be good. However, I doubt team play and new international announcers on the xbox 360 version works. The fact is no one wants to play team play on a sim like in warthunder. Its fun and realistic, but you won't get players. The other fact is I just watched waltzing with amy..no wait take this waltz or watever and seth rogen's voice as the announcer is getting to me. PC is infact upgraded for the sim player, xbox 360 could add an element here or there. As hoped, xbox one has not those elements...best avoid. However, have yet to know if xb one is teamplay as to the fact i have no xb one and its expensive. K later.

*Currently am earning 30k a day to make a tier 10 for free&proove tier 10 is safe to play. How?!? 61 out of 81 achievements...double xp on best team player achievement for instance sniff. Its all good. The jpanzer knows.

PC vs Console. What's better?

After recently inventing an electromagnetic device and traversing into your cities with the device, I began thinking of the complexities and its simplicities of 120 volt grid technologies. Two of these I own, they are infact consoles and PCs. The PC, is infact a good device, however it is fairly uncontrollable. Every aspect of a pc especially if outdated can be targeted. It is infact a chaotic and primitive machine in my honest opinion like the gasoline engine. So now that we got that out of the way, I haven't updated my pc since 2007 because of this simple fact. The console is infact a real device, it is much like a pc except service is a little more stable. By a little I mean the number one aspect of the PC, the games. The games on a PC can work well, the technology is there, sure it can be worlds more superior in graphics etc but PC gamers lack one thing console gamers have, and that is flexibility. Sure PCs have better fps controls, and although durable, the xbox 360's sticks are still imho too long. Okay, so I can't ever snipe on a console, okay sure I can't have good graphics. Yet here is a plus. More people play consoles. Consoles are like unprivatized. They infact are cheap pcs and give the same gameplay experience. Consoles are infact with exclusives (well okay maybe sony is with exclusives idk). Except here's another fact, consoles are cheaper...and always will be. BTw, consoles are also more universal, more people play consoles. On top of that, even though multi-tasking is just getting there in consoles, and its not as comfortable, it does have its pluses in functionality. Its more simple eg better. You don't ever get trojans from installing new programs on consoles. They are safer. You don't have maintenance issues ever. You simply don't have to learn or lick some guy you don't know who worked at microsoft in 1998's ass so-to-speak. You don't have to update programs or keep multiple programs up to date. You get updates that function and are always stable. If you put a game in, that game will gaurantee to play on your console. Sure you don't have access to like 10 generations of games, but there are sooo many games that you don't need access to them. No one in the world has that much time. On top of that, consoles have debt perception. They are infact modeled on PC aesthetics so the outdated graphics can inactuality be overcome due to developers and new consoles. For instance, I still think Dreamcast's Xtreme sports is as good as say ssx on xbox 360, and I might even go as far as saying Coolriders is on that level (you can catch me playing that game online currently as lkqqqjc). But here's the thing, Xbox 360's ssx is infact made for gaming. Giving the user far more options and easier accesibility to play online. It gives them ability to play against other people, therefore I am not going to go back to my dreamcast to play games...unless may be I stop playing for like 3 years. While on my PC I can just youtube the game I have. Yet the PC is simply not as good because that update on your virus scanner will be outdated and then you will have to pay for it. It just won't guarantee a function tommorrow morning when you wake up for work, and want to get that hour or two of gameplay in. IMHO consoles are like america and japan whilst PCs are like North Korea. Unpredictable. Consoles are a more centralized network and you can go rob a store, come back and the console will still be online (unless there are server issues see previous posts). A PC will infact create a virus out of thin air due to files that are controlled...and those files are then recontrolled. Consoles are infact better. Better yet Consoles are like an M-16 whilst Pcs are like an Ak-47....the PC is unpredictable and doesn't even shoot straight. Consoles are Not only for the gaming community but for all ages.

PS I infact wrote this part of the blog on a console this month, a day after checking the route of my electric current on my moped. I had to understand that the current needs to go into the battery or it will create a minor induction leak. I then had to understand why a 12 volt did infact need to be run by a 24 volt. Consoles are simply better, like a ufo....or electromagnetic technology against the electric car. They won't fail you because of an unstable mind or too much emotion created by the creator's product. They infact remain more stable and outreachable against the competition.

Technology simply moves too slow so its an unknown in the console wars mostly since they disguised the textures, particle effects and framerate since the sixth gen arose ie

Dreamcast - 7m pps

Gamecube - 12m pps

Ps2 - 66m pps (30m texture mapped peak performance speculated to be only 22mpps with effects)

Xbox - 75m pps or 125m pps (unknown texture mapped peak?)

Ps3 -275m pps (unknown, has motion blur though)

Xbox 360 - 500m pps (unknown peak, substitutes motion blur)

Xbox one - 700m pps

Ps4 - 1billion pps

Toy story 1&2 - 2-4 billion pps

PPS: I just got an Icore 3 for x-mas and guess where it is a few hours later, next to the trashbin because it locks up after a few minutes. Windows 7 is trash, and I'm one of those people who don't want to take another IT home school class to revert group policies (which btw seems to be not present on windows 7, a simple hidden function that should be as popular as the chkdsk function or regedit/msconfig tool the to the mass...but is hidden in most microsoft built o/s machines!). Lol, all of this slavery and these creators made a sh1t stain much greater than even the gasoline engine. Computers are broken, and always will be. I decided not to find out what it will do. Computers have been my enemy ever since 2003 when I put my 60 dollar ff7 game in one to play through its emulator and to my dismay having it leave deep scratches within the disk itself (only to somehow finish the game with a ps2 which luckily still read the discs, in particular the second disk was still readable). You know, lightning from sky, bypassing two surge protectors, just those common every day voltage issues! I/O traces idk wat it really is. Happens on consoles all the time...not! Yet still to this day I cont. to use this absurd technology for task managing (updating websites, buying things, etc). However I will be using windows xp on it sometime in the future. What happened was a ram stick was infact different or of a different size. I will give a clear review if I fix this 'minor' problem in the near future. Be warned though progress is slow, very slow.

Part 1 Browsing the Web: How safe is a PC web browser and app wise? Which is better?

PCs are infact not web browser and app safe, this gives consoles a definate edge whilst retaining maintenance free operation. However PCs can infact be web browser and app safe with enough knowledge of GPO tools, those toolbars you never installed won't be showng up...unfortunately this means knowledge of how to disable certain areas of your PC such as hash protection etc...and no one is going to find out where that is. As long as those digital signatures flow into your PC so do those virus's and malware. The only protection you have is deleting those signatures, repairing windows and even limiting functions on your pc for navigation on malware attacks...after a few weeks? Hacking on PCs goes down to an insane micromanaging nightmare with MIME detection, to even devastating attacks on your IP addy via everything from IEEE engineering to Hash file encryption (files that are aloud to overwrite other files, that usb stick you put in u bought from the store can even have a virus). Everything can be disabled for that 12 year old kid with a science essay due tomorrow? Or even that design team's big project? PCs run on files behind files. Consoles are an unknown, not only are there hardware alien and rare, so is their penetration by hackers or viruses. Maintenance free operation is sometimes a must. Whether you want to play a game, browse the web (look at porn even) or use netflix, the biggest problem you will run into is maybe a dns update. On PCs you can infact disable third party traffic easily though via GPO. Except not everyone takes a computer course that summer. If the server goes down, you just check serversdown.com, nothings perfect. However, you don't want to get too paranoid, its all a game. Those settings don't do anything anyways. What happens is spyware may affect gameplay, a stuttering in your graphics card by your motherboard is infact spyware or a virus but maybe its that vertical sync setting you turned on at your desktop tray. Consoles have a big edge in this field retaining an almost perfect maintenance free operation after years of use.

PART 2 Testing...Do people use New Computers? ..and why?!

As bill gates once said, "Computers are like Cars" hence once you become a part of the grid, you become a part of their slavery system..their child is a mouse that squeeks in an annoying tone that only the craziest of men can avoid, everyone dies...yet a gold fish can outlive this unborn consciousness of a dirty mind's spirit by 30 years, theirs is one thing you should know, the boy is unborn, he (jesus christ) was not, happy holidays. The gay empire has many apps and processes by different creators which compete with one another, intentionally creating conflict in your registry. The fact is that if you disable all background services, including bots and apps via asc, and control a computer via group policies you win in the long run. Virus scanners conflict with malware scanners which infact install curropt data. The machine is infact imperfect but can be controlled. Let's move on to a gaming machine review against the ill fated console. Stuttering is not a video card errors or processors slowing down, its infact data packet flow from digital signatures which can be controlled and limited in GPO. Viruses can go as far as moving mouse cursors around and installing toolbars, this function on pcs may prevent it, yet it may even be magic, who knows. Consoles from mho, never had viruses...only minor server issues. Yet these errors are subject to change as win7 and win8 get older...alhtough they are built as xp, they have app folders instead of 'network only' ones where as everything in the network goes into binary code or a set of encrypted instruction sets into these folders & not directly into the registry&the virus is not expected to do anything. Streaming devices do not or can not have these functions. Consoles win once again...Jesus christ.

Mods vs Modding?

As I know games like freedom force etc could be modded and being a big fan and collector of comic books for 4 years I could see the fun in getting knew skins. I was copying, and storing a lot of xbox 1 games with my brother. He had ps2 hds that ran rented games, while working at the local gamestop. Anyways, he infact passed on yet mods were his fav thing. I personally got the idea of dreamcast game copying from my friend in college and later got into mugen coding and modding on my pc. Without modding life is fairly boring, however the mugen community seemed to have died down a little. This is infact not really, i just died down a little, having 1000 mugen dc/marvel characters tells us why. My xbox 360 however is not modded because the art to me has gotten too complex, a year of xb live with free games is all the mods one needs. The xbox 360 itself however literally requires that 120gb drive mod, if its for an elite hd on a xbox 360 arcade gray top...idk paint the top and bottom black with a permanant marker so it wont look so tacky. I also modded or knew of downloadable content on C&C:zerohour such as the soviet mods etc (i grew up with the c&c genre and having seen the best gameplay ever cancelled I too cancelled my interest in that field...and the servers shut down last year). It may be because they used terms such as european union for the faction which may become a copyright issue..and remember that Battlefield 1942 mod of the iraq war that came out way before battlefield 4? Or the star wars mod on it? If I were to say mods on consoles were better I would be lying. Yet even though they do have mods persay its more developer owned or dl content for a paid service such as indie games. Bad company vietnam for instance, I don't know if you can say mod or upgrade. Consoles simply don't have mods...unless you count dreamcast ports of doom and halflife or xbox running windows xp. Usually though, its only hardware related or privatized somehow. However they do have emulators on consoles, which gave me no problems. Emulators on consoles are better, because some pcs burn the emulator wrong. PC mods are much more customizable though. PCs clearly have better games to mod and skins to boot. Consoles however have safer copying issues, and their emulators are usually safe as well. I know this for a fact because in florida when I was on the scene of where Aeris dies I took out my ff7 cd to see why it froze on a brand new pc...idk about gpedit tools, but the thing did infact scratch the disc up. I completed the game safely with the two discs scratched up within the week i got home from visiting my sister on a ps2 instead. Ps2 seems to have played the scratched discs fine. Sure, hdmi ports burning out, ff7 discs being scratched, viruses on pcs may make you think I am a bit biased or its an unfixable problem. The problem with technology though, is I'm witness to these problems, so I can't just say you can float on water. And I have fixed these problems through edit tools or learning about stuff. Its like missing the screw hole in that hd tv's stand with your eye, sometimes you'll mess up and the thing will unbalance then tip. PCs are better then consoles for modding, consoles are better for mods, games and emulators. Yet to me modding and building stages for cs source or ut watever was a hobby in say...2002. Some people are actually getting into it, like wargaming, its a thing that is invented and never goes away. I even modded my electromagnetic scooter (joke). Electromagnetism is like modding, its a successor to the electric car. PCs are always modding though, in hardware etc. They just progress too fast and are unstable. An emulator on a console is simply safer, or done more accurately (is user friendly) without the use of finding old files or using dosbox. Consoles can also have friendly map editing tools and/or developer tools as is seen in some cases with xbox 360's pinata or Battleblock theatre. Its sometimes even a necessity in fps shooters ala halo 3 as well. However with friendly developer tools and more complex map editing features that come with their games PC wins by far in this category. This article gets big...may update this section later.

Can Outdated Consoles compete in graphics compared to PCs?

Do Consoles really excel in graphics compared to PCs? What Do you Think?

Well after surfing the web for some info on competition, I decided to take out the competition with a fairly outdated console to show you why consoles are unique in their graphics functions whether it be particle effects etc. They tend to remain unflat at times through bump mapping. If you take a look at dreamcast, it has a unique gold shimmer or a perfect shine to its reflective surfaces and I was curious how it did that? The gold surface shine was present in Propeller arena online, yet lacked in warthunder, it had a dull look to it, not too bright and signicantly different. I looked around in youtube and saw the nulldc emulator giving a higher resolution. But can it mimick that shine? This video says it can't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_1456284199&feature=iv&src_vid=cbSTt45kNhM&v=jaiauujVT3s...if you check out Kasumi's hair color, its considerably more orange or brighter on dreamcast...this may be a resolution thing, but the shine is also not present in her hair...graphics wise, PCs do win, they do so in outperformance, but in aesthetics...and detail Consoles may win. I paused at 4:53, both games are the same (pls note fullscreen the window at 720p on youtube to see the details), yet the hair on kasumi shines slightly more. This is proven because both the game and PC are paused at the same exact frame. The PC's hair looks less round and more dull somehow whilst its glow or reflective shimmer remains less. This can be due to the resolution, yet I have a large collection of dreamcast games, and this ability of shining is fairly common on the dreamcast itself...making it rare, like the ps2's particle effects and vector based graphics (which imho look like atari 2600 when put in true vga or component...one game to check for is basically all of the ps2's first gen games lol). PCs have a fairly flat texture, given this the hyperthreaded icore 3 (better for gaming than the icore 5 btw), with an ati radeon HD 5750 2 gig card, proved it. PCs nowadays use quadcore cpus. That means 4 cpus so pcs are pretty impressive and evolved quickly from just a few years ago. However, compare it to a console and you will still have something the console can do in graphics that a pc can't which makes it interesting&fairly complex<;3. Graphics, although I am not new to this, graphics are built by how a card works, a tnt 2 worked as a ps2 did imho, minus the particle effects of the ps2. Consoles are just very alien to me. Yet if you play a pc in 2000 with a game built for it, then one now on a dif pc it will look basically the same with all the settings on high. Back in the day, a dragon soyo board used 4 pipelines, it booted up in 10 seconds, so does the asus 64 amd board, yet custom mboards are defective or seem to have minor power issues (a 30 dollar custom mb will infact be a nightmare compared to a complete 60 dollar one ie custom means like 2 pci ports, smaller size, one ram port etc). The dreamcast console running on a null dc had considerably more dull colors side by side with a vga prepped dreamcast console. Not noticable in most games like shenmue, or crazy taxi because the colors aren't significant, but still can't be done flawlessly. I don't know if its important, but the dreamcast is clearly more brighter than its pc counter-part. This does well actually at low resolution bump-mapping effects and features. Dreamcast can for some reason do reflective surfaces, not only better than pc, but better than gamecube, xbox and ps2. PCs just tend to be more conservative than consoles which are more liberal on my part. However, a PC with the right games, since the 486dx2 days with mortal kombat 1, can also be a fun machine in the living room. Alas you will never find cross-platform gaming on consoles to pc anymore unless they are mmorpgs because the fps functions of a pc move far faster and are far more complex (halo 4 is a great game, however alien rage almost destroys the competition completly in emmersion factors, graphics and gameplay to boot, its simply more faster). Even though I consider Bad company 2 on xbox 360 the best version of the 3, PCs have one thing consoles lack, an ability to snipe fairly easily (game developers should consider auto-snipes). This is a tough call though, because bad company 2 has fairly good pc-to-console mechanics&that favorite game on that outdated pc you bought on ebay will need to be tweaked to the fullest unless you get a new pc a few years in the future or a card of some sort. PCs are just faster machines than consoles with its common ram counterpart lagging behind by atleast 1 gb and windows services such as steam now being game user friendly. Consoles however can infact do that. When playing warthunder on a pc then on a ps4, one will not consider small details such as darker shadows or that extra splash. PCs are more superior, therefore retaining their complexity as being the more powerful machine, whilst consoles are more fun with gameplay over graphics therefore addicting and at often times harder to play.

Update test and review so far..garbage

So today I completed upon setting up the gay empire's baby, its deemed ice machine, the lamborgini of lambos, an icore 3 with ati hd 5730 2 gb ram to test. Even though I liked it without the ram, I thought maybe the computer wouldnt be attacked so after toying around for an hour all hell broke loose. Sure it worked, however for 5 minutes. Windows 7 had constant updates, after finding out my IP addy, they destroyed the machine. Yes, the gay empire can infact do that, and they do. Hard drives can be destroyed, motherboards can have voltage issues, viruses can be created for that 5 dollars from last summer that you owe some kid's dad with a shitty business. The grainy 30 fps no videocard was infact good for windows 7. Then I noticed constant updates, to give me viruses maybe? So next on the agenda is to sell it for parts. I just checked my real pc, the one with group policies, then i checked my xbox 360 that i will not continue to pay for (shitty service, servers go down continentally, games lag out constantly, its just bad see prev post). Computers do not work, they are broken...unless you have that one computer from 2007. I enjoyed that 5 minutes of windows 7 without a video card and I enjoyed the grainy graphics of warthunder to say the least. It worked. It was tweaked well, then I installed the video card and not only did it never turn on, but it infact caused issues. One being the graphics were too sharp and the high resolution was unappealing. The details on the ground are intricate but too intricate, the other being the computer itself can't handle the video card and won't turn on after a 5 minute gameplay procedure. A 400 watt dynex ps simply doesn't fail. Unplugging every component also doesn't fail. Yet a computer cord being stuck in the cpu fan will render it useless. Not only is the video card broken, but the cpu is broken too. After a second attempt and close look to see the updates not booting. A loose cord also fell into the cpu fan to render it broken, and i mean all of it from component to cpu to motherboard...just trashed. From a very careful or careless procedure of entropy, does your computer not work. No not magic, it just simply gets destroyed if handled incorrectly. It also gets destroyed via hacking and windows updates knowing your IP addy from that 5 dollar loan and unconstitutional harassment you got. I am willing to bet every person out there is targeted. If you show me a working computer I will say fake. So why does my 'real' computer work? Because unfortunately my maskless enemy behind the counter updating the pc is a blithering idiot. Here is my history or resume on the history of computer usage since 2001 to prove the inconsistencies in their technology basically. First computer, virus...many of them back in college so constant library use. Second computer constant toolbars, virus, then finally a bricked hard drive because one day the temp in summer got too high, or voltage issues and i/o traces by your friendly gov. 3rd pc, same, voltage issues, mouse dconnects, ?usb problems? facebook account hacks, bank account theft etc (btw i am still in college here). 4rth pc, nothing because i fixed it and am using it right now, constantly every day. 5th console competing pc, owned for a day until everything from air to water destroys it...culprit gay empire. Consoles win hands down. BTw after the first windows 7 updates, i started getting 404 errors immediately indicating hackage and i/o traces&better yet there is no group polices or the pc was already 'configured' to their advantage of spying and wasting people's time. Nm, so far every thing is good around the table, turns out it just doesn't like crts. May or may not update the performance, because a few 404 errors did occur since the review, which indicates some sort of rootkit malware behavoir. All in all consoles are still better because since early days I have never known a PC to plug and play. So everything I mentioned above is apparently true cus my sound did 'burn out', and my hdmi ports also 'burned out'

Why do consoles win in this Review?

It turns out this was just my inexperience, after not using an updated PC for nearly a decade I soon found out PCs are infact run by 4 processors and they are plug and play. They do infact work that way now. Simply updating drivers etc is all automatic. Giving PCs the edge. I was infact impressed with this machine's specs of a i3 hd 5570 with 8 gb ram DYNEX power supply and quadcore cpu. I did however go through the hassles of building it, and running into the same problems I ran back in the late 90s when building machines. Ram needs to be switched, spread out at times. The console's drivers need updating. The 404 errors and the blue screen of death have infact been present, the crt didn't work, the sound drivers needed to be checked and the connectors needed to be rerouted&reconnected etc. I am afterall aware of the industries lack of hdmi support, hdmi infact burns out even through a surge protector. These problems I am infact witness of, so they will be presently known or not be a trick by arabic fakirs from the 13th ce so to speak (lol, inside joke). Driver booster 2 did a great job. However, a console can somehow compete, because PCs require maintenance, something consoles can't touch. Consoles can simply compete in a few fields, and it is not only stability, hardware support&plug and play devices. They are better in exclusives, and they are more simple and easy to use. They are also sad to say imho more fun...when you play games such as ssx on a console or button mashers such as SSB (super smash brothers, and/or a plethora of fighting games out there), they just won't be available on pcs. Another fact is everything is temp and everything goes, esp after you die. They are not great though when it comes down to owning one. PCs also constantly need tweaking and task managing. That is how I got warthunder to work so well on the PC without the video card, through tweaking it looked nicer than the sharpest of graphics by giving a blur effect feel to it. The grainy effect made it feel more like a ww2 sim, with settings tweaked all the way down at low then with the fps@30 and esp with the AA+textures gone. While O/s like windows 8 are infact firmware friendly, they also work like consoles now with a user app friendly interface. However there is still a question about set up installs and the internet. A picture can be viewed a thousand times in some cases, with a virus it can only be viewed once. Consoles will only last a few years, whilst PCs less (hardware upgrds, maintenance, viruses). However, more age groups play consoles, PCs are somewhat confined to certain generation of people due to their expensive costs. Consoles last only a few years...so do pcs kind of with hardware upgrds etc. Pcs also lack in generations and are more maintenance heavy. In the long run PCs are more rare, yet both are the same...gameplay wise consoles however are for gamers with skillz, and takes a little more edge in the competition. Pcs are just too expensive, elite and privatized. Consoles are more centralized. It is however possible to change your PC into a living room gaming machine with controllers and all. Setting up a PC though takes 5 hours, setting up a console, 5 minutes. The fact is is that Hardware, company servers&windows update can control your pc eventually because pcs are well...different. For Graphics go with PC, gameplay enthusiasts however should vote for console. A Tie. However the main reason why consoles actually win in this review is because of something the human race calls the Ebola Virus or unstable hardware. With a console you can wake up in the morning and assure no unstable tech glitch like your accesories folder missing or that game you play dipping down to 20 fps because you happened to install a new game demo (from steam) that manipulated your registry...just a little. Don't worry users you can buy a 2400 dollar pc and have it run for approx 2 weeks at 60fps if a virus does decide to come around. Another reason is most games on PCs have a rating of 7 days playtime to get to the top of the leaderboards. HOwever PCs have leaderboards too, and those names never get deleted from that xbox live user back in 2008 or watever. The weird thing though is, given better graphics and hardware, Bad company 2 alone has only 45 days of playtime average whilst on console is a whopping 300+ days. Hence consoles are just more broad based. Consoles may infact have more users even...hmmm...benefits of things which are less expensive. Not broken, more users=better. If you don't like my review comment below saying you have owned a windows updated pc without a blue screen or 404 error for more than a year...no wait make that 3 months. I managed to get all these problems on windows 7 upon update and first boot. Inepting me to reinstall and reconfigure gpo. And why does windows update give me a blue irq screen and tells me to buy more ram? On a 9gb machine? Maybe its that 1 gb video card which has ddr4 instead of ddr3 who knows. Isn't Irq conflicts a modem issue from the early 90s? It may infact be a marketing campaign. Lol. My PC works great though, it just can't handle 3 game windows (switching inbetween more than one game window...PS4 can't do that, Windows 7 can :P) AND a malware scanner which is infact asking too much. The PC itself is generally better, yes with better versions of games. However, i grew up with PCs and its more of a compromise than an issue. PCs tie for now. User based, or user friendly wise. If you have Windows 7 or 8 they def win. However, even the best PC with fluid graphics will show small kinks and irq bluescreens. If I use an ati with an icore, that's what I get. These kinks I believe are infact incompatible ram, hence ddr3 doesn't work kindly with ddr5 and they give this kink in the armor away by exclaiming irq error (incompatible ram, duh). They can alleviate 98 percent of the PC broadbase audience by releasing this ddr5 ram. My only evidence for this irq blue screen when opening many programs is infact this, no device manager is saying hardware error. This is just a small friction of the amount of hardware problems people run into. Hence hardware wise, PCs definitely lose for now.

Update kinks are caused by vsync off which increase frame rate yet create bumps in the graphics upon doing so. Controlling vsync fixes the graphics basically.

PC wins: graphics and gameplay, evolution (video cards come out now before consoles, earlier in the sixth gen era etc consoles would be better than pc in certain technical categories, the 7th gen era was the last gen to do this..wat makes this more complex is PC was ahead in this field until the sixth and 7th gen came around or the time of when graphics cards became invented or 'a thing'), hardware, software interface, game population, controller functionality, free games service (via steam, this was a close call ps4 has easy access to demos, xblive has free games however paid for service, yet PC has both), accessibility, can be privatized or living room based (win7 game explorer, gpo etc makes it possible), mods, server stability, software functionality, backwards compatibility


Console wins: gameplay, longevity, pricetag, exclusives, plug and play functionality, game functionality, software updates, marketing, can be privatized or living room based, game updates, creative design (long gone is the time when you can knock your snes off the cabinet by pulling the controller cord too hard), age group, maintenance free


Things I may have missed: Cheating and hacks, PC is known to have a lot of hackers whom manipulate the games code in say...c++ or watever to get wat they want. However, I played games on xblive to hav the same effect. Unknowns by supposed designers can infact kill your character at will, or degrade your weapon. You can even cheat by upgrading certain weapons on consoles and downgrading others. Its all too complex in this field, long gone is the game of chess and honesty to boot. The whole thing makes it even more robotic than fun. Yet there is always that pro player whom 'gained' or earned his skills through years of practice. I recently also found out that even though consoles like xbox 360 are native 720p, it has more to do with your display device. For instance a 720p television may scale 1080p, however a crt may downscale to 720p. Even though xbox 360 is scaled, it may remain native on a flat screen crt, even at 1080p. Graphics are simply better because Consoles don't have high resolution, however you will find high end dx 11 games on even xbox 360, for instance witcher 2. The graphics are akin to the PC version in detail. Even then, this genre of adventure action rpg was evident in games like Shenmue where the PC simply couldn't keep up with the art style. IMHO direct x9 on PC and its gen following dreamcast was an honest failure since the radeon 9800 came out. Too many competitors with cards doing too many different functions (ie tnt 2, etc), will inhibit a stagnation with the PC history in graphics design and even greater issues with incompatibilities in their hardware during that time. The PC simply couldn't compete with consoles at the time (from 2000-2007), because the hardware was less centralized, then the dual-core came out, and it became more centralized or faster. Even then though the graphics cards remained uncentralized. Now, it seems to be the basic 4 base competitors on the market. However problems will occur if say you hav a win7 64 o/s via intel with an ATI card. I witnessed great slow downs out of no where. I downgraded to win7 32 and they disappeared? The software and developers are infact more important than the hardware these days. Both PCs and Consoles though now have one thing in common, network gaming therefore the gameplay longevity is much greater than simply just beating a game and forgetting about it. I am also witness to sorcery by the games, or unknowns so I can't really complain. After 10-20 years of gameplaying, I am infact that ant in the great universe. I can guarantee to you though, technology moves really slow, dreamcast is 7 million pps whilst ps4 is 75 million pps..no where near the toy story 2 limit of 4 billion pps and by all means no way is it a space shuttle compared to a car just a few years ago, its infact still a car. However, you will notice things on console that PCs and even other consoles miss, ie xbox 360 never has vertical sync issues whilst ps3 does (vertical sync is frame rate stability and monitor refresh rates which can cause annoying disturbances such as blinkage if not properly adjusted).

Minor update on my new PC. The comp tech guy who passed on, always told me vsync was infact bad cus it reduces framerate. However, its good. Vsync is a must because it removes the kinks on your videocard. Maybe back in 2002-2006 it may have been bad idk, unfortunately i always had vsync on for some reason. Vsync is what makes PC graphics into console graphics in fluidity as I recently found out. It also eliminates that irq error I was getting. This puts the PC way above the console 10-to-1. However, only in terms of hardware. In terms of design and software, you see more developers on console with arcade-like graphics. Sure PC can't do the same as a console, but with vsync it can, and this shows how more elite pcs are. They can even become consoles, basically. However Consoles will never be that superior, they will retain that graphical look spec developed by the gpu. Eg dreamcast lighting can always be done that way that a PC GPU card will not do unless it of course is the sega naomi board with nec powervr2 technology. Hard review, PCs win hands down in graphics, gameplay & functionality. Consoles win in exclusives, interface design (disputed win7 can leave 2 games running at once), specific technical capabilities such as bump mapping on the gpu or main stream developer games. Consoles also win in plug n' play capabilities being less privatized. They may not win in the number of online players now too, for some reason PC is never knocked back into third place against popular leaderboards such as bad company 2...and this is with xbox live losing and gaining subscribers yearly. PCs are better in mods too, however, consoles are more entertaining and better in updates. If you play happywars expect an update every month, if you play unreal tournament or counterstrike expect the same mod for the coming years. Consoles simply have less players or a more broadbased gaming audience. The server issues on consoles are like the graphics issues on PCs, they just take time to find out why they are defective. Their names disappear from the leaderboards, yet the population of gamers seems to be far greater. PCs and Consoles are both cross-platform. One can guarantee a console for 3 years, one can't do so a PC, PC software (not interface), via a built in internet browser is infact a liability to viruses. Consoles are not in this category. PCs are built this way via an internet web browser, ie explorer, therefore its only appropriate to call windows 7 the windows live service. However, consoles are worst than PCs in this regard, because mouse aim is far more precise on pc imho...and PCs have xbox 360 controller functionality. EGOISTICALLY even, PC wins because you can have control over gpedit tools, whilst xbox 360 has its service in a shiny box. This means, 404 errors (in the form of 505434523453 or watever) and rampant unknowns which sometimes people say are infact spyware hence new xbox 360 models?!? for a paid for service??? Idk the cause of errors basically because of rootkits and hijacks. However, I can gaurantee from n64 to dreamcast there has been a 60x polygon count increase (dc to ps4 is about that much give or take). Actually, these service issues are bandwidth control via the company or bandwidth use via people living with you. You will not notice bandwidth drops on PC because of the ram and data being non-streamlined. That means not a direct flow. Most streaming consoles are infact built that way, via integrated ram (xbox one...i think, xbox 360). This is a cable company issue, in actuality...they get high bandwidth volume etc (see article below, it was happening a lot for a month straight one time, then I realized it was microsft itself, the servers were hacked in mid-2014). On the bright side, xbox 360 is infact better than ps3 minus the motion blur (it mimicks motion blur), xbox 360 has more pps (500m pps to 275 pps). However, ps3 was sony's worst system to date with plagued slowdown and lag due to ram and/or customizable programming issues, hence it was hard to program for..harder than the ps2 in some cases. Whilst win7 can conveniently repair itself. PC wins in this long unedited review and analysis.

End of review.

Xbox 360 Connectivety issues: Not really there?!?

As you know, many gamers run into connectivity problems. However, the xbox 360 online service is somewhat flawless, so no need to get paranoid about it. Its called test and error. Many think new cords or cable modems will solve the issue, however it makes it worst, resetting your dns entries without you knowing etc. What the problem is that you face on a game with connectivity issues is two things: Defraging or deleting and reinstalling the files, and testing your internet connection. What you'll find are two steps.

Step 1.) Find out the internet connection problem, ie an overheated cable modem, or a bad wire

*Step 2.) Change your DNS server to a new one like GOogle. Google chrome as you know is invincible and fairly stable, so u can run all types of codex on it. It has its own dns server which is something like 8888 8844 off the top of my head. DNS believe it or not, makes your bandwidth...too fast in some cases. It creates the file integrity of a game to damage, file damage if not followed by these steps will NOT solve the problem. It needs to slow down esp on console. Simply moving a console or pc will create file damage via the hard drive plates.

Step 3.) Delete the game you are having problems with, whether on pc or console. The game's damage is already done via an update or wat not.

Step 4.) defrag the missing space or clear system cache, do this 3-6 times on your ps4, xbox 360 watever.

Step 5.) Reinstall the game...make sure u don't stream on another computer whilst doing so, try to open your bandwidth up as much as possible.

The connectivity issues can also occur in high capacity via your local provider, or limited bandwidth. That's it, that's all you have to do. There aren't many problems to internet connections. Most likely the company is not trying to give you bad service, or get you...let alone care. Getting a new modem may infact be better. Yet eventhough technology always has their kinks they are solvable to a certain extant. Ever have the rain turn off your internet connection or hav the neighbor or roommate down the hall unplug your modem constantly? Recently I always get 800045 errors or watever on xbox 360. None of the apps work and have not fixed themselves. This is called bad service. If this guide doesn't work than you can read below to find out why its a third party or intervener so-to-speak.

*Most important step

Now here's the Truth:

Top ten reasons why you should buy a computer and quit Xbox Live.

1.) The games on xbox live come every 2 weeks, the games on pc are 100s of free games at your finger tip.

2.) The xbox live emulation service (if not hacked) will result in loss of data and space, your 120gb hd is infactgoing to be 110 gigs, then later 100gigs, and later 90 gigs...the more deletes the..well...worst.

3.) Buy Xbox for a year? Be prepared for constant dcs, poor streams, and disconnection issues. Regardless of the game. Onegame may have it the next may not...or just play halo idk.

4.) Be prepared for 4005345 errors that you can block on a pc. On the console, you will infact get no apps at certain days.

5.) Did you upgrade that weapon you made yesterday? Well, the servers will downgrade it for you. That's right the game servers downgradeyour account items and at times tamper with them. Sure you get no viruses, but the emulation software itself is the virus. In otherwords its no ps3 service.

6.) There may be an issue with the paid service, and customer support will not help you. Xbox customer support is often mentioned as being poor. That 450005 error or watever? Xbox will just say deal with it.

7.) Every game that is on PC is on xbox, even if it isnt, it will be.

8.) The Microsoft console is good for gaming, for about 3 months...then usually people throw it away. Basically, their wireless controller is infact a battery drainer. Their console is good, yet it overheats. The big one is, they can't really say the truth. There you have it, the hard drive emulation software is the virus.

9.) That 20 gigs of space went missing? Oh did I mention that TO EVERYONE already?...um yeah but ps4 is 5 dollars a month that's almost pocket change..whilst PC is free its infact not maintenance free and you almost always get a virus and xbox 360 is infact going to be 360 dollars that's like windows 7 times 3. Thats 70 dollars a year or higher.

10.) The graphics are poor...and no one pays for their micromanaging games, no one..even if they enforce it. The fact is, everyone on top of the leaderboards has never got there through paying for their service on top of paying for the shitty xbox live service. Xbox live=60 dollars a year, thats windows 7 in 2 years.

I Could make this argument, however with a streaming service, these problems will arise. Its inevitable, because of the location and people. If you play at like 6am for instance, you will get these problems. If you download too many times, you will also get these data reading errors. However the streaming service is perfect, and its faster than PC at times. Internet explorer is actually more convenient on xbox. So the above is infact, what an ego would say or do. The truth is that you will get a continental dc maybe once every 3 years. This happened a few months ago, but its so rare it doesn't even count. True the graphics are outdated, however dx9 graphics on happy wars isnt that different than a steam game. Ever play wot with a controller? Or how bout DCOU or Warthunder? or CS Source? Sure, a mouse and kb sound good, but youre going to micro-manage poorly...for instance, that pitch manuever will be gone in warthunder. Or that menu bar won't be easily accessed in dcou, where ps4 owners have an advantage. That tanks turret won't even point straight with a mouse, it will be too glitchy. A mouse and keyboard is only good for cs source or fps games, but even then...its only because of the sniper mode. On top of that, all mmo games are crossplatform. What makes it the same is that new games like war thunder are becoming cross-platform (see also my crossplatform article or section under warthunder).

Faulty Products

PS this happened to me recently, when both hdmi ports to my vizio burned out, a brand new tv...so i got a vga to hdmi adapter fairly cheap at around 6 dollars from ebay. This scenario is infact researched to be impossible unless there is a way for the electrical company to bypass a surge under cover during a rain storm. If one has two surge protectors on the given device, their tampering becomes a liability. Creating a super-surge in reality is not impossible. I rec to the industry, not to install 2 or 3 HDMI adapters on a tv because they overheat. Like how a mouse cables cord goes bad when traveling upwards, something about voltage they must understand. It travels through a certain pt. I notice these things, and its ridiculous, it makes one uncomforable. Ie the Hannspree hdmi tv is bolted down, it looks like an hdmi tv but it always pts up lol. A simple nob to adjust it would be great. Or the PS/2 to usb adapters, are not advertised as ps/2 to usb notebook only adapters, but infact common 2.0 pc adapters. They can't run on windows xp, unless you have the ram or wire tape method on your mouse. You have to tape the mouses cord down to get the voltage from an old usb port to work. Its not lag, its the system working against you, via inexperience, ie powerlines are bent and not straight Etc etc. The system is infact perfect. However, I can not lie..if a sick goat sleeps on its back and gets me sick..if it can't wake up, or if it comes home and makes food for me whilst sick to get me sick, i will retaliate. Hence morality ensues with questioning thyself..when was the last time a sick person made you food? Never? Is it 1994 and people still don't know wat the electric car is? A magnetronic device obviously, which releases radiation. So here is the actual problem, the comcast provider replaced the cable modem for a faulty wireless/wired combo (the signal is going from the wall directly to a wireless connection which infact disrupts the signal's wired connection). Soemtimes the 'gay empire' is infact sick morally speaking or lacks some type of background experience. Because this is unfortunately my case in particular, i will steal from their stores to make up the lost money on my xbox live subscription. I will also infact not buy xbox live anymore and rec everyone out there not to do so...not for not paying that 5 dollar free cd bargain from college and wat not but for bad service in general by your company providers new products. Newer is not always better, and wireless wired device combos DO NOT WORK on videogame consoles well because they take the signal directly from the wall and therefore it splits the signal instead of transferring it to a new device such as a router. (nm that was just xbox live's poor service). This automatic split takes bandwidth all the time from the wired signal, with no traces of error or in otherwords gives them more control. Two or 3 devices with their own encryption will prevent cable companies from tracing and tracking you basically, it will also prevent bad signals from occurring on certain devices. Emulation software, etc is a liable culprit, and liable enough for retailiation against the deceptive system. My theft of products and damage of vehicles will become a common act until I think I made the money back. The system is doing it, so I am retaliating. This could land me in jail, however...proof of a crime is hard to trace. Jesus did it, ww2 was started, why not me. Karma can be enacted safely if one stays within the boundaries of dharma. This is a theory, because the problem persists and only got slightly better.

People get Banned?

Ports however can be blocked by the industry...although rare...the cases will indicate a player ban do to one's choosing where someone behind the curtain judges your behavior. This occurs, although rare, it does infact happen and once or twice I was warned for this behavior...of well playing really well...like really really well at times. The xbox employer questioned if i was cheating on the game by thq called homefront. However, the drone is infact a cheating tool. It marks snipers out and gives you high pts of advantages. In otherwords, i'm some wat old school, i played the first gen of red faction's geomod and liked it. I enjoyed rainbow six 3 and sof 2 because well, im a good sniper. I still play cs source, so connectivity issues are nothing new, except I still hang on to those 98-2003 era games on pc for seom reason...being that my ati card i bought blew up back in 2007. That's another issue. ATI cards with ati mb cards ar e a no no, like the irq days of 3, 4 and 7. They might collide. Sure a new computer would be like a pentium iii 733 to a amd 64 2.0, but thats why i got a console. Until then, my computer is staying at the 2002-07 spec range with windows xp. Simple, controllable and tasteless. If someone gets banned, they truthfully&honestly most likely deserve it, and they do so because of hacks etc. Usually people can detect a hack or two...however like in cs:source no matter how much u like to try to say so, the other side is probably not cheating. Magic lasts only a few seconds, fair competition and technology lasts a very long time. Most 404 errors or 3434002E watever etc are group policies not integrated well, or console files being damaged&most likely microsoft doesn't really know who the **** u are...however you can be targeted and the website itself reveals it all. I entered an error code by xb live and it specifically says its a banning code, then to find reason for my dismay I followed their directions on connectivity. Which was basically turn your brand new modem off for 30 secs..duh. I found out discreetly that it will have a poor matchmaking service link. So I then went to test the account on my pc and it says the same thing...then I followed their directions. Ever wonder why WOW servers ban so many people? The error was gone, yet the problem was not solved. Port rerouting and customer server targetting is the culprit...Microsoft will specifically say an error is gone when the problem will persist. Srry for the aggravation but this is reality, people step on other people at times for things like this. Sometimes microsoft steps on the modding community for the same reason...money. This then carries on to deeper meaning, they give prestige to tax paying citizens yet they step on the poor. If you have a loan from college or a payment you didn't make 10 years ago, be prepared to be taxed within a month's time, therefore the payment becomes impossible to make. Be also prepared for this conspicuous behavior by non-other than third parties infiltrating certain aspects of the system with their limited knowledge. Bottomline, don't conform to the system totally, or don't let them step all over you..the money is going into their pockets after all, if they can't learn from it then abuse it, their goal is to disrupt and destroy or create their own system of things in nature and that alone can be dangerous.

Problem not Solved?!?

Has the Gay Empire's problem gotten worst? Is new tech really good tech? As for the actual connectivity issues by your cable company, its possible they made the problem worst. That linksys wireless combo with the old cable modem from 2005 would actually be a good thing. The fact is connectivity issues are minutely caused by new devices unless built wrong. I would imagine a new comcast modem and wireless combo would infact create a data transfer error...no matter how small, its not flawless. My honest rec: keep your old equipment, turning off overheating modems monthly are truly not a hassle or reason to 'go gay'. A wireless/wired cable device will make your problem worst. It has for me, connectivity issues, although diminished greatly with the directions above, became a problem after a new cable modem was installed. Playing certain stable games like halo 3 or halo reach is not why I paid for the xbox live service. Having a wireless signal take bandwidth directly from a wired one, was the result...not only that, the wireless comcast device they give you will not work with that 2.4 ghz internal card from 2007 because they don't use WEP effectively, that easy password system is gone...be ready for a 20 digit numerical one that does not conform with the 16 or 26 encryption code. I am infact confessing that I am a victim of the system being harassed for a payment or two from 10 years ago unmade. The gay empire just can't wait for you...yet they do infact pull a 1985 scifi movie 'brazil' scenario on you, where the victim is the consumer. My theory is you can't have too many wireless highstreaming devices. A highstream of data is infacted a console where the data needs to be constantly flowing via ram. Nowadays there are purposely confined highstreaming devices not only for consoles, but netflix movies etc. The problem is infact unsolvable. However clues give in to data transfer, and setting a router. For instance, if you go to your routers ip addy, sometimes u can set the wireless range, a greater range may alleviate the problem. However, as cruel as it may seem, the bullyism in america has become technological. That guy who had sex with your girlfriend in highschool may still be living with you, and he may even be your own family member basically. You also want to check to see if someone is dcing your service via the router account page. Someone could very well be creating a prank. In mycase howevr, my service was being disconnected by a sony netflix device with high volume of wireless bandwidth being always used when on.

Problem Solved...i think?!?

After years of deliberation, okay only a few weeks I realized this problem comes up for many different services. Someone on the other side is hacking connections and areas to connections. The big bad microsoft corporation seems to be not so big. The server issues come and go, websites go down every now and then and it seems like cable modems can still turn off (via your mind lol, nope, old over-heated hardware...forget what i said earlier, a newer modem is a better modem). Let me explain, the server basically undergoes maintenance, even if you're paying for it. It needs to be controlled. Here on Serversdownrightnow.com I checked xbox.com today and it was down all day. Before the server kept glitching, like it was trying to talk to me? No, really the new router needed to be reset completly it seems, and a disconnection issue was there. So there's the problem, servers by the company go down or not. Network issues seem to go down, if its disconnection just log on to your router page and reset everything. As for the company that your money is going to, they create the server. They control your soul. American music is still bad, jk. Its entertaining, yet some languages out there need to be put in the spotlight. As for why I use group policies on my computer for xp, its because they have a broad base of functions, xbox live is another story. The fact is an update for media playing music before your game starts is infact what microsft can do with their completely controlled o/s and imho its infact their small buying marketing store, and not a true gaming platform. They did this exact thing with my computer before I enacted group policies, except the media update was a virus. The intrusion by the company itself via ads etc is exactly why I am not paying for this service next year and would rec for any other xbox live user to not pay for it as well. The service is horrible and needs to be trashed, infact I will go so far as they choose what games you play, even if you pay for them. With corrupted game data downloads, freezes 'glitches' this can only be a software issue within the company itself tampering with data. They decide, not you. A perfect reason to discont. this service, that thinks it can somehow 'get better' against its greatest competitor sony whom never had faults in their o/s or even control of it. The xbox live is a horrible service yet their programs work flawlessy..if they want it too ie internet explorer works exceptionally well, and so does youtube. With a so-called 'nazi' regulated internet control and trafficking in america, this is indeed the case. Unfortunetly this is the case, with xbox live problems&maintenance issues not occurring weekly, but daily at times. Xbox live customer support even has ridiculous commands as to delete cache 6 times (6 why 6 why not 3?!??). However, this can be attributed to how much one uses the internet as well, or internet problems in general. The service however is far from centralized like the sony service&plagued with issues that ending up harassing the paid for customer. The service is generally just bad, whilst I find I can use my computer at peak hours during lots of traffic, the xbox service usually just finds ways to disconnect. And no one knows if this is their policy controlled o/s or some employee 'having a good time.' Xb live is plagued by open port unknown source attacks ie a weak internet connection on xb live that is never present on your computer is infact an attack from an outsource source, under router settings xbox live can only be able to work via low firewall settings. This can only mean one thing, open ports enable attackers to slow down your internet on unknown devices. And this is truly the services greatest weakness. No firewall, its high bandwidth streaming capabilities and no control over the internet. Ever hear of opening a NAT connection? They want you to do this to have the ability to not slow down your internet, but then they can infact slow it down if THEY want to (the Nat rerouters). I went to my router home page ip addy and I can't open these comcast ports (http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/networking/network-ports-used-xbox-live) that xbox customer service says it uses, so the ability itself is gone. The service makes you have a bad time, and is infact bad or built badly like a 60 dollar movie ticket to a bad movie. In other words buy asian.

Here is a good reason to drop your xbox live service:

Gotham City Imposters: Random dcs

Airmech: Random slowdown and dcs

Wot: Random updates that cause dcs, reinstalls usually needed

Rainbow six, etc havent had fun playing these without dcs or uncrowded servers

CS:go is good

Bad company 2 was good, now is poor

The halo series seems to be top notch though, but everyone doesn't only play halo.

My Views

I have been playing cs:source on a pc with only 1g ram and shitty ati graphics card since 2007 (and its ironically 1000 mhz slower than my xbox) and it never failed me yet on hardware problems, go live, stop your subscription now!

These games either slow down or drop off connections, either they are built wrong and their servers are poor, or you are not getting what you paid for, flawless gaming. However, if you can bypass this unknown which is often high traffic volume by your internet provider or some type of weather scenario (bad connections happen during peak hours, or weather like rain etc it seems..it could also be ports being blocked and 2 or 3 wireless different connections) I opt to keep this service for then it would be deemed flawless. The xbox live service itself is infact not bad, if you play gotham imposters, you will notice its like the pc games where you can log on and directly play in a match so its not always crowded. However, this comes with connectivity issues. You will be plagued with connection problems if you log onto a game with people playing at a low ping in say...russia or england...or somewhere far away from your location. This can be alleviated if you check the ping bars on the players. The more greens, the better. I have however witnessed my comcast service slowing down, this was because of high traffic, maintenance within the service, or I might even say...weather...humidity and cold weather causes electrical slowdown within wires outside the system's grid. These problems resulted in weeks of bad xbox live service yet my pc service was not interrupted (due to group policies, restricting data from flowing in and out of your computer will infact speed it up). You can expect these bad service days like you can expect the rain, and unless the service streams well all the time, and xbox live does not give you an answer, I would encourage to cancel your subscription. I also noticed on games like wot and happy wars, they (the servers?!?) will penalize your character or account, they will infact take money that you earned out of your account. For instance recently wot had a premium only deal for all free players that lasted 24 hours. This had me accumulate nearly 200,000 points. The next day that accumulation vanished. Another example is upgrading weapons on happy wars. NO not magic, they infact downgrade the weapon you upgrade at times...however this wto glitch or watever is the unknown, is the gay empire. On my amazon business, I get the same glitch with my inventory, things tend to disappear and inventory I never put up seems to be there. Which is infact an unknown. However, if you're paying for it, its not needed...and I don't believe in ghosts are magic for that matter. I call it server penalities or some type of outside force, which is unexplainable. Which infact at times, even makes me think I'm targeted like they are trying to create a small itch that I can't really reach. PCs are a liability. Yet if I see it, its there...and no I don't know how to time travel. Go gold, go xbox live yet if these problems persist take it up with your cable company and cancel your subscription.

Driveclub&Star Citizen: Next Generation of Graphics comparison

After browsing a few games, I was interested in the next generation of graphics for consoles. Usually, consoles will have severe graphic upgrades during its life-cycle, one console in particular is Playstation one where the glitchy mess that was ridge racer became an aesthetic work of art. Another console was Playstation 2. Games such as Gran Turismo 3 compared to Gran Turismo 5 shine greatly. However, no other consoles have severely changed the way it was looked at. Imho, xbox 360 still looked like xbox 360, ps3 still looked like ps3, in particular because the HD generation has converted S-video and composite from hiding all of the flaws. These flaws are noticed in particular on HD tvs, such as sharp graphics and dark colors. No photo-realistic effect until now has been able to be developed in the gaming community. One such particular example is Drive club, another is Star citizen. There are beautiful games which are linear, such as the ace combat series and Halo. However, we are now arriving in what is now called the development of particle effects, that means rain drops sliding down the car, and dust storms with lighting done accurately. Most developers haven't jumped on this wagon because well, they probably don't know how. If you look at Forza horizon 2 for xbox one, then compare it to Ps4's Drive club you will see what I am talking about. Its more of a question about the technological hardware compared to realism eg detail. For instance Rainbow six on psone or can look bad yet be realistic games or alone in the dark for sega cd can play as good as raven for xbox 360, its a question of aesthetics and programming. WOT has great physics and realism yet lacks some detail. New games like Homefront 2 have detail, yet they stay with a cgi appearance to their games, that's why there are 3 categories. CGI (computer generated, a border between cartoony and realistic), cartoony and realistic. Every category can have realistic physics however when you put graphics and physics together you get a winner. To give certain games a quasi photo-realistic appearance with physics involved, basically is not fully acknowledged in the industry because its fairly hard to do.

Take a look at these images:

As you can see both games have some type of particle effects of the real world, which seem to be elemental physics of some sort. Below are some of the top 2014 PC game photos at the highest detail resolution and maxed settings. These PNG files below of Flightsimulator X, and Project Cars prove my point. Whilst the games above of Driveclub and Space Citizen show a better quality in graphics due to budget. Games are becoming more and more to a movie-like budget and even competing with the movie industry now-a-days. This means better graphics as well.

No Caption Provided

The top PC games can not compete, although they have the graphics and lighting, they lack the particle effects which infact results in a type of crystallization of the environment, one particular reason is the environments gets too big.
The top PC games can not compete, although they have the graphics and lighting, they lack the particle effects which infact results in a type of crystallization of the environment, one particular reason is the environments gets too big.

The physics of Star citizen for instance has particle effects. Particle effects and real world elements such as fog on the window appearing can be crucial in the upcoming genres, in particular the future of gaming. Graphics are important because they show the fact that immersion is possible in game. People will buy games with this quality alone. When I was growing up I did, I bought Dreamcast because of the immersive qualities in its system, where even today, games like Sonic adventure can't be bump-mapped or replicated perfectly (see also sonic adventure for Xbox 360, etc). None of those versions were ever done accurately, This is not a hardware flaw but a developer flaw. In the gaming industry I will vouch for those few games, with a leap ahead of its competition in graphics. Sometimes its not the framerate that counts, but the aesthetics and skills involved by the developer that make the graphics shine best. Whilst I haven't seen much change in the FPS genre, the racing and flightsim genre showed some major improvements. Whilst games of the last genre to the sixth gen like Wreckless and Grid took the same approach, it never arrived on top because the graphics were simply too limited eg every stage looked the same in grid, and the AA suffered whilst Wreckless for the original xbox had fairly small amounts of navigation. GTAV also has water effects which are uncanny, however it suffers from flatness as well, it has fog lighting yet those leaves don't fall off the tree or that wind doesn't blow so-to-speak see also real world physics and particle effects. Maybe even Need for Speed has particle effects, however these are all different genres which avoid the realism of the world and its physics so are avoided in criticism eg realism doesn't have to be a simulator, it can simply mean imersion such as inside a cockpit of sorts. The lighting doesn't change in videogames, basically. However I took notice to these particular games in this article (driveclub&space citizen) because lighting is a type of fog, and these games show what the atmosphere can do, on earth and in space. Its called Fog lighting, combine that with small particle effects such as dust in space, or rain up a windshield and you have a winner in graphics. This is rarely seen, in even the best graphic revolutionary games such as rogue squadron for gamecube. Complex Fog lighting and real world physics means light breaking through trees or fog rising from the rain (in hopes of gt7, it may have fog lighting) to even dust being kicked up chaotically and hitting your wind shield, to even leaves falling on that windshield as a step towards cgi quality videogames. Although Grid has fog lighting effects, fog lighting and real world physics in the environment means a crucial sense of space and depth in combination with physics of the real world (so its avoided, however the series can be a future contender). Such as Ps4's Driveclub or the PC's Star citizen in particular, has shown what technology can really do. It seems like Next Gen graphics come early this year.

PS4: Is it really worth it?

After playing ps4 for a straight week now, I wanted to touch upon it and compare it with its predecessors ps1, ps2&ps3. Ps1 has had mascots such as the famed crash bandicoot whom became an xbox sellout, however it still claimed major sony only labels such as tekken etc, no action adventure exclusive only games to compete with mario, or sonic came around until ps3 it seems. Ps2 was a sports only console, its graphics were a major jump (the biggest generational jump), however imho the worst of the lot in terms of fps games (sony in general never deviated from adventure game genres or its third party supporters were always on top of the bar, ie spyro, crash bandicoot etc). Ps3 came around and had hit franchises such as Infamous, which would be the game to revolutionize game mechanics in 3d platforms (the bionic commando of the next gen series and just as difficult as any 8bit platformer to boot). Its theme took concepts from twisted metal 2, and comic book stylization to create some type of immersion. Ps4 however, after playing bf4 etc was not to much of a leap imho. It felt as if consoles are hitting the end of the line in terms of graphics. It just seemed like a smoothed out version of battlefield with 60 fps. However, the multi-tasking ability and web-browsing does put it to good prospects, the controller seemed less comfortable than the previous consoles. It tried to put in some type of flight sim feel, it actually works too, its better for fps shooters yet not platformers.

Controller and Case designs Vs competition..

Its basically the xbox 360 controller or the industry going a little backwards in terms of feel. They tried to make it feel like a simulator or a fairly akward game keyboard. Which works, because I hated the ps1/2/3 controllers for those games, yet if you are playing a platform be prepared to not press those buttons in a sweat driven panic like you did in your nes days. The controller is good and refined, however its battery pack seems limited with 3 hours of gameplay and its power button non-existent or hard to find. These are knitpicks, they arent really what make the console bad or good, just something to notice. The console however is what is to be expected with next gen gaming, specifically 3d gaming. Just don't expect to be pressing those air combos as easily..we'll wait for an adapter for older controllers. The full integration of keyboard and mouse wants you to maybe have more, like a ps1 controller. The kb/mouse should be used for games, as well as more crossplatform online gaming to centralize the industry, however this too must wait. Noone wants empty servers, and esp games closing there servers 2 or 3 years later (ala mk2, etc). The ps4 however is infact a real product, and after realizing it was upside down, when set on a desktop I managed to then notice its futuristic design, which imho is an A+ for innovation. The graphics are also a leap, but tbh a leap of ps2-ps3 not ps1 to ps2. The games themselves like world of war planes etc are interesting, but not enough to confirm an upgrade from your xbox 360 or ps3. The controller on ps4 and xbox one went backwards imho. The original xbox controller 'S' was correct, the thumbs were both positioned near center of the controller...best 3d controller since playstation even, if not for those tricky useless bottom buttons being akwardly placed away from the main 4 buttons. The controllers have sticks which are spread out and buttons which are too far apart (a few mms can be too far). As for a controller's function, i noticed the right when slower or more sim like (for racing games, tank games) will feel harder to maneuver with longer joysticks or a smaller controller, other games like fps games etc are fine. The vibration isn't a factor, the vibration is like maybe dreamcast quality for xbox360/ps3 so really good in terms of small vibrations to accomodate gameplay (n64&3rd parties was really bad at vibrations basically). The upright position reminiscent of dreamcast, actually made the console's controller suck in that way, also giving it a 'sim-like' feel, yet it worked for arcade games because the buttons were small and close together with a generic d-pad &its surface was flat, hurting the wrist just a little bit for that sacrifice. On ps4 this is not the case if it weren't for the slanted design. Larger controllers however are usually better for sim games then smaller ones eg xbox 360, n64 and dreamcast naturally. The design makes it feel like the buttons are too far apart because the thumb is registered straight (perfect for sims imho). The ps2's first rectangular design was by far the worst, whilst the ps4 design was the most superior, however ps1 will always be the most traditional in terms of conservative appeal leering aware from the tinted black color. To tell you the truth, if the xbox 360 third party makers just shortened their small version of a xbox 360 controller's joystick just a little, it would have been perfect..not only for fighting games but for sims. TBH, this is the best design, a small xbox 360 third party controller with short sticks. You will notice that technology moved ahead in the past few years, one very useful thing on this console is sleep mode, or standby mode saving all of your data at a current time to resume it later. The interface itself, a dashboard or wat not seems to be simple for ps4 (heard xbox 1 was tech savy or more complex this round idk americans seem to like advertisements moreso ie windows xp has commercials on your web browser via international ip addies, app integration or wat not..something idc for or i call spyware actually). Xb-1 has some type of rectangular shape reminiscent of ps2, and i thought it was too large. Unless being a dominate piece of a stereo system setup, one would never place the console alongside a vcr, small monitor or watnot. One would never turn xbone vertically either it seems. If one were to define it as a vertical console, it would be need made silver or white actually. Here we will mention a small qualm with the sony ps4 controller and its predecessors, there is no lithium pin big enough to recharge. Say for instance one recharges a xbox 360 lithium battery pack (using a basic 12 volt battery and 12 volt fan, the fan would recharge into the neg point on the pack, the posi would be to the posi of the 12v battery via a few basic wires and tape). You can completly fully recharge a xbox 360 battery, you can not do this with sony's controllers. So when that certain game with enormous rumble functions come around ala saints row 3's last stage, you can be sure to never have a recharged playstation controller, yet have a recharged wireless xbox 360 controller. However, microsoft always has a handle on the competition in terms of apps and interface, the franchises are usually on par with sony. Sony abandons key western functions, however so...not everyone knows the lithium battery can be recharged via posi and neg pts on a basic 12v battery and fan. Simple and easily found out. Kudos to microsoft on this tech.

The future...

One thing I did notice about microsoft is they are more tech savy, the xbox 360 (haven't review xbone yet) is probably the best access to downloading games I have ever seen, given the ability to dl and install, instead of acting like a computer. The integrated ram also gave it that smooth gameplay feeling, games never slowed down or chopped up persay which was a huge disappointment in ps3. We think xbox one will follow this direction and possibly beat the ps4 in its game like the 360 did, however noone knows as of yet where both are currently tied in sales figures. Ps4 is too alien, like ps3, although simple to use, its webbrowsers and apps freeze, whilst xbox 360 never freezes or experiences technical difficulties. Sony in terms of app and console integration to pc is just behind bill gate's large dump he left 30 years ago. Digital unsigned signatures and open explorer put PC machines at the bottom of the barrel on this one, whilst proving microsoft won't last a few dozen years let alone 1000, being souly built with spyware integration for hackers and third party federal agents. Ever upload a youtube video to have a different video uploaded? Xbone has more user friendly apps and compatibility with those apps, its also faster because it has streaming technology, you may also get voice tech on it. Ps4 is more like a tech thing, it can beat xbone in graphics, but it can even beat PC@a peak of 1.0b pps then say Pc's 720pps or xbone's 770pps. The gov can do anything with computers...anything. Imho if not for printer support, quick key functions, and photoshop i would only use xbox 360. I am using it right now actually because my computer broke again. As for Ps4, a clean integrated interface is just not enough, yet a minor update can easily fix it. Ps4 seems to be for underground or pro gamers, like ps3, xbone is probably for a type of wider audience but that review will have to wait. The ps4 has a large future, but the future might be in a year or 2 in terms of games. Although sorcery is real, it must be temporary, or at least elemental and it cannot happen all the time, or when one wants. Imho if you are a pro gamer who wants to conform or become more conservative go for the ps4, if you are a gamer who wants to play games...don't upgrade or trade. However with games like Infamous second son appearing, its def worth considering. Until we review an xb-one, I'm out. For now, Ps4 is an elitist console...made only for elitists.

Ban Warface? The Crimean Crisis 2.0

Since the beg of the russian war aka the crimean crisis, lots of speculation has arose about this game, warface. The events in ukraine crimea are akin to the happenings of this game. However, in a real-life scenario. Warface is infact The Crimean Crisis turned into a game idea. The factions are the same, and even the hardware is the same. The game itself plays like the event, and the scenario is fairly similar. So is this real? No, it can be. Warface is a game with lots of speculation. Games in a world war 3 scenario hadn't been so similar as to this one. It gives the player all the options of a realtime swat, allthough the swat is military and the scenario is realworld in what's happening in russia today. I don't bother, because one could ban counter-strike for it being similar to the ukrainian protests. The terrorists are actually terrorists whom wear masks. Both events play out as a scenario. The COD in the airport, or rainbow six does as well. This game though takes it to the bar, it seems like the game itself is a military reality. The nationalists are actually nationalists. However games like these fps ones are not so revealing as to be the event itself, but it does put users in a real world scenario ie the world of tanks with one side as nazi germany only. Its controversial to play the losing side, when the winner reigns supreme. However, what if this time their is no winner? So after I decided to review the game, and play it myself I gave it a rating of an A for its realistic interpretation of war, and its movement and fast paced action akin to bad company 2, where you have to work as a team to gain checkpoints. Yet it draws away from the fact that you can use certain abilities of that army only. This idea would be useful, it would be like a fighting game with different moves, even though the character is the whole team idea. How I stress this in realworld gaming sims. It def puts the player in an experienced scenario, and gives the player that much experience, like a flight sim etc. It also draws away from the fact that one can take a weapon from another team. In a real war, you can't just simply pick up another teams weapons. Ever since halo 4 switch-tech gaming has given rise to the next generation of fps gaming. The fast-switch option gives players 4 times the number of attributes, however at a price..you need to come to terms with game complexity, giving rise to the field of simulation style fps shooters at the heart of the action. Actually I think all the weapons are the same. Particle effects, phsyics are oustanding yet the gameplay never gets repeative, only a little dumb. However, what makes this game and review controversial is not the graphics or gameplay but the theme. No one in their right mind would even suggest to play private organizations and militias from Iraq such as Blackwater or other privately owned groups mostly since they are linked to american splinter groups starting major wars in russia, one being the south ossetian conflict and the other the recent crimean war. This game may go somewhere but so may a game with charles manson as a playable character. The game doesn't really influence school shootings though, and its no mortal kombat in terms of controversy. Buying and selling weapons has been done before in counter-strike, though this one takes it to a new bar. However, I haven't played it long enough to really tell.

Minor update: Microsoft's decision to end xbox 360's warface was in no idea connected to this article. You might as well have banned cs source, etc. The fact is warface was the only good free-to-play fps ever released. In no way do I support this decision, it being one of the top fps games on console or PC. The sniper rifle ability is up there with homefront, bad company 2 and even possibly the best one of the three. Unfortunately it never left beta phase and was infact missing stages etc anyways.

Wartanks or Tank Warfare 2? Warthunder vs WOT. World of Tanks Comparison Review idea.

What if world of tanks became a legend? Take away the microsoft stuck in 1999 gameplay of thinking, and harness a graphics engine akin to bad company 2? However you look at it though, the game has depth &complexity that no other game rivals yet the graphics lack in immersion. Basically its a 3d strategy sim game to me, which is why its soo fun. The fact is, people want to see this immersion in their gameplay somtimes. World of tanks has everything except this one element if not for the damage models and detailed model environments against the physics principles which are present in warthunder. Wot is better cus it has damage models, ie a variation of holes in the tank chasis. With the exception of things needed in world of tanks to make it not so bearish or not have the unreleased mods (called packages in console versions i think :( I think they have teamspeak though not sure about that either)...a snow stage (with like a tank paint job tool), soviet class (i think they hav it), and maybe extra vocals (masking your voice isnt hard, even i can do it). This idea could end the series without releasing a world of tanks 2 game or upgrd. Dead island has this immersion as well, its where you take a game's elements away from the graphics such as third person not being available. Also these elements would be able to let the player fight with elite enemies such as level 30 tanks or watever if damage is done via pts or the basic hit-and-miss armor point system. Given the state of technology these days, (ie dead island looked like it could be a 12gig game, yet it was a mere 3.2 gigs..without a hint of mistakes how that german company did it? idk) ps4 and xbox 360 can def do it. It works, but one doesn't see this in simulators. Actually even fps has gotten rid of this element since the years past, I have not seen it in most games such as the later battlefield games (1942 battlefield had it so you could only have nazi weapons, if you were on the nazi side etc...they super-imposed this with other immersive factors eg fast gameplay equates to a dif style..bottom line is my idea hasn't been done). Imagine playing a tank game with the thinking elements of strategy in 3d akin to say command and conquer zero hour? Now imagine playing it in an environment like kursk, okay so you have a game like world of tanks now, or say...tank warfare 1 released (eg tank warefare 2:modern tanks would probably have something like iraqi stages). Here's why. Now Imagine the elements of immersion, or having the graphics of bad company 2 in modern tanks or past tanks (it doesn't matter, its only an idea). So no player can get a t-50 on their side, unless they steal it during the game...no player can get a german panzer unless they take it, so it would even have that bad company 2 feel of immersion kind of, but more with only tanks. Maybe even have a certain element in the tanks, like the t-50 had its superiorities in armor, as did the tiger tanks in long range. Imagine totally infiltrating the real world's technological vulnerabilities in modern warfare. What is interesting is the games physics, with exploding shells being able to penetrate tough armor when armor piercing ones can not. Even if they do little damage, hitting a turret on a super heavy is better than nothing. Prussian 'chess-like' tactics combined with real world elements and you get a T-90 against a Sheridan or a T-50 against a Sherman using the battlefield bc2 engine & maybe a series called 'Tankwarfare' would be invented. Now put in fast gameplay along with those 3d graphics and destructible environment akin to bad company 2. Now that's a fun wargame. In the meantime, I give world of tanks a B+ if not for a comparison review of a C-

Interface&Graphics (& wot 360/pc quick comparison)

The graphics are hard to judge because well..they aren't too good. Here I will take an account of world of tanks/world of planes vs war thunder because both are so alike, however world of tanks moves so much more realistically than war thunder, the plane portion of warthunder takes the cake. Its one of those things with the interface that I have qualms about. The fact that you can't team play, or the fact that you can't upgrd quickly like in war thunder. However well wot moves, its extension, wop doesn't feel right..like how warthunder's tank extension feels too clunky and obtrusive...with terrain to boot, so does wop feel too slow. What makes warthunder better though is infact that you can have many planes in one match fight out a 20min duel, and you can only use the tanks of that particular army. Fairly complex indeed. However, like how over-g was ruined via added the acecombat storyboard on a realistic flightsim...so is warthunder ruined a little by being overly simplistic and not being able to use 20th ce 7th gen fighters(having the same gameplay as wot/wop). Yes, I'm asking for too much, but hey...would you want over-g with stealth f-35 fighters or warthunder/wop with propeller planes..and once u get a mig, u can easily get shot down by these so called planes. To be honest the perfect game would be overg graphics/physics/gameplay (minus storyboard) with the warthunder interface. Wot for the 360 infact is a whole different game, gameplay wise. The energy bars are there. There are arcade elements, such as faster moving tanks in smaller environments. The decoy is there, yet there is a peek-a-boo element in the game, however the game is less realistic and the environment does not protrude much which may be good or bad eg wot for xbox 360 builds faster yet the PC version has teamplay starting in tier 6-7. The interface in the 360 version is far more better. If you plan on sniping or cross firing upon tanks, do it with the 360 version. You can't level up the tanks in the PC version, yet the armor piercing shells are free. Its basically a preference issue or two (minus the PC's excellent graphics ie pcs are just slower because they are soo superior, its wierd PS4 can't do warthunder effects ie smaller environments are issues yet out does PC in graphic effects). WOT for PC has less penetrable armor, esp in the front...whilst xbox 360 may have more weak points it seems. All these games just become too repetitive and u end up paying for the good vehicles anyways. Just a few hints on a atomic thunder game or some type of sequel. As for the interface, its on target with war thunder beating wot/wop via quicker upgrades.

Gameplay (quick update)

After getting my icore 3 with 8gb and radeon 1gb 5750, i thought I would go into more detail as to what version is better and why. Well, warthunder clearly has better looking graphics on land and in air, howver it runs into a small kink in the armor of wot. Even though wop was somewhat unrealistic, you get to fly certain vehicles like the haunabau and other ufos which make the scope of the game more interesting. However wot is the better tank game, esp on xbox 360 because of the mouse aiming feature. The battles are infact more invasion-like akin to kursk, whilst warthunder retains its non-invasive feel of a deep wooded incursion. You can't really hide from other tanks and its often funny to have a small stage and a wooded area with hills, as if you are in the mts or something. WOTs retains the hide and go feel, and the escapism of going over bridges, through suburbs and even hiding in deep water. WOts wins gameplay wise in this field. The xbox 360 controller gets rid of that jerkiness which a mouse is so used to. WOP however is far too slow, and you can't have certain abilities like clipping off wings or dogfighting at near misses etc. Warthunder takes the crown by far in the air. Graphics wise, warthunder is the better choice then wots, howver in games gameplay goes over graphics, and a full scale invasion scenario for a tank game is a must. Giving the players more strategic options rather than a push and go incursion onto the battlefield. If one were to choose specifically, the xbox 360 version of wots is byfar the best, whilst warthunder on a pc takes the main price. Howver, I also noticed warthunder is infact a better game in general due to the team-only gameplay involved hence a bf109 can strafe targets fairly easily, yet the fukuwulf has better lift and dogfighting manuveurs. If every battle is random, then the opposing team with that countries military is not going to do to well against its odds. Its going to have a technological disadvantage mostly if playing against pros. Team play is a must for both games, yet sadly not truely available unless in simulator mode or realistic battles. If one were a war enthusiast though they may infact be able to join a game which is custom, hence custom games can have tanks and planes in wide range maps. Since the tanks are never able to take territory effectively, imho..because of well...the planes. It is also fairly rare to find a balanced game where you have restricted armies hitting large areas and maps yet possible. Arcade wise, and via damage range and fire range, wot is the better game..hence you can't really take out a tank in warthunder with that really hard target range from across the stage. Warthunder though is better for realism. WOT has the element of surprise in its tank simulation of which, although with good graphics, warthunder lacks. Warthunder against wot/wop is great, however, Its almost too realistic, and that's why they are two different games which almost seem equal actually in their own respect.

Improvements for the game...(interface cont).

World of Tanks needs team match and maybe like a squad only group chat like in bf bc2, it would be more competitive with a bully factor of course. They may even need an experimental King Emperor tank for the next japanese tanks upgrade (lol, jk). The american tanks have strong cannons at short range, you will notice realistic functions with the german tanks long range as well (jpanzer upgrd anyone...goodbye superheavy!), however the soviet class is still the best with the t34 being a rapid fire and quickly guided vehicle jus' like in the real war. Yet these types of games are so up to date they need to be that way or they will have that feel of losing its replay value so maybe I am just getting old. One thing they can improve on is the tank teams. Warthunder has tank teams yet the feel is too realistic and out of place, putting the players in a somewhat hostile environment which is more mission orientated. Whilst the plane flying theme works, the tank theme suffers in gameplay. World of tanks however picks stage battles for decisive tank outcomes akin to kursk, El Alamein or the battle for france. It works injunction with the flat terrain, and the tanks to boot have a higher inventory. The tanks are better because they are more akin to their real life counter-part in function. A tank with a slanted canopy will indeed recache the shell. Whilst warthunder has the particular movement and trajectory, it does not have the enormous battlefields. One thing warthunder has is team match. World of tanks suffers greatly from this pitting random era tanks against each other and having tank players whom upgrd their skills with great advantages against other players. However, this could all be fixed if Wot could put team play, because some players are knowledgeable in weak structural points with certain tanks, even super-heavies. If random tank battles are played, then this minimizes the chance for defeat by a noob team eg a random tank battle occurs where 2 or 3 noobs are well, good players. This battle will be lost because the noobs on the other team have played alot and have super-heavy tanks. On top of that, the tanks will not do good, giving these bad players a grave advantage against weaker tanks. Pro and noob in actuality means how you move and how you intercept or hint upon an attack. In one day, I was able to lose 10 matches playing very well, and win only 3 with my best tank. If I were only on a nazi german tank formation, this would increase my chances of winning do to the bad players gaining no advantage over the good players in setting up for tank trajectory, interceptions, weakpoints or movements eg if you run into a formation of super-heavy tanks with strong armor, your light tanks can only escape, however if the light tanks are good, they will know how to effect a certain group of tanks...for instance hitting a tiger in the gas area causes the engine to burn, hitting a t-34 does not, one would run into t-34s and not tigers and most likely good players know how to retreat. It gets even better if the light tanks are upgradable giving skilled players the options to upgrd weak tanks. However, a tank enthusiast would bypass this upgradable option due to the unfairness of the game. When a player attacks a tank, it needs to retaliate. If the enemy's tank is only t-34s, the good players will know how to attack the t-34s. Given the odds, the nazi tanks would retaliate with range. The battles wouldn't be as chaotic. The tank battles would be less operational orientated as well where as the stages of wot with an historical event like kursk make it possible to happen anywhere (in japan, in china) or even change the history of civilization like it has. The vibration function could be activated when a player goes over train-tracks as well, but that's knitpicking. If you have a really weak british army with strong tanks weak armies in teamplay could overtake stronger ones. Every battle would be of this particular random scenario, so having country only tanks on one team would increase the chances of fair competition. Update: I recently found out wot for PC is infact teamplay, although not as fast as xbox 360 and not as evasive, it is good to have teamplay done right. This puts wot ahead of the game to warthunder whom has teamplay, yet only in sim mode..i think..unless a client update is there or soemthing. IDK i like warthunder cus the interface is better, more user friendly with a controller too (even old xb s style controllers), whilst wot on xbox 360 has better gameplay (&a controller) and wot on pc, although complex, works best. Teamplay should exist, not in facad tier 4 matches that winning the lottery gets you in, but overall in general, esp on xbox 360. The matches would def even out more easily and be overall more competitive. Also good players would be recognized more often than not with team play, because no matter how much you play, you are most likely stuck with one class of tanks. You can buy that class to a certain extent, but with so many upgrades its impossible to change classes where even light tanks (in the xb360 version) would be ace or pro material. You could pull strategies as well with more coorindation, you could pull a Rommel basically. Destroy the allied forces hold tunisia for two years, and finally realize that hitler will not resupply you at the end of the war and fall of moscow. Team play has that much opportunity and coordination envolved because tanks act and work differently for other countries. The game itself excels over the PC version in speed, and waiting time. Yet simulator wise or via realism aspects, the PC version excels. Haven't played enough of world of warplanes, however it too has the controller function and some advantages in simplicity over wot.

The Perfect tank game

On to why this game is so addictive. 1.) When upgrading tanks with armor piercing abilities, super-heavy tanks become invincible, unless you are one of the few who has accuracy well enough to know how to shoot a cannon inside the hole of the tank you have pierced. 2.) Certain tanks mimick their real life counter-parts ie the Tiger is easily damaged in its wheels, yet invulnerable when in front, the hertzer has qualities of a russian t-50, and interesting facts arise such as the stug III, is yet to be the most manufactured tank in germany with the most kills during world war ii. You can hit the armor at the same place, however I was only exagerating...you can however it the turret on those really hard to kill tanks. I even think they incorporated teamspeak, something as to why the german panzers were so effective in kill ratio during ww2. On top of that, you unlock classes and stages as you play the game more without tedious unwanted updates, waittime or downloads. Other realistic tank games I've played included Panzer Front on the Dreamcast, the 1942 and modern battlefield series, operation flashpoint and others to name a few. This game however is the perfect tank game for any tank enthusiast given the physics in the gameplay involved, to mimick its real-life counter-parts. Besides for noobs struggling in the beg of the game, their are no real knitpicks, and the battlefield simulator idea is basically given to me as an idea for games with updated graphics like comanche (a game that rivaled the best of ps1 graphics, yet came out 1991-93) or maybe the world of warplanes aka war thunder for ps4, which is incredibly advanced. My all time fav though is Over-g, with the right elements in sim gameplay, this could have been gold if not for some annoying ace combat rip-off scenarios creating an almost goofy-like scifi dystopian theme. Again I'm bringing up this other knit pick which i have about most games, to put the american tanks only on one team, and nazi tanks on another to simply add to emersion, instead of just 'play with tanks' you will have the option of feeling how accurate formations in real-life armies were really like. Its Unfortunete most games these days reverted to a robotic style of gameplay to ignore histories lessons etc. Its also unfortunate simple particle effects such as polygonal footprints in the snow, or shells falling on the floor haven't even been experimented widely as of yet. Though these knit picks are minor graphical and emmersive ones, the partical effects all seem to be there. However, it would be nice to have a team option for the tanks. The latest client of wot actually does have teamplay mode, giving wot a large lead in the tank warfare division. Except this clan mode is unavailable on console. Warthunder in tank mode however, has more destructive environments making it more immersive. Maybe even upgrd it to 'wartanks' for ps4. Personally, a real world setting akin to the rainbow six series would have done this game justice. Until then, will keep playing world of tanks.

2015 Update: Crossplatform Gaming not totally disappeared?!?

Back in 99' I was a huge fan of 4x4 evolution on dreamcast and also quake iii, i had a mouse and kb to compete with the competition and did fairly well. I did not notice any difference between the pc and dreamcast counter-parts. However since then I have not run into cross-platform gaming, besides for maybe pso on the dreamcast as well. I know there are some games on ps2 like call of duty, or i think ffx. Since recently I found out warthunder is infact crossplatform on ps4/pc. You can play it, and although people say its unfair, because of no mouse and kb, I say otherwise. For instance, sure the graphics are slightly darker, yet ps4 can still do photorealism. It can infact compete with PC, because I know for a fact cs:source users use a controller instead of mouse and kb. It is simply a hard to learn skill, but learnable to tweak the controller. I do see ps4 gamers every now and then, however with the star on their icon, you will only see one or two. Unfortunetly this is indeed the case for a perfect rendition to console. Crossplatform is infact important, like teamplay. Ps4 can do photorealism and infact compete with the PC and with crossplatform a server doesnt turn into a thousand players but yet maybe near a million at a time..and being a fan of cpx gameplay warthunder has a slight edge on this one, and realism. To prove Ps4 owners infact have an advantage over their pc counter-parts by using a control I recently installed and mapped out the original xbox s controller on the game. It turns out its not only better than the xbox 360/ps4 controllers, but better than the pc/mouse combo and near as good as a flight stick in performance. It only took me 4 hours: Below is the controller scheme for warthunder on the xbox controller s (with vibration). The controller can do loops fairly more easily than a mouse and keyboard. Get the XBCD patch now!

Right trigger-fire guns/rockets/ fire cannon

Left trigger-slow down/ tank zoom

*Left stick-increase/decrease throttle, roll right and left/ (no xb s support for tank) - in this case use xpadder dpad can be gun switch, & pov stick the accerlation

Left stick press-target enemy/ tank change ammo

Right stick-mouse aim/ move tank turret

Right stick press-zoom on enemy/ tank inside cannonview toggle

Right or Left stick POV axis-rear gun aim

x,b-bank right/bank left (yaw)/ x tank gunfire button, b-tank artillery

y,a-pitch up and down/ y-tank change into plane, a-tank repair

small black button-pause

small white button-change to cockpit view/ tank cannon change to 2

*dpad-left and up-view behind and above plane or tank turn left&up (replace with xpadder ctrls)

*dpad-right-reload or tank turn right (replace or set up new scheme)

*dpad-down-drop bombs or tank slow (replace)


start-scoreboard/mp stats

F/G on keyboard - gears/flaps

Tank controls are easy, basic fire/zoom etc, however like most steam games ct s support is not a given, or it will glitch the POV

There has been lots of hate for ps4 owners in the game for playing poorly, yet here I just proved the exact opposite. Mouse and keyboard can't do aerial maneuvers that the xbox controller s can do. Half the people who play the game are infact mouse/kb players whom have to drag their hand many times to do half a loop. The reason why I use xbox controller s is its built more for 3d games hence the sticks have wider movement angles and the controller is higher ie the dreamcast controller is more linear as well. IMHO this is the cheapest flightstick outthere.

Videocard & System Recommendations

Warthunder's german spyplane at 225k feet almost beating overg in height
Warthunder's german spyplane at 225k feet almost beating overg in height

As you know the xbcd controller is rec. Also Windows XP direct x 9/10 is rec. This game is actually better in dx9 for some reason, is why i hav a partition split (via EaseUS partition manager) to create a steam only win7 64bit o/s then an xp o/s. The game looks alittle flatter in dx9, however, it manuevers better as I was experiencing pauses on dx11 for some reason. These pauses would effect any flight game enthusiast who would try aerial maneuvers like loops and wat not. If your graphics card is say 1gb, these pauses may infact occur and affect gameplay (3 button simultaneous presses, for some reason cause the game to pause or kink, however its required in aerial combat at times...even on the lowest settings). My advice is the 64 bit drivers on xbcd are not available or hard to find which is why its important and somewat relevant to keep things online nowadays. My honest rec is to create a partition for xp on that game only if your computer has a 1gb ati videocard or is not fast enough. IDK though, ati and intel tends to not be a good match. Maybe its because intel's stability locks functions like cmd repairing manual system/network/default/sam etc. That's what every o/s is infact. If it brakes its cus of that. Overwriting or refreshing it is a must. Intel is good, AMD is better..they knew about wide pipelines (glamorized to be hyperthreading) way before intel. However, I used the nvidia onboard card and it did not have these so-called pauses. Intel is howver geared towards a more stable business orientated user base, therefore its less likely to get crashes or unknown errors on an intel board (the last asus 64 board I had, caused incompatibilities with printers/mice and even the pciexpress port). So I rec an aus amd machine with ati, intel mbs with nvidia...or just install a backup o/s like I did.

BF4 all set to go

BF 4 Mini-review

Here is a short 'emergency' mini-review of BF4, after playing bf bc 2 and not skipping bf3, i was intrigued to try this one. BF4 is it, its battlefield without the option to play any country on earth against any army (ala ps9 lol), but no really like how the mp44 evolved into the ak47, battlefield evolved in realism through physics. BF bc 2 has destructible environments, but so does bf4, with dust particles never seen before. The game is easy fun, and the first in a line of future realistic fps sims. The idea though is to take the franchise into a new light. BF bc 2 was too unrealistic, the armies could use any weapon, and every weapon was used. There weren't tracers, and there were no curved bullets, but bf4 fixes all that without the ability to demolish the landscape into nothingness of course. BF3 was good online, but it had the stalingrad elements to the game or modern urban warfare come to light. Bf4 has these same elements except the stages are larger and more destructible, so it brings the 2 previous games together in order to revive the old franchise. The landscape of bf4 was awesome, being propped on buildings for sniping and having the ability to swim fast. This is def a good demo, however one yearns for a 'lean' button, which may have been over-looked or not found yet by myself. I like bf 1942 for the realism it had, and bf4 brought all those elements back. Being able to use a weapon from another army is in a way cheating or cheap. BF4 takes those elements away and leaves the player with a fully navigatable and realistic environment. Its a combination of rainbow 6 las vegas with maybe operation flashpoint. The small qualm I have for this game is the armies. Bf 2 becomes fast, and it was new that way, but fast becomes repetitive where this boring gameplay was carried on to bf3 it seems, however they got rid of it in 4 and they got rid of the adventure-fantasy theme giving way to strategy in a real-world setting. A new form of internationalism, no one could see an invasion like this before, and one is temped to literally fight another army like the russians or the nazis even lol. Its simply explore and recon with real-world physics like bf2 (which coincidentally had the china super-powers) and 1942 bf. However, BF2 was akin to BF BC2 in terms of realism and gameplay, it was slow, but fast and effective with squad gameplay instead of emphasizing on recon. Its that realistic. But bewarned, the jar is now empty. Online Gaming nowadays is taking a new toll over privacy and that's riches. BF is plagued with online lag if you do not spend money for ultra high-speed internet, will lend you broke if not 'rich' enough. With realistic glass physics carried on from the bf3 engine it gets even better, but if you want something fast I would recommend bf3. Being a fan of sim games to a certain extent (as long as its not too boring) and fps shooters this review had to be thrown out there.

Minor Update: You actually aren't confined to service weapons. I find this a big deal in the sim of the game. I'll tell you why. Sometimes, its better for armies to use their service rifles such as the m4 carbine in the usa. You won't find this glitch in fps shooters such as cs source or the rainbow six shooters (maybe??? can't remember@this time), but also in the old bf series. The fact is guns are at a point of being very similar in evolution&effectiveness now-a-days but I see it as a crucial factor of an armies capabilities to be honest, its like seeing americans drive the t90 tbh. You will never see the US army use the ak-12 unless having to pick it up in the battlefield because when it comes to war, economy is involved and these features bar an army from using certain weapons, it did with germany, vietnam, and even the confederacy you name it. It would be neat for games to stop using this feature because guns like this have different rates of fire and dif sounds which immerse the player in the game leaving cs source as the only real gun game out there.

Recently I played bf4 for ps4. It is infact all its supposed to be, a battelfield with ambush tactics and guerilla warfare, a type of urban hand to hand combat. Its too different than bf bad company 2 and I ended up having a hard time playing it on large scale maps. Howver it is infact the best battlefield out, graphically. You play the americans like in the korean war and the russians. The realism is there and the gameplay is there...the skills though take time to master, me being a xbox 360 gamer, the controller felt like the sticks were to high, and I could never run. I felt the vehicle gameplay is the best on par with the battlefield series and akin to the old franchise battlefield 1942. Pls industry release a small controller with short sticks,...with a 120v recharging battery thx. The game itself though is there though.

Fix your Broken Dreamcast guide...Orange resetting of Death

The Over-heating Guide

Here is a quick tutorial to get that old dreamcast you had in your closet working again, basically you want to do a few simple things. Like the 360 over-heating problems are a common occurrence for the dreamcast system because of design or an added aluminum plating that doesn't need to be there etc. Resets are a common factor of overheating. Its okay for mbs to get generally hot, but you don't want a motherboard with a lens reader or a lens reader card to get too hot. This area simply cannot be blocked by a fan (which is the exact reason as to why pcs and dvd players have internal fans btw?). This is usually done accidentally by aesthetics or faulty design such as a casing which covers that particular area of the mb/mb card. If you listen carefully no one will get harmed.

1. Obtain a four head screw driver to do the basic steps of removing the screws and casing. You just want to remove the card under the lens with the lens itself. Don't bother removing the power card or motherboard controller card etc. Don't bother removing the lens itself or lens protector either.

2. Remove three screws around the lens unit. You will notice it is a card attached to the motherboard via pins. Now you want to remove the aluminum plate around the card. Make sure to have short screws handy.


THIS REQUIRES BENDING THE PLATE AND TAKING OUT THE SCREWS FOR ITS DISPOSLE. Use 3 thin aluminum screws for new dreamcasts, one on each leg of the laser lens...however old dreamcasts are susceptible to ware of the len's padding via compression, and thick washers were used for mine. BTW an extra set of shorter screws are required due to the length of the original dc screws, it may or may not hit the motherboard. This hardware hack is proven to read cdrs better upon the booting process, and/or load dreamcast games faster by not overheating the laser lens reader & giving the motherboard a direct connection (of which used to obstruct a connection with the motherboard via the aluminum plating).

3. After the lens with a plate and metal attachment is removed, and the aluminum plate itself is destroyed you want to take out the lens with the metal plate still in tact. Afterwhich, detach the lens from the mb and reapply the screws to the metal casing (not the aluminum one you threw away). Note the lens may need to be unplugged from its lens card, just use precaution here. Pls note, the idea is to add 3 washers under the lens to hold it up, not mb plate. Both options can be done, however the lens is the one to take. The screws next to the mb is for aligning the lens as close as possible and meant for experimentation or professional use. DO NOT CALIBRATE YOUR DREAMCAST EITHER, THE VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET ARE FALSE< THE VOLTMETER MAY DESTROY YOUR DREAMCAST PERMANENTLY.

4. Then get 3 washers on the three screws. The washers or orings can be those small ones that fit nicely around the screw (either 2 washers for each screw or 1 oring. This does what the plate was doing which is hold the lens up a few mm. Put the case on but before so doing test of course. WARNING UPON REASSEMBLY: ONLY USE SHORT SCREWS (PC size) OR YOU WILL HIT YOUR MOTHERBOARD THEN YOU WILL BUY A NEW DREAMCAST. Okay GL.:P

Use Precaution here: There are two methods a slanted method or horizontal method to establish here. The tricky part is the screws. For a slanted fix that only plays GDRoms (however scratched gdroms will read more effectively but cdrs will hit the plastic occasionally) You want 2 orings or washers on the left side but nothing on the right under the card reader itself (some dreamcasts by now are probably broken, or their lens is fallen in like the ill-fated ps1 where it can't detect the cds). For an aligned stable fix go under the lens reader itself or lift it up and slide in 3 screws on the 3 corners (i used a washer and oring for each corner). You DONT want to cushion with bubble tape, or use plastic in any way to lift the lens. The horizontal fix though is the safest, this will have the trick work with the card reader still hooked up to the motherboard in the best way. The 3 orings or washers work under the card reader itself (next to the mb), however you might have problems detecting the katana mb (2 washers on the right, none on the left under the card reader, not lens reader is the slanted fix to not confuse u). This way you can play cdrs using horizontal trick (3 orings and/or washers under lens reader not the slanted trick (2 rings on left side under CARD reader attached to mb). The Slanted trick helps the lens read scratched up discs because the gdrom stays horizontal. The third oring or washer on the left side is basically replaced by a thin washer on the isolated screw pin under the laserdisc lens and card reader. You don't want to hit that plastic. Put 3 washers under the lens instead of the aluminum plate where holding the card reader up is alot better and makes up for the lost mms. The aluminum plate is a weak contact to the motherboard as well as being a heater for humidity. Its the safest bet. Dreamcast will be working better than your ps3 doing that.)

Best Results? For best results you want to put two o-rings on the left side and one washer on the right. That way the laserlens and circuit board to it is leveled or slanted and cd not tilted. This precision creates a type of reader so precise as to be right next to the data. The data will be read under a pocket of air so to speak because the GDROm stays leveled. Since GDROMs are heavier than cdrs, and there center is larger it will not work with cdrs (unless tape is applied to center and/or bottom. Another warning about this method is that cdrs will hit the bottom, so you need a piece of tape under your cdr if your dreamcast games arent original. Advantages of this hack are: scratched GDROM games will play, games will load faster. Disadvantages are games which are cdr or other need tape under its center or around the rim. Key note: this is how ALL Compact and/or DVD disc players should actually be built. However, for safest results use 3 rings directly under the corners of the lens itself after pulling out the plate.

About Dreamcast and its Competitors.

Many manufacturers build there consoles in compact spaces. This creates stupid ideas like an aluminum plating (with cushioning?!?) that traps heat and infact creates humidity on the lens reader's circuit board. This tick or glitch in the system is present in almost all appliances. If you ever buy a dvdrw and notice it burns out after a few months or a 120gb hard drive that just 'dies' you will know what I am talking about. Unnecessary compact spaces in hot environments anywhere above 70 degrees. If a motherboard gets hot, it breaks (see also red ring of death), but if a card reader or power supply get too hot it can be hazardous or dangerous even, creating 'o-rings' on your favorite cds. Technology can be good though, and uber advanced. Just take a look at plasma tvs compared to crts a few years back, that's the kind of leap videogames made. Do you want the first tesla or a 1970 chevy gasoline guzzler? With an HDMI converter and vga you have a virtual ps2 without the AA problems, a gamecube which holds more than 1gig on its disc or a console which plays those hard-to-find racing sims with real time lighting effects and day night clocks and arcade favs. Get enhanced arcade games such as soul calibur or even mdk2/soul reaver for pc to get graphical upgrades or even PC equivalents on AAA ps1 ports such as panzer front, bmx/th or rayman. You also have the first system to play that is literally 2 years ahead of its time, destroying its competition with its own still usable web browser (as long as pdas are still around, web surfing will be a must on the internet for those who need emails, chats or a way to read their news etc in that crowded dorm room with one computer, or that kids house with net bandwidth limits). Some more facts are that it has vmus and rumble, 4 player games and even a network of hardcore gamers (currently i'm playing illbleed, fun but really hard). Try a game like border down, and this hack will prove to significantly increase your load times as well. The first and only console with a cloned arcade (SH4 cpu) chip that was not resized to save costs. The first revolutionary console as well which outpaced computers and arcade in their own gen or game. The first system to use bumpmapping as well ie A tree looks like a tree, a sign could be read, frames were 60fps and best of all, it streams from the disc straight to the vram, or loads without using system memory which even gamecube doesn't do yet xbox 360 does with its unified ram (creating longer load times but at the same time using ram for that fluid 60 fps experience of not stuttering or pausing..basically ram is essential for video graphics over motherboard memory in terms of game fluidity). Specs even say it has more ram than ps2 and wider pipelines than gamecube being over matched finally by only the xbox 1 in terms of quality in its spec sheet...and even then you don't get hdmi. You also have a console to play PC ports such as Trickstyle&Quake 3 perfectly if not better than the pc enhanced greatly on hdmi. On top of that, its better than pc because emulators have glitches, and are a hassle if you have one good enough& u get no menu options or apps usage via vmu. The only console with non-scaling hdmi is dreamcast. Unfortunately its not perfect, those copied games you get for free on the internet are often slow or corrupt with downgraded music because the hackers need to fit the data on a regular cd, besides that the dreamcast needs to read the data twice often succumbing to slow down and awkward pauses. As for its closest companion ps2 graphics, its not as good as dc. The Dreamcast does not upscale its res from 640x224 to 440 (this function on the ps2 inturn gets 'rid' of jaggies..howevr they are revealed in component mode), dc is higher...its 640x480. The ps2 is still the best at modding, just buying a hard drive and renting or borrowing games from your local bestbuy will render u set for life. The only console company to copy the Katana arcade board to the 't' and spend all its money doing it is SEGA though. On top of that, the videogame third parties won't earn money from these so-called 'glitches' in the industry of copy-and-share or 'try before you buy' mods and hacks. Ever play mvc2 on your plasma tv? How 'bout Rare Japan-made games which rival gamecube graphics&gameplay liek Giant Gram 2000 3, J-league soccer, Crimson x2, Godzilla 2: Generations or mech games like Frame Grid, Virtual on 2, Gundam FX or Macross M3? Who knows maybe the 90s snes/genesis war did actually come back during the sixth gen...Nintendo made gamecube for nintendo party games to compete with sega's arcade games, stealing the idea of sega all together...but that's to be talked about for another blog day. Check out DCisozone or PS2isozone for more info. Dreamcast has the ability to buffer out textures fairly well and stream these 100 mb textures (to 3 or so mbs) fairly fast. However so its the fastest console of the sixth gen (ps2 holds the largest environments or highest res, gc is the shiniest via 8x bumpmapping, xb is the most powerful with its high polygon count...however dreamcast is the most fastest giving this gen the most equality in the game industry ever produced, hence sonic adventure 1 can't be done as well). Not only does dc hold more space than gamecube, its faster in terms of raw power (loading time). Hence shenmue was never achieved or ported perfectly on any of the consoles and can not be. Proof even technology has its limits and Dreamcast is still the best.