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Ps4 or Xbox One? Which has better graphics?

After browsing some videos on youtube to see the deal with these consoles I came to a conclusion as to which one to buy...allthough its early on and the specs arent exactly known, I have been a loyal micorsoft purchaser until now. It looks like they have a bit of competition on their hands...Sony saw what Xbox 360 could do in the last gen whilst ps3 was plagued with hardware issues such as slowdown and horrible blue effects which no one really cared about. They had one title to use their hardware and that was killzone, even then when compared to games as halo 4, the differences were minor. No real difference in graphical capabilities from these two. They were as equal as a PC...actaully the PC in the last seventh gen became more of a console then the consoles did pcs. Apps basically allow your pc to turn into a game console navigatable menu dashboard. Combine this technology with plasma monitors + wireless controllers and you can clearly see no difference already. The Dashboards on consoles are common on pcs nowadays, and you can find them to be as powerful as the next gen consoles already...in particular windows 8 with less customization and more free play. I browsed both ps4 and xbox one and the specs were identical, but the games were different..so..I may as well get a Wii U if they were. Xbox's radeon card was just a ting bit weaker...and that's about it. Hardware is becoming more and more complex so we won't concentrate on specs just yet,,,maybe in an update in the future when the consoles are released. It looks like the videogame industry truly is centralizing with its pc industrial counter-part making brand names no longer a factor but machines as personal use one. Lets take a look at the console graphical capabilities via the demos in e3.

PS4 has the ability for its games to navigate in wide environments. The cities are full-scale, and glass can reflect light like realworld glass off of the buildings. The xbox one however, has mutlifunctional capabilities, yet I have yet to see their games do much more than the 360 itself. It was not too impressive in the scale factor but the detail of the lighting is def the real deal. The bars and girters in the gameplay demo were soo detailed that one did not care much for the environment..however I have yet to see a multifunction machine in a real-world environment. I'm afraid ps4 has me on graphics because it showed off what it could do without a linear approach to things ala mass effect 3 or alan wake vs uncharted ie alan wake has the moves and cutscene realtime attacks but it doesnt really do the right multi-functional movements..ps4 worked more on this technology to take it further, giving microsoft a run for its money. The truth is both consoles were equal in sales, ps3 garnering more in its AAA titles in the last gen. However 360 won by far in the hardware department, with ati graphics and detailed shadow effects being superior (eg a shadow on a gun on ps3 version of bf2 bc would be a blurred mess and over-sized even though the character was closer to the tree, on 360 it would show small details on the gun, the hardware video sony developed simply didn't cut it, yet its multiprocesses helped the physics involved or multi-movement in large scale environments which is a standard on pcs and consoles via fast pipelines and extra processing power). As for past consoles of the sixth gen, i would say Xbox1 has qualities of current gen xbox arcade games. If you compare cell damage to its technology, games like spartacus, or shootmanyrobots watever the AAA games are could aesthetically be done on Xbox1 if it were still alive (its in the level of jetsetradio, cell damage imho plus or minus some hardware advantages such as blur or 3d scaling). Which is why you see some fluid dc ports on these consoles as well. The Nvidia RSX made for only Ps3 had better lighting effects like nvidia's xbox1, ps1 and ps2 graphics chips had more polygons, yet ati's bump-mapping or wide pipelines in detail took more value for future consoles. It wasn't really prevalent in the last gene, but may be in this gen admist large scale environments and within full-scale cities. Graphics wise Ps4 may indeed be a console which leaps significantly in this area as ps2 did from ps1.:?

Mugen: Will it run well on PC?

Tweaking Mugen

After recently pulling up an old mugen file from 2005-06 i thought I would explain this one. Mugen is built for windowed mode. If you can't run it in windowed mode, don't try full screen. However, if your pc is fast enough full-screen will allow a flawless performance on a low-grade scale. The trick is to have intros be timed. If you noticed the sound won't play every time. Well, in windowed mode it will just have the mp3 start after the frames. If you check out my mugen videos it will play 300 + characters flawlessly with screenpack tweaks. Given the nature of PCs nowadays, it will never crash.

:(I will upload the screenpack next month, the one on my website isnt ready yet.

Chkout my mugen videos updated. Mugen may crash, or sound may not be heard given the nature of mugen.

Testing DCvM screenpack. Back in the day, had problems with running mugen alot. What happened was it kept crashing but I took the music files and transfered them into ogg, then stepped down the fps in cfg. I then tweaked the game to run fluidly with options under misc. Basically I let the ram cache be 1 for all categories. Seemed to work great.

Running Mugen on your Slow PC

Here is what I had to say:

Mugen would crash if too many characters on screen, sometimes music would not run and it would close improperly. Managed to fix these tweaks using ccleaner, advanced systemcare 6, gamebooster and decreasing ati acceleration (optional for recording via hypercam). Best of all I'm using almost all of the 80gb on winxp 64bit. Solution to Gamers with Slow PCs: Tweaks ingame &specs Specs are custom mb 2.0 (2.9 equivalent) amd athlon 64 X2 3800, 64-bit architecture cpu, wide pipelines with ati 1370 onboard. This mb has slow down issues for programs, its not exactly a business machine basically. Meaning no 2 dvdroms, no etc usbs, no system fans. I fixed that though with this solution for those wide pipelines..Magnets! Why house hold magnets help circuit boards. Magnets aren't just used for atts, they can be used for Mobos. Here I tested recently household refrigerator magnets on my mother board, I lined a bunch up under it to see what would happen. Turns out I was just frustrated about ram issues, its a custom mb and slows down with ram, however it stopped doing that after I used this method. My mb can't use a system fan so I tried magnets instead. Weak magnets are safe, they create a small field to slow down electricity. When Electricity is slowed it is cooled. Magnets are like a very, very underpowered fan to each area of the circuitboard. Cools it completely.

We Rec@least a 64 bit processor &O/s or Custom tweak your mb if its 2002 era

The above system runs as well if not worst than my previous board which was a soyo mb@1.7ghz with some 1gig of 2700 ram. It was when I said since doing this from 1998-2007 to stop after my expensive ati videocard burnt out on the slot&i went ahead and got my second console ever after the dreamcast, xbox 360 (amd 64s changed everything from ram, to videocard slots to even pin connectors on harddrives during this time yet the performance was worst or more unstable imho). Am one of those cheap pc owners with a gameconsole. Xbox 360 beats my pc in games, yet i play it for cs source or maybe generals online and/or some 2002 era games. Even still play Q3, and UT on the servers sometimes, although i rec these games...they aren't as good as the rainbow six series or emulators imho. Games are for gameplay, not graphics and instability issues. Keep it simple. A 435 dollar pc is available, but its going to have issues...see the following. A 40 dollar Amd Asus&videocard priceless.

Why keep old emulators&games?

...after many years of playing this console i am one of those nerds whom wanted it online too! The fact is mugen is soo unstable, it can't play mp3s all the time without severly reducing the data (taking off video and sound accel, taking out the harddrive fast write options etc.), and even then it will not play on large screenpacks. Here we will config mugen to prove a good gaming setup isn't always about the graphics or the immersion, its about how well you can run programs on a mediocre pc.

I did a basic cfg config in the end@20 fps. with pageflip normal all in the lowest settings. Then I beefed up the speed in settings, 1000 characters should work fine then, but there may be an occasional ram build up if your pc doesnt have enough pipelines or is not too stable. Used with ordinary xbox 1 controllers via xbcd drivers and an hdmi converter for hd tv, youre all set to go. Mugen though is strictly a limited beta program of where it is code friendly, but unstable. So its not your pc if it crashes, its most likely a glitch in mugen. However we check the characters under winmugen_debug mode usually. Those were the summer days, building characters within a 3 week timeframe. Rec Fighter Factory Anniversary edition if you want to revisit the programing aspects of this brilliant engine. Does HD sound good? $$$Think about it, 400 dollars for a pc video card on games without problems or 300 dollars on a console. On top of that, you need to pay for upgrds every few years to keep a game running well because pcs are known to be unstable even with all the apps. It will blog you down, frame rate stutters etc.Keep a computer downgraded, buy an hdtv and console in the long run, you'll thank me.

download@marvelvsdcu.tripod.com. Download a new select file here (tweaked character order eg dark phoenix, cap atom were level 1s etc)

Halo 4 Comparison Review: Improvements from an Analytical Perspective



After recently purchasing Halo 4 and playing it, I was in doubt at first seeing how the reviews were a flat 90 percent, 4 percent lower than the absurd halo 1 copy, halo 3. The game mechanics have def. change, the story so far is interesting. I also noticed the idea was story driven. The forerunners, a rip-off of some hidden occult past which makes the master chief and everything about the master chief interesting, has come into contact. The forerunners are an ancient alien race whom has had the ability to create peace amongst the lower races by biblically 'falling' in and out of reality. IDK I heard terms like the dyrak, resemble the archetypical atlantean giant from asgard and the composer...never was too into the story. However, what makes it more interesting is they are in uniform as a space race against the infinity teams. I noted that they took some nazi mysticism from blavatsky in their work eg giants whom degenerated into humans. The aliens themselves have some venusian andromeda feel in the halo series. This was not the only game with a story ark as creative (see headhunter). They have advanced technology, yet they do not need it. The alien races are at war against another, and best of all they have prometheum tech, as in 40 different weapons...on a dead alien homeworld of theres..and Yes Cortona dies. Let's move on.

Story & Graphics

This is def. an improvement graphically, with superior lighting and next-gen graphics, where art becomes its technology...games can not get better than this. Best of all they get rid of the cheesy upgrds (over-powered needler anyone?) and sadly the double-weapons feature for specials ala halo reach. Now-adays i can see videogame developers take their sources from the kgb redbook on ufos, with creative innovative features to the new races, and i noticed no glitches...in halo 3 i had a save glitch when almost beating it in legendary. This one has none. It doesn't require you to think as much, like halo 2&3 did, yet halo 1 didn't either. The minor qualms that diverge it from the original series is there are no deep shadowy environments (re no flashlight), no tunnel corridors so you don't get lost (too straight forward), no expansive blizzard stages (eg sidewinder only found in halo1 i think), you get to fight in space, and its story-arc and gameplay is made so that you would only want to play campaign mode once. The lighting effects are outstanding, incorporating revolving effects and detailed cast shadowing. As for the comparison to the other halos its simply mediocre. Plot wise, Halo 4 has come to the stop in the road where halo 2 left off. Halo's 1's graphics incorporate something never seen before in the other series, emmersion into the story. It was like reading a really well made sci-fi trilogy of which halo 2 turned into fantasy and halo 3 destroyed completly. Halo 4 however, just feels like they worked upon halo anniversary ed. a game which feels totally different than halo 1. The prometheum theme and dead homeworld works, but is just mediocre or average. In my book, simple is best. Being american myself, this series took a turn towards a sci-fi fantasy theme jus like starwars did with a battlestar galactica/masseffect type of feel, i would say this honestly with a 'its our turn' attitude. As do canadians love their sci-fi fantasy it seems (a majority of canada supports these types of things eg johnny mnemonic, where the actor is a major role to the soul), do americans love their science-fiction ex the actor is not a major factor of the unit, theme or reality. Halo 4 is in fact a good game, it has the halo 4 franchise and plays like the unreal championship one, however, its not some hornets nest. There are skills to obtain such as mp having dozens of playmodes, etc. The fact is Halo 1 made you feel small, rare sci-fi elements that took the user into a hostile unknown world, which is rarely seen in the gaming industry of which the other halos deviate from, and imho it went from bad to worst plot wise.

Gameplay & Online

Although offline its not alot like halo1, online its more like halo 2..which is good. Halo 3's gameplay was soft. This gameplay is geared towards a hardcore audience. The franchise itself is similar to halo, albeit halo 3 is more like picking up classic halo in gameplay, with not too strong stage designs. IMHO, halo 3 was worst online unless with the enormous massive multiplayer stages and the vehicles to drive. The double weapons didnt really do anything, and the sword was kind of cheesy. NOw with a run button that all changes. However, even though it is good, it is not the best in the series in terms of funfactor. Halo 2 was superior in weaponry than all the games becus it was balanced online. Plus, It had halo 1 stages at that. Who wants 3 dif double weapons when u can get one, the deadlier but cheesy double needler. The weapon functions are drastically downgraded in number in halo 4 online ie no double weapons or limited ammo, however it may not be seen yet as i have just finished campaign mode. Upon noticing it had no famed grenade launcher. The pistol in halo 1 was over-powered, then the stinger in halo 2 now it is the bolt rifle in halo 4. Once again Halo 1 is its own game on xbox, where 4 player split-screen effects the level design and environment, sniping stages are built to snipe, pot shot stages r used to pot shot. sneek and kill stages work to sneak and kill, and best of all you look for your opponent. Halo 3 was by far the most balanced game though. Ok, so maybe it wasnt 40 weapons in the game, but you will lose count in campaign mode (more + powerful new weapons) and on top of that you won't care if you can mod them. And on top of that aiming for their weak spots in the armor count. A nade launcher would be useful...wait there was one, it doesnt bounce around though...wait maybe that was battlefield. The Sparton Ops gameplay is great if you need some new sceneray such as going inside a scarab called the harvestor or to check out the spectecular cgi effects. Custom weapons will always keep you busy upgrading online and thats a great plus. Multiplayer is as follows, each game has its edge and the franchise fits perfectly via mp: halo 3-environments, halo 1-stage design, halo 2-weapons, halo 4 (prob taken from halo reach, halo ops etc which i never had the time to buy) gameplay.


Def worth the money, albeit a little on the easy side. This game has its own coop online mode, and battle modes, keeping you busy for a while. The game comes with its toys, but it sure isnt one. The game itself has smaller environments than halo 3 as well, and it departs from the series a bit, but its fun. Don't expect a halo 1 remake with an interesting plot. Its tempting but its not different. The mech is new, and environments more destructive. This is no starwars...and neither was starwars actually but it is a game worth the buck. Story-wise, its halo at its best yet it seems like its Halo Another Universe Online or soemthing. The graphics are its best feature, and the game comes with advanced ai. I give this game a 96% at best with 4 points down by deviating from the original series...but it sure is a hell of a lot better than halo 2 and 3 and with halo anniversary edition, it seems like the original itself is the odd one now. The plot and funfactor is stepped down to around an 86 percent though. Sadly, this takes away from the sci-fi element of the series or retracts it abit with gameplay mechanics. Halo 1 had moody environments, (the narrow corridors, maze-like tunnels, foggy emersive forests, and repetative archways somehow work for me i guess), at times it was slow which heightens the mood. Yes, it was repetative but for the maze-like architecture which made the player feel lost, these elements work perfectly in science fiction films, and differs it greatly from the sci-fi fantasy genre. In coop mode and matchmaking, I found Halo Reach to be the best for online although far too easy. Although some reach maps are better than blood gulch, esp the sniper map for pot shots(spire, etc the large mmp maps) &the vehicles are more, all halo games have one thing in common good international connections without lag. Unfortunetly, this split in the series from sci-fi to scifi fantasy was what made the original star-wars series great and halo not so great. However, Halo has one thing in the annivesary edition and halo 4, graphics to compete or show off the console's potential. A Quick Console Comparison on How Graphics are Now Update: The play mechanics of the other 2 halos (halo 2 and 3 but esp reach & odst), which halo 4 eventually improves upon. After playing the reach game recently, I found the hardest game in the series was halo 2, the easiest is byfar reach (only game haven't played yet is odst). All the halos fit well on a large screen plasma (which i accidently tipped last summer), much better then a small screen plasma, however, I rec small screen for pc fps shooters and xbox 360 arcades. Mainly because the halo series is slow when playing. Details will stick out more clearly, given that at the time Halo 4's graphics&gameplay to me were akin to a faithful transition of my favorite of the series, halo 1, whilst the story remained behind a little. There is even an easy mode in Halo reach, where the player is a spartan marine instead of a spartan elite (some kind of international space force or a lower marine class then the spartan super-soldier, ie master chief belongs to a rare class of elite spartan super-soldiers in this series it seems, the game series seems to have a connotation to the evolution of man, in particular the last of its series), and one gets to fight in space even, something halo 4 has not yet done. It should be downloadable for free around now via xbox live's free games program (9.21.14). I thought the game reach's simple story was more faithful to the series, however the graphics were akin to a 20 dollar bargain bin item rather than the spectacle of halo 4's next gen 60 dollar movie budget hi-def graphics which were in par to xbox one, ps4's first gen (so far these consoles simply look like smooth versions of the last gen, graphically speaking...feature wise, standby mode is cool, but i can do standby mode and hibernation mode flawlessly on my pc...my pc is from 2007 and has 700 megs of ram only, group policies prevents a virus from ever being a threat, i purposely dl'ed a virus the other day, and kept it on my pc for a week, it did nothing via blocking&encrypting outgoing traffic and keeping the system secure). As for my current opinion of the console wars is this..gta v is great and all, yet when it comes down to it its like test drive le mans on dreamcast with a wide scale environment&before this particular console's release, games lacked major polishing for hd, the major technical new achievements from the console at the time were bumpmapping, particle effects (such as smoke and sparks, ie psone could do it however it and n64 would not be able to make trees that weren't blocks in a 3d game, or curves in a football game..it was a jump like tube televisions to liquid plasma, or electric cars to electromagnetism), aa and realtime lighting, still being used today in consoles. Even though the halo stories are like kind of too structured and obvious, with no def plot twist for anyone but the marine, its the gameplay that counts. Def. more fun coming from someone who used to suck at halo universe and still does actually (halo reach 70/30 kill ratio, halo 4 maybe 50/50, halo 1 20/80..yeah i sucked. Will update when I finish playing l8er. ;)

PS: i wrote this blog on xbox 360's ie, works great. For anyone interested in apps see the browser comparison section i wrote some time ago. Xbox 360 apps arent my thing but this is so much like a pc/ps3, there is no going back, its great for youtube nolstagia. Minor note for any quick readers out there: got to move with the times, older blogs may not be spell check'd or reedited.

Is Wii U for U: Looking for a Console with futuristic controls.. (cont)

..and even more futuristic concepts Ever since the release of PDAs, the concept of touch screen has become a mainstream thing for users across the globe. To make this concept into a personal framework for home technology is a brilliant idea. Wii U brings the eighth gen to light with new expensive hardware, however deviating even further from the console market concepts of easy, durable, fun and simple gameplay. Wii U is not for U if you simply want to stick to old school games. The future is here, in the form of really fragile computer AI units that power youre car, stove, and room. If you want a jetson outlook, this goes further than the simple O/S platforms of the last generation with great graphics, and even greater capabilities. However, it is for the smart gamer. Anyone with an I.Q. of not to bash open their consoles everytime they lose. Xbox 360 kinect, look out if you need a console recovery unit for those family members whom never touch videogames but for once in their lifetimes. Ps3, I would also advise you to get that motion sensor idea working again. After watching the improvements on Batman arkham asylum this console has projective future. The only downside is its too personal for that 1.2 million dollar theatre system that every one owns and might 'break' eg buying Wii U a few 100 dollars and stepping on a 100 dollar controller...priceless. I rec this console over Halo 4, however the 7th gen graphics look almost identical. I may update a spec sheet and versus blog later.if the competition arrives until then I truly have to play a wii u for review. For now we will move onto the Wii itself.

Wii original console vs gamecube (mini-review 2014):

After recently playing the wii and using the controller with the game conduit, i got to appreciate this console more. Even though the controller was a little heavy, it worked. The mouse and keyboard needs a successor and the wii controller was it. It works great for 3d games. I also noticed the graphics on the japanese games like takasumo were exceptionally well done. These are games which only hardcore gamers would play. What I liked about it the most though was the fact that the games stayed true to its old school counter-parts. Mario kart plays like mariokart, smash brothers plays like smash brothers. The only down side is the gamecube controller is not too friendly to these games. The other downside is the wii's games are not online, which pushes me to sign petitions even for online gaming as a cross-platform function ie unreal tournament from 1998...still online, mariokart super-circuit NOPE?!? no more servers. This has been a major problem since pso. The game servers die quickly because the game doesn't have people online, or they don't play it. Cross-platform gaming would solve this problem by like 20 percent longer play-time (4x4 evo was up for a few years), however franchise only games should at least just keep dead servers open for an occasional lucky match now and then being scheduled by friends cross country even. Given the dreamcast's seganet sucess wiis online capabilities too went downhill quickly however Wii is not dead, its just sleeping. To me having ps2 play psone cds is impressive, having wii play gamecube optical discs is awesome! Even if the graphics are last place and almost equal to dreamcast even, some games have overstepped these boundaries. These games are super-metroid etc. Wii has bumpmapping effects which gamecube does not, it also has better lighting. Its like a gamecube with extra ram, however not only does the environments glow, but the capabilities of lighting excel on the console. What becomes a simple spherical bouncing ball, gains volume and fluidity. IDC though, 35million sales should garner support for active mario-kart servers. Sure its like gamecube with extra features, but the wii holds the bar for gaming innovation. Yes games on xbox live arcade etc should all be on wii, and yes i agree james bond 007 as well as a n64 controller port (the controller of wii, although akin to nes, is too wide apart for me, and to be honest u might as well use a gamecube controller for 2d most games even). This and the fact that the game market moves too fast is also a factor eg if mariokart servers close, its successor on wii u opens, yet still it would be nice to have open servers for people on message boards etc to plan these games. Sure if wii did rogue squadron it wouldn't look any different, however one would notice the environment will be bigger, or the effects will be more. Lots of beef went up against this console for its graphics, but the graphics were good! Gamecube graphics went far beyond n64, wii just nudged the bar though. If you want to play nintendo games go for a wii, if you like gamecube go for third party games or nintendo 'think-tank' puzzle games because this was one area nintendo failed to deliver on gamecube, its own franchise. Gamecube pulled off a sony ps4 sim-like controller i think with oddly placed joysticks (controllers in general should be made small like the sega genesis 6 button, however I ran into a few that worked well big eg the dreamcast controller and controller S for original xbox due to the layout of the buttons not being spread, or the handle and axis controllers being centered, not perfect but worked for a majority of the games on the console ie since my 16 bit days nes, snes, genesis had small controllers which were overall better, but large means better sim or better for 3d control at times, mostly for bigger hands). Gamecube though has Windwaker, and in that regard alone to me is better than wii. That and its third person game usually excel xbox in graphics due to no AA problems (timesplitters, resident evil 4, etc). Wii concetrated on the field of nintendo games, to make it more cartoony. This and the fact that Wii has a physics engine for mulitple environments, eg 2 or 3 xwings instead of one. On a sad note, yes gamespy did indeed also shut down their servers.:(

Network hacking and rerouting...how to counter spyware

Network hacking and rerouting...how to counter spyware 404s and rerouting errors

How to stop traffic from routing information (malware, viruses) on your 5 year old and older PC

Registry Repair *Updated 2014*

You def want to do a chkdsk /r before proceding to virus removal or chkdsk /r (add /p /x /f etc if possible) for damage. This is done in winxp dos boot, however it does not copy badly damaged files. You want to do these lines for that when in C:\windows> do cd system32/config then do copy C:\windows\repair\system, software, security, sam and/or default depending on what was damaged.

You might think different IPs can stop traffic from routing your PC but think again, its the port number under TCP.

What you might notice if you type in msdos ipconfig /all, or netstat -a, (dns flush is also useful) is incoming traffic by various companies using your tcp number. /DNSflush is also useful. Sometimes your keys will get stuck, other times its the small establishments of our liberal governments fault to have a to do list for people they don't like. If the government hacks a person whom loses its money, that person can go on a killing spree because of psychological torment, therefore i don't agree in this part of the capitalist enterprise. To go through bad karma again.:evil:

/displaydns will show traffic. However, it is best to have a dns flushing tool like hostsman, spywareblaster or ccleaner. Many programs i notice which you think are free actually crowd up your ram cache or mix up the registry files when changing it, eg gamebooster, and asc etc take minimal resources, however spybot are gamechangers. Hostman blocks host files and cleans dns registries manually, so if it returns dns flushing is the best solution. However I play it safe all together and select the disable dns service option in hostman or ccleaner because you should never flush this valuble company material (it causes 404 errors basically). Simple things like manually checking your ccleaner settings will help alot. Just yesterday i found a coupon retailer trojan worm from a random website. These things hide in device software made by defunct companies and various company websites like drivers for webcams etc. They can be disabled via ccleaner then removed via virus scan then chkdsk/r, however whenever u do virus removal play it safe and unplug or disable your internet (virus's can reroute themselves). Oh, and I also replaced the dns ip address with msdos 0/s which fixes the cache buildup problem altogether...but thats just me playing it safe...asc does everything automatically. CCleaner can delete extra processes in process manager, u know the alt-crtl-del thing, however priority manager deletes and controls the program's importance (high priority, low etc) and saves it. Hostman isnt required tbh but ccleaner is nowadays.

You will notice many companies using your ip address, this is natural since they need money...hence to destroy is to make better.

Viruses can hide and relocate in exe files, shortcuts, pics, you name it, and best of all they will do it for years

without you even knowing you have it.

What you should do to reroute hackers is go into network places>properties>TCP/IPaddy properties>then advanced>options>IP settings and turn incoming connections off by deselecting enable tcp filtering i think. I'm new at this so I'll update this blog later. Albeit spywareblaster is now a lot more effective, giving you the heads up for using it safely in firefox (it let's you deselect site preferences, which i didn't know before was unsafe). Mozilla though lies, they lock your computer when they claim false notions such as flash acceleration be turned off. To alleviate this lie, downsize firefox, in particular the cert8 file and a plethora of others. Just delete, backup and delete some more in the profile folder. Log onto facebook much? They hide ads like no body's business. However, network traffic can not be stopped, all the internet traffic from websites including viruses goes under RP which means remote protocol in System Information under the C:\ drive, protected by a password, this is what runs the heart and brains of the gay empire's decentralized federal money making machine, your personal computer. Actually don't touch this part, its hardware..if you are this far go right ahead to the advanced users section far down below.

As for PC engineering mistakes, I can't figure out how to obtain a port number, it has something to do with firewalls, but its one of those locked features on pcs that may date as far back as problematic msdos 56k irq settings. The fact is either computers do not use registry programs such as gamebooster, standby mode or hibernation correctly because of cdrom drives, or too many programs installed, they take too much power, and in 70 percent of computer errors its due to them. I do not advise using standby mode, hibernation mode basically, esp in 5 year old pcs. The fags whom make these viruses might not know this but their numbers are done with evolution. I browsed through google images the other day to get a virus (because that's how people get the virus, they don't even need to open the image up fully). Low and behold, a virus came around and did absolutly nothing to my computer. It was blocked by my anti-virus automatically, then by iexplorer and that's it, otherwise u can go through cmd and do everything via command lines with group policies not configured. I would imagine a port number like an IRQ would make the internet alot more safer. Oh yeah I forgot the heart of all viruses, the system restore feature is totally disabled on my pc, why am i talking like a chimpanzee about 28k irq connections back in my hayday when viruses by them weren't even created?

Registry Programs a guide to money making?

Recently I found out rpc protocal in internet explorer...i mean windows xp didn't work too well. It was rerouting my ip addy via dns to websites like akami.net by simply opening it. This also causes 404s to think you need to 'upgrade.' Basically, the hogs who made the game could be getting money that way, however it may be just your dns config because DNS means address of a website to communicate with. Through network trafficking...however i also think its a registry conflict, the files get messed up somehow. They think it wont be noticed but it starts to eat up your ram and slow you pc. Youll notice this considerably if you have an active x blocker like spyware blaster. Wow, it took me a while to figure out wat program it was doing that to. I rec gboost not gamebooster if you must boost your pc somehow to give it that console quality speed, like in hibernation mode, your registry may suffer. Many registry programs out there on the market will do that, its best to know what you install. Thats why i play it safe and simple. One registry ccleaner, one virus scanner and maybe an optional lightweigh malware scanner as well. Enabling registry cleaners and malware scanners is the best thing to do if youre afraid of active x infiltration and don't know how to disable unsigned signatures. Third parties want the economy to run, they will do anything at anycost to get that gross income, however they are just keeping up to date with technology. They are not there to make your 10 year old pc run flawlessly. If your games dip to like 13 fps out of a consistent 30 for no reason you have a third party program, that includes malware programs like ac cleaner etc. that say they boost your pc and clean your ram etc. Of course i have a custom mb that requires ram under 1gig (its Australian or made to break if you don't configure it correctly). Bottomline is if i optimize it at full capacity it will conflict with other registry programs and scanners..this is a major problem with all types of game boosters. It works but it doesnt. Gameboosters are rec for those high-end pcs with like 10 ide channels, 3 gig ram units and 14 slots. I may put the performance down on my harddrive, untweak registry mechanic then use advanced system cleaner and gamebooster (some gameboosters however disable important registry settings, which in turn slow down your pc, like the hibernation mode thing if you have to0 many games or harddrive space used..its complicated). I may want to see what that will do in the future...but turning off my pc after a game is not considered 'fun' to me&I found out gamebooster did this once or twice...locked my pc (my xbox 360 locked, but once again, it may be something small like a dns config). All these programs eat up ram on low memory systems so actually idrk. In the mean time i am not pointing at iobit or any other program for lying (its defragment program is jus sh1t basically i heard, however it works, let this one slide with their outstanding ascare products). I am not only doing this to iobit, but any pc program out there, for they can control your pc via rpc if your pc is outdated or misconfigured ofcourse. If a virus now adays can lock all your files, reset google chrome, disable malware protection...via rpc...then yes, there is a problem with your personal computer or what I call a federal machine (even ipods and pdas lock up and freeze however consoles are somehow exempt?!..hmm bill gates). My sister had a mac for a year then it bricked, macs can get viruses even yet its more rare. Once again this article is about the problems with custom mbs (those small cheap ones you get for like 40 dollars tops). As well the unstable multi-purpose business machines of microsoft make it extra difficult to find problems because it was built upon open explorer &many registry files instead of just one or two (you will see programs like google chrome directly connected to ip settings on ie, etc..however every now and then I seem to want to change it, like the gay empire using youtube to lock bad commentors, it can only go soo far, google chrome apparently has ability to default settings). Your money will take you only so far with these things, which is not going to be far. TBH console platforms is the future for entertainment...albeit i might test advanced systemcare and gamebooster in the near future by uninstalling my extra registry programs and seeing wats up with standby mode. Works fine without those programs, doesnt with@times. I presumed it was registry corruption, however it was viruses from visiting everyday blogs and websites! All this via IE and Open Explorer (windows). Will update in a day or two. ATI glitches etc are inactuality non-updated drivers. Personally, an O/s for console pc should be free without instability issues, akward commercials and weird rerouting signals. You may also need to override cache management in programs like firefox. This will not allow data to be set in hidden folders on your computer. I personally think they update and change settings in webbrowsers this way even, aiding to the rpc hidden folder of system information, the main reason as to why computers are ineffective or penetrated easily. Will update this section later. There you have it your games and o/s should run as smooth as pancake batter.

Here is what I'll do in the near future..

Guide to fix activex errors. 1. restore and uninstall reg mechanic. 2. reinstall advanced sc and gamebooster. 3. maybe...turn off hd acceleration. There you have it 404s are gone. No more repairing xp. No more corrupt files. It may work it may not, we will see in a week if any flaws occur after browsing multiple websites. Something tells me its me flushing the dns though. :roll: Also I would invest in the internal linksys 2.7 card, if you want more power to youre wireless. It has an large att which signal strength literally goes through walls, and its upload rates (not download), as is most wireless, is faster than the cable nowadays. Also programs (even paid programs) come in free or with free updates but at a price. I just browse around the plugins folders for these things such as ASC cleaner to get rid of the spyware or use programs such as iomalware etc. Your federal system usually turns rpc on and redirects traffic, ie annoying background updates on google chrome etc...to bypass this you want to disable rpc services of any kind BUT YOU CAN'T unless you know your way around the Group policy tool, which most users will figure out after destroying all their hardwork. Alot of EXEs are automatically malware, either they become infected by malware or are downloaded as malware, where just downloading them will infect your computer, mainstream programs that people download every single day through the heart of the computer, the where they can literally regulate everything you do through network encryption via the rpc protocol, delete their password and your whole o/s will become utterly useless and unrecoverable. Unregistering unsigned signatures is just not enough. In rpc services under control panel, it should be turned off, and there DEF shouldn't be a password with another computer to reroute your information or download background 'updates.' As of 2014 see here I am using game assistance instead of gamebooster, gamebooster and hibernation mode tend to corrupt the registry and create problems as well. When services are turned on and off, it creates problems within the registry. All this has to be done. Just so I can browse without 404 errors and wat not.

As for the message to harrassers:

:o They aren't actually harrasing you, there is no 'big brother' looking over your shoulder. It may be a tactic free programs use to download upload via your ip address but nothing more. Sometimes, a free program just can't stay free without support. Its a mass media way to say we need your help. The server basically builds up cache so your program isnt used and it looks like maybe youre being hacked when youre not. Some companies, actually the whole internet, does this in order to keep profitable. My theory is. Companies can only go so far. If anything the government is on your side and would not use this type of scheme but for some gamers usually they are the conservative casual type, whom will buy a game for a pc but not console, either/or. The news for instance says xp is being outdated by 2014. The slow pcs which will be outdated via browser compatibility in a few months (browsers are requiring a 2.3 ghz speed) give you the impression you need to upgrade to windows 7 etc. However this is an illusion because I managed to run a stable 2.0 40 dollar austraillian custom(meaning small, like 1 ide channel 64 bit win xp pro cpu from 2007..its called the asus m2av or soemthing) mb with 700 mbs of ram flawlessy. I managed to run cs with gamebooster at 60 fps as well (for a short period of time)...and all the info above explains why. Oh yeah, and I recently got kapersky to delete my genheur.virus7 which appeared so idrk. Kapersky virus removal tool and scan does everything for free and without knowledge of registries and wat not...a few days later k. I realized it was actually the dns entries. My reg scanners were all clearing dns entries. As well, i had registry scanners such as reg mechanic clearing vital browser settings. I think it may have been a conflict but not sure yet. Final verdict, i woudl rec only one scanner with every o/s. Maybe a virus scanner and a system cleaner and that's it! I had 2 or 3 system cleaners/malware removers and was cleaning dns entries. This creates a type of conflict. The files get damaged, basically. They will read off the harddrive inaccuretly. So if you delete vital active x controls from other programs and such, a type of networking gap will happen, even though ip tcp connections can be controlled from the source (your local cable company themselves sometimes). All i know is the registry is apart of clearing the dns of which companies own. The 404 errors occur that way. The DNS itself is not a part of malware conflicts. However, i do keep two browsers, one google chrome, the other netscape 3.5 or something for multi-tasking and uploading. Chrome never crashes on uploads or games but eats lots of ram&is slower(see review on firefox vs chrome). After all, my o/s does says its 64-BIT xp PRO. Not many programs and viruses even will be compatible to this o/s. Its the powersupply that was causing problems since 2008 in slowing boot times and response in windows. It manipulated the programs into thinking it was a software issue, but recently i found out the power supply had a bad wire in its connections therefore would give way after a few months time. That's why your computer runs slow at certain times, and fast at others. Just use the xbox 360's browser, or your ps3 if pc settings arent your fortay. Keeping a double connection though is useful for multi-tasking on those really slow loading servers or waiting for online games. Nuff' said.

Actually, no i take that back, the gay empire needs to be literally put in an extermination camp. Here is why, I was one of those thousands of downloaders on utorrent downloading windows xp 64 because its hard to find on the market, and it is custom made for 64bit motherboards or double processors popular back in 2005-07. Okay, so I happened to install a correct version of xp and saw no data flowing through asc cleaner's ram. Then I saw asc cleaner (which I thought was the malware), had no malware. On xp 64bit it had malware, avast had malware...all my programs would get malware after a few months. So Somehow I am a victim? Oh yeah, okay so if you call my house constantly, that must mean u know what i am downloading? Well yeah I got those calls...these people were even spying on me for +8 years now through their o/s...knowing what i was dling and when. It is a 64-bit malware o/s (C++ is overly abused) that would literally get that teenager in highschool with no money to go to school and kill people for, cus he can't find the hardware issue, he's tried everything and is on the fringe of ultimate paranoia. Yeah because of the builders of a free o/s on the internet full of malware so they can get a little profit...yeah i can guarantee god will judge you for that one. Data should flow at under 10mb not 60 or 80mbs. Cus you were making my life into a living hell for 8+ years, I was literally thinking that it was not the o/s (all college students get free o/s anyways). Oh wow I will go as far as this, when people start using sodium sulphate for gas, and have a disc that is a small diamond chip in popular society, you will be reborn...and i guarantee u will be the victim whom killed others, and possibly murdered in this present life. You even drew the fbi over, they were curious and found out i was being hacked...yeah hacking can be regarded as a type of action of trying to kill someone. When I buy a console, the o/s is there, and best of all unhackable, when I buy a pc apparently i am a target for murder. Apparently I found out the o/s was built from the ground up with malware and the hardware problems stated below may not actually be problems but minor maintenance issues because of this. However, I still stand by the fact that windows xp is built on explorer therefore unstable and dangerous anyways (unfixable really or its registry is open sourced& multipurpose for conventional use by major companies ie infiltrated easily). Karma is a god, and it WILL come around. So make sure that copy of windows is original. In other words, if ram is clearing 70 mb or less as a constant, you got an infiltrated machine or installed malware and literally a spynetwork opened for surveillance (so be prepared for constant passwords and emails opening your bank accounts etc ie harrasment to the 3rd degree, ever get a phone call saying you downloaded this or that yesterday at pricesly this time AM. The Gay empire has the ability to even make your cdrom drive not function through this rpc network of thieves. No fbi and cia would not be on your side for this one, buddy). If its clearing 1 mb its not infiltrated. Boohoo a federal machine that works horribly, i have to use my xbox 360 now..boo hoo..no copy paste function, no hotkeys...waaaa.

UPDATE 2014:

*More rootscanners are now available for malware registry manipulation, before I was using win64 bit for 3 plus years with a plethora of problems and constant maintenance, but with rootscanners like iexplorer, combofix etc it still didn't go through. It just didn't scan deep enough (combofix doesn't work on amd machines my theory is wide pipelines for gameplaying). Here is why, I had to copy paste files manual or do chkdsk r/ x/ etc. Now with deeproot scanners on curropt digital signatures I use GMR.exe, TMP, Junkwareremover etc and other underground programs. However I found GMR.exe the most effective and the most permanent to go against the filth that is the internet. Actually if inexperienced enough, formatting is the best thing you can do, however I had my pc unformatted for 5+ years to gain experience because Digital signatures can directly download viruses to your pc via google chrome, or indirectly via firefox, not by an attacker but by your friendly government. Proof is I ran into all types of viruses and still retained maybe 50 percent of my old data because RPC is an open explorer and without the right cleaners of malware, you will have invisible folders with spying activity of up to 1 gig in memory dumps on your ccleaner log. Here we will mention something actually good about the plague that is Internet Explorer for Xp, it has a digital signature active x control, which virus scanners have too. It also has a setting for digital signatures, making a particular website you sign in to not accessible at times, however it is inactuality the safest out of the three webbrowsers, and preferred even as the browser of choice for console browsers. Adobe Flash player is probably best without acceleration for older computers. With active x control however, there will be websites you will not be able to access such as this one in particular.

The conclusion really is, windows 'explorer' is ineffective against malware bots, and hardware is not built correctly by 3rd parties. The pc market still rereleases absurd things like 120 gig harddrives which burn out much more easily than the 80gb ones etc. Even a badly wired or poorly built third party power supply, no matter how powerful will cause software problems and lags in boot times. You can not get rid of a virus or trojan (which websites carry btw) on a microsoft windows multi-purpose machine until you reformat. This is because microsoft built windows from an open sourced internet via third parties. Without this there is no internet. With a console, it is built so no company can compromise it, therefore much safer nowadays. Unless an O/s is built from the ground up via a console like system and gets rid of companies making software for it, this will always be the case. The pc industry needs to be more centralized or government controlled. This is called outdated or broken technology & no one is catching on.

For the above explanation it was me trying to tell you how to get rid of remnant trojans in software registry files. To simplify just go to regedit and software then browse and delete software in reg edit that you don't recognize eg awil software may be installed, 'couponsrus' probably would need be deleted and even searched which even then will not be 100 percent maintenance free. I use Iexplorer (rkill security program, kills malware from infiltrating exe files or hiding themselves, so you can catch it with a virus scanner) and maybe jkremover aka junk remover tool, discrete exe files which clear unknown components and checks for viruses running behind programs, since viruses are able to literally replace windows programs such as taskmanager. If you want to stop your usb from turning off, turn it off under device manager via universal bus controller under root hub, this isn't spyware, its just your computer trying to save power. However if your usb does go out, its 1.) digital signatures 2.) lack of ram 3.) digital signatures (use gmr.exe). Watch out for Hibernation mode, gamebooster, netflix viewer or standby mode and other registry manipulating programs, when the network signatures are out of sync eg you might see many svc hosts appear because one or two is not read, then you need to realign, reverify or resign them via rkill aka iexplorer.exe for your computer to move smoothly. You def need to slim down xp if your hardware is old, deleting folders such as security etc may help them not grant access to your computer. The problem with PCs and not macs is macs dont have registries so the viruses are more rare. Pcs have arms, legs and fingernails to boot. Taskmanager itself needs priority manager to tame extensive memory eating programs. If you are knowledgeable enough, Hackthis is a program for you, I've tried that a couple of times, but just shows you the plethora of unsigned signatures rather than the hackers themselves. K, I tried holding my breath for an hour it didn't work. First do a quick virus repair, let's move on to the important stuff.

Virus repair guide ( 80% effective)

1).install and scan malware which detects the virus, unplug internet so virus does not move, disable all cleaners.

2).remove the programs where the virus is located (if its in your virus scanner, manually remove it, regedit remove as well ie system information, RP1, RP2 backups etc).

3).backup and/or reinstall a 2nd copy of windows with select files or chkdsk the reg if needed (this step can be skipped).

4).keep scanning with the virus program, track digital signatures with iexplorer or gmer tool, delete unsigned sigs like USB device manager drivers, I/O bugs etc maybe even combofix junkwaremoval tools too, read where location is then remove those dll files too.

5).plug internet back on and reinstall programs. Manually delete system information again if you want. Manually delete software distribution. Manually copy system, default, sam, security&software from your windows xp copy. Repair windows via windows install disk too.

6).do another boot scan, virus may or may not reappear depending on the complexity.

For Advanced Users Only:

The cruelty of using computers is...its not plug n' play, knowing your way around a computer is crucial ie the cmd regedit&GPEdit.msc tools. Under Group policy go to administration>system>system configuration to turn off the allow tracking clients to use your PC function. You will see it under the distributed COM folder. You can control all the features of your PC here. Ever been to a library and not get access to the computer..this is why. You can also control RPC clients whom give you viruses. If you are this far in computer knowledge, you can avoid basically everything from viruses, to trojans, to communicating with certain websites. You can even block undigitally signed products. If you are this far, you can ignore this whole guide all together. However, reformatting over your hard work means you probably are not. Now they can go to all the porn sites in the world yet lets hold our breath...oh wait bill gates, i have home edition of windows xp, i don't have group policy available! :((( Let's get even harder, certain functions of the group policy feature is barred from certain intel machines such as the sony viao only made in spying, japan. Lol. but really this is a guide for the 75 percent of the people out there whom can not even get into group policy...my shitty work computer is in that 75 percent, thx. With group policies controlled hibernation mode and standby mode should work at full capacity, regardless if your system has low ram. For the sony viao i have, i had to set up my own encryption key under IP settings in Group policies, since its an intel machine, it won't do kind to group policy functions. However, I disabled all incoming traffic from Microsoft and set up my own encryption key. If microsft does get in they will do so with data transfer of about a 56k. You might also want to check the Netlogon features of gpedit tool as well. This is for advanced users only.

Major note:

Every single connector and joint to any circuit board regardless of voltage, on the planet and off should be made with conductive copper because metal erodes, burns and even destroys contact ie on pcs, powersupplies are the cause of major universal software problems do to bad contacts with the mb. It (Pipelines) was def slowing down my ram etc and clogging it. I'm not a total idiot though on this subject matter. If your computer locks its cus of too much ram from programs being used or processes running and interfering with another and that was the main point of this what ended up being a senseless article. Remove a usb port or 2, remove maybe even a cdrom drive to prevent this or who knows if its outdated enough, you might need an older web browser and/or less updates esp for custom mbs. Other than that, everything should be automatic and the last section on virus removal effective. So it appears that viruses occur no matter what, like they mimick what you are doing. A file from a program online will get you a virus, if u download and play games like mugen etc u will be used to it...ie the experienced and not there yet or hasn't gone through a certain experience but will no matter what. its just a simply process so the virus doesn't re-appear and wouldn't be surprised if nsa or the federal gov does it too. Unplug internet, scan with malware, delete programs which are infected ie system information, or virus scanner. reinstall windows, scan again, then plug internet back on. Make sure the folder is visible under tools or watever. The major advantages of having a more powerful powersupply ie 600 watt is that you can enter hibernation mode more easily...but if the pins are built flimsy or sloppy like some cheap ones out there, trash it or dont buy it. Oh yeah...and i reversed the fan causing it to have lots of so-called 'resistance' on the high voltage back in 2008...and just found out..oops. More powerful powersupplies prevent lockups in xp and give room for more devices too. Actually the defective pins and backwards fan went as far as effecting my videocard&creating glitches. It would also explain why my other card burned out, back in 2008. All this time I thought maybe a weak capacitor on the mb, or defective harddrive was the cause. I can't emphasize this enough, its almost impossible to find a problem and replace it on a custom built pc without the experience of having the problem ie a badly built ps will cause problems to all your devices no matter what, however if a mb turns on, its most likely not a cause unless it creates a blue screen or something. The harddrive is the same. Most connections are automatic, but voltage is def needed...if that voltage has wind resistance and/or a bad metal connector like if its rusted or burned from a minor shock u dont notice, you can guarantee a bad day..or even few years, ull even blame things on minor viruses and trojans or even the air you breath, lol. Had to clean it out or something, wasnt to good with computers then....just found out. IDK occasionally u even have to delete the hidden applications folder, and winxp is not only out of date but hard to maintain. Loose connections to the wire of a hardware device need to be replaced. For instance, my cdrom drive makes a noise, its a major cause of a problem. If your computer slows down considerably take out the cdrom drive. All of these problems were run into me somewhere in the past year, idk why..or how...but they were. Oh yeah, and try to avoid most third party websites, they can't effect consoles but they can pcs. Also download priority manager for taskmanager to tweak some settings and save them eg if firefox freezes, set it to high priority etc. Ah, democracy at work. Nazi Germany took a sh1t for 4 years and managed to create a computer. Bill gates did one for 30 and destroyed its possibilities via decentralization and america did it forcefully via the federal banking system. No really though, if you know your way around a pc, you can have a pentium III run as good as a pentium 5 or watever. Google chrome even has had issues where spyware is downloaded in the background by the company itself. IDK PCs are confusing because they have RPC and network trafficking which can literally lay a virus on you by just navigating on a news blog. If you don't have a 'steam only' game computer with a powerful paid for virus scanner, do this route, follow this guide. Also if the virus is complex enough you're going to have to do extra steps first such as install a secondary o/s and uninstall virus scanner, then scan and go back to these steps. Idk no one out there is going to pay for high registry blocking services, and no free virus scanners blocks these money grubbing services. Basically, there is a quick fix for digital signatures&viruses, and its resetting the system/software/sam/security/default settings in dosboot manually then using iexplorer and gmer.exe with only an ad scan with ofcourse the internet 'plugged off'. From manipulating I/o hardware, to cdroms, to usbs PCs are a 'no go' for a civilization lasting more than a few dozen years. On top of that, pcs are virtually trash machines to me, personally data collecting trash machines for its beastile neighbors&unworldly residents. Its worth to use combofix at least once a year if you A.) uninstall your virus cleaner, B:) turn off your internet. If your browser (via Software Distribution service) is slowing down, your operating system is being secretively attacked. I also notice digital signatures reset, after half an hour, your pc will start to slow esp through unknown malware (once again pcs are open source). Disable rename etc wuauserv and delete Software Distribution because I.E. uses it for 'slowing down' a pc&it is where most digital signatures will be. There you have it, hibernation mode/sleep mode will work flawlessly for months on end, all this cause cookies were accidentaly reset one day or cus some user misread the mozilla corporation on an add containing a virus as an update. Otherwise serious issues will occur. Only criminals run the internet, proof is cookies integrating with your system's registry via rpc or open source explorer. With this guide read&its steps considered (most notably these last sentences&the copy under winxp dos repair mode step-by-step functions via cd system32 to cd config gets you C:\windows\system32\config> copy C:\windows\repair\system, sam, default, software, security issues), you will avoid a reformatting procedure, actually. You want to also stop the restoration service under my computer and possibly uninstall drivers for your cdroms or anything that's giving you slow feedback etc. Anyhow, Rootkit is integrated into every function of your pc and can take over any drivers causing a plethora of hardware issues, therefore viruses are not the true culprit but malware however they hijack your system through this folder and hide in system information via rpc therefore constantly reappearing after you do a system check to an older date and time via system restore. One more thing, you want to keep old drivers, ie your old flash video driver to avoid ads.

  • Start>Run
  • type cmd enter
  • type net stop wuauserv enter
  • type rename c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution softwaredistribution.old enter
  • delete softwaredistribution.old

The nature of the beast is pcs should have free O/s's instead of be built for viruses, eg xbox 360/ps3 has a free o/s so xp should at least be 10 dollars. Instead they are unwillingly given to the mass, where some teenager in ohio can shoot his brains out due to a jerk in some underground office building in the nsa using his pc's software distribution folder as a play toy for his inflated ego, because that kid 'stole' a preprogrammed version of xp. As you know PCs tend to last only 5 years and a 7 year old pc is breaking the limit. Its usb devices are probably penetrated by spyware, and it probably can't handle more than a few windows updates. However, if you disable usbs this 'ram' glitch should be bypassed. Also making new profiles every now and then in firefox and chrome, in the long run it will deter any spyware penetrated code. Although Avast is great for old PCs, AVG is safest yet funny as it may seem, none block active x controls&registry changes like Norton or any other paid for browser does. And try locking I.E. meaning make sure its at the highest settings if you are to only use chrome and firefox. Active X is a big problem, even though I.E. is the best browser in terms of safety it is not the fastest. It is clunky and imperfect when it comes to slower PCs, yet it is also the most vulnerable if not used in safe mode or private viewing. It has active x controls however just like a paid for virus scanner the problem is if you are going to use chrome for its stability or firefox for its speed, its rec to lock this browser or put all the settings on maximum. Firefox doesn't require CCleaner so I went with that choice. Not IE, the one with the tarnished reputation because its built upon XP (not vice versa) from an engineering point of view..open explorer always has access to the internet, even its folders. However, the msinfo32 command is infact a system manager which allows to see if devices are working or not, this and control sysdm.cpl will block old devices that fail like usb ports. Remove manually using the sigverif command, unwanted signatures are a necessity. Turn off no digital signature loads, delete 'registeredpackages' folder in windows, any folder with numbers is deletable except for in the registry. Digital signatures which are unsigned are what the manufacturer fucks with people by as well eg faulty usbs maybe unsigned malware. That's basically it, they aren't the gay empire persay, they just built a PC with vulnerabilities. Having a service pack alone may even be the main cause of your problem eg windows service pack 3 won't hold up well with updated drivers and databases on a 15 year old pc. My pc is 7 years old, that's like having an amd 800 mhz processor back in 2000. My pc can only handle service pack 2 with out the freezing of firefox etc. Technically though it can run sp 3 with firefox in private viewing mode. Yet its still important to name one more thing, make sure to FIND THE PROCESSES WHICH CONTAIN MALWARE, whether they be invisible folders on your c:\ or system processes and delete them in gmer tool. Hey here's another good one, if you can't find the spyware...delete every single system services then repair windows via gmrtool (you can't delete processes, only services..also looking for invisible folders helps). BTW, after a month or two they will come back, the power of a pc...but really though trojans are def processes. What's good about AMD machines is files like trkwrk.dll can be deleted without error. It is a known fact Intel machines have extra chipsets built for the sole purpose of spying, purported by the nsa for catching criminals&possibly microsoft for downsizing illegal copies of windows, which unfortunately use this permanent file and render the machine useless if deleted. The pointer going out when using your usb is infact not an old or outdated usb, but yet spyware or drivers that are easily accessed via rootkits. This can not be bypassed because it will return to its state...however I managed to simply tweak the mouse cursor at the fastest speed setting, and I checked the wire...so I found out it had to be a signal issue. Electricity can not go up a certain path, esp if your pc is on the ground, the wire should be taped in a way that lets the wire move in curves, because signals can not be friendly after a time when going straight up. Which is why one should invest in wireless mice. Although, i just blowdried my mousepad to find it was wet and therefore causing the problem. I found the most important step is not mentioned actually, to literally slim down windows or take away the processes that these rootkits need so direly ie the security folder, and a few other folders. Use control F and search for terms such as peernet to delete under the windows slim down guide on google search engine. As to remove 404 errors just keep your dns up to date because every website uses a 'phone number' so to speak..i prefer google's numbers. Also another minor glitch is power supplies, I notice if power supplies are left on (via the switch in the back) they create voltage issues, like no boot, and people will completely blame it on software, but wall outlets have no surge protectors...sooo the power supply creates a dc shock value and will not even boot sometimes. Power supplies which are a few years old can simply not take the ac current. They will feed or trickle energy into the motherboard, creating a dangerous situation. This is why Hibernation mode doesn't work, or standby mode becomes useless is because they can not stay in standby mode but for a few hours if not minutes. They will also rebuild the registry wrong at times do to lack of ram in older computers. I just realized something the other day, my pc speaker took 27 megs of ram, whilst my ram reader took 3 megs. These resources are not noticed but can be crucial when opening up numerous amounts of webpages. This also made me think of why my soyo mb (first computer back in 2005-06..well almost first I think I had a trashed computer from 2002 with LOTS of viruses during college) ran so well. It had wide pipelines, it was not a custom mb like my current one is, it was not built for 64bit winxp, it was faster, yet it booted up fairly slow. If I knew about group policies then, maybe I could have avoided some problems with updates on my current pc, which has gp. Turning powersupplies and monitors off completly without a surge protector is a wise choice. Learning about computers without a computer class is like road rage by an non-aggressive driver, you may think you are right and don't have road rage by slowing down in traffic or by waiting too long at stop signs but that is infact a form of emotion and it will take you more experience to drive correctly. Unnecessary services (found on gamebooster, if too lazy to research can be stopped permanently the Network access service, printing spool and some 3rd party services may be questioned on its usefulness, rpc protocol the central internet interface for spying on a corporate environment can unfortunately not be stopped because pcs have rootkits in every file or numbers basically connected to the registry, every file and system process can be tracked and recorded through the fbi or watever for crimes etc) can be found in services under control panel. If you download firmware that needs to be updated, go directly to the corporate website, distrust certain websites ie this one, cnet is a liability. If I download my ACPI (advanced power management drivers) from here because microsoft and the nsa decide to 'update' my pc one day, I will use cnet. Cnet however will penetrate it even further, so use Asus directly. Hence spyware is also environment variables, i delete all environment variables because they are put there by spyware. They are a form of SSL manipulation, and can be put there by any program to destroy your internet experience. You also want to block all video codecs and avoid html 5 etc from entering firefox. Firefox freezes because of too many bookmarks and not enough ram it seems. Even though google chrome is invincible, firefox is not, its actually a piece of appware junk that freezes constantly. The reason why I really have netlogon disabled is not because of the gov spying or the nsa controlling my pc, its because the registry network gets corrupted via registry cleaning programs and eventually it destroys things like youtube videos playing etc. Windows 7 users are lucky, they not only have a complete list for GPO edit tools, they can kill all incoming signatures and rootkits from the browser itself, manually, that means they delete the main weapon of the gay empire, the website's signature traces and roots without using gpo&this makes it more user friendly. Yet it may also create 404 errors so its not rec. Now your pc from 2007 should be working like it was bought yesterday.

K' see yah.

Is Counterstrike Go a 'Go' for gaming?

Is Counterstrike a Go?..Is it Worth the 15 dollars?

After being a long fan of the cs series back in the day when hl was released (i was one of those f@gs who didnt finish the last stage or pulled a freeman lol), the series itself gained its reputation via source. However the graphics were upgraded highly, there is no kb and mouse. Not only that but there's a kids bar on the new version. What i mean by that is no gun game mods, no wall hacks or bullet time and ragdpll physics, no silencers, no fun. Its totally moderated. I got kicked for cross-fire basically, and one time for someone firing at me. :evil:If you have source or cs do not buy this game, because you will not be impressed. Albeit it is a rare and unique fps on the market, the only one which incorporates a market place for guns, the better the gun the more effective the character. However, it has a gun game but with only two levels. No hotkeys for shortcuts like sprays and picture captures or other things. General Complaints: They dumbed down the knife with a subtle gesture of motion instead of the stabbing in the gut one, they added it actually but its a hidden button (lol took me a few weeks to figure that one) or at least i think the running stab motion is different, i thought it was jus' the pansy motion but like source, it has a hard stab or actually just decking your opponent it seems instead of aiming for the gut unless you manage to hit them from behind u will incite spinal damage with a head stab which is rare. There are no headshots unless its accidental, and its boring as hell. The game itself is only good for like the aztec stage or those stages that run slow on your pc for some reason. The new levels and modes are nice, mostly the easy ones, very creative except the warehouse stage is missing, one of my favs & that cool castle stage (depiransei, deprodigy, cs_assault, cs_militia as my personal favs are missing). Actually there is a militia type rush stage they incorporated. deprodigy wouldve much better than denuke. The mic on all xbox games are seemingly annoying so i put it under the couch or something after pluggin' it in. If its not plugged in you get sound distortion, in other games i had exp in the thing not turning off even if the xbox settings are on mic only. Mics for all games...Very glitchy for xbox live in general. Sometimes u dont want to here high pitched voices, anyways..the jokes..it gets old no matter whos side youre on...back to the review. Obvious Improvements: The graphics are neat, and yes the hostage missions and character models are creative, however i didn't like the way the game itself plays or feels so much dif than source. I did notice you can follow tracers into the players body part which was not present in source (very important function for future gaming fps's). An extra machine gun, and pipe bomb is not new weapons although come to think of it they shouldve included a pipe bomb. Instead u get a molotov with cool special effects (and useful for cornering enemies in a tunnel, suprisingly):). It does have a euro feel though, but too uncompetetive. On top of that they forgot the aim button, im constantly trying to aim, but am crouching instead. Its just random kills and wins, no skill making it a fairly balanced game. It does play like source though, so that's a relief...for kids meaning it feels like a totally new game, but the concept is there. I liked the way they simplified everything, so it gets fun but didnt like the fact that the original cs is not fast enough or has enough power tactics. What;s even worst is you get people in a group and you win the match, just like that. Good to rack those 1 or 2 achievements they give you here and there. Its simple, clean and fun. Have a small qualm of losing the games in arms race, what is up with the score? If you get more kills u lose? To me the game is jus' a fling but i can see old school gamers puzzling out the wins with quick tap realistic play or soemthing. There are players that can simply own at sniping on the js, and there are players like me who can't. After a while, you appreciate the textures,and get confortable with the controls, although its wise to practice with one weapon of choice first. You appreciate the fact that it plays fast like cs source as well but only lacks the freedom a little. ONce youre immersed in the experience though, you forget all that. There is a score board with a hit count and a kill count. Not many people will get that. Its okay just too much of a robotic feel to the game giving the nature of controllers i guess i'm jus' not used to it. Basically there is no control assist, but once you become part of the game literally, you will find your skill pays off. Final analysis and Verdict: Def a work of art & no dif than the other ps3, pc versions, cs go is rec if you dont have 10 dollars for cs counter-offensive or cs source. If you don't have this game or never played it, its good to keep, other than that its garbage. Not too impressed would invest in serious sam 3 or duke nukem in its stead. If you're looking for an arcade translation to cs source with an arcady feel go for this gem, if not stay away. Sooo IMHO Counterstrike Go...15 dollars gone.:|


Jus' to add since its my bros anniversary whom died aug 21st via motorcycle and was a big fan like me on cs source. He developed something that i have not seen in videogames using the cs source engine. The ability to fire guns with smoked chambers (rounds clangin' on the floor) and snow footprints using polyies ala cs 1.6 or something. Only saw pixelated ones via halo series. He was making a military source realistic gun game and snow level or something. Rip adviss daarin, look him up on the shacknews blogs. Very skilled and talented guy.

Google chrome or Firefox: Which one is Best?!

Evolution of websurfing for knowledge into profit and game

I decided to review the two best drivers and which one is best for certain people. Since firefox changes into a web browser easily with a google chrome-like interface, it is perfered for gamers or pc gamers whom have a pc hooked up to their hd, however firefox is only better because of one thing, its fast. It loads fast, and it quits fast. Google chrome is good for certain things like playing music while playing games etc, but it doesn't load fast. Its wildly compatible with almost every website out, and ideal for favoriting websites, however, if you want to change settings like IP configs for developers fire fox is still better. I did notice one thing google chrome has that firefox doesn't though, and that's a sleeker appearance to print out things faster. For someone buying, selling and shopping I would prefer IE or Google chrome. Google chrome also has a lined interface when web developing on html websites, except it doesn't save. No updates are required, and best of all GOogle chrome doesn't crash..ever. Its simple and easy. If I wanted to do things quickly like research or check facebook, go with firefox however if I wanted to watch movies and save information like shopping through favorites I would go with Google chrome. Both are good for games, one has the xp blue design the other the green interface to make it look nice. Except for one thing, GOogle Chrome plays videos more easily without crashing for systems with lots of ram, therefore why put in a music cd, when you can just play a play list on youtube? For other web browsers like Internet explorerer, limits your configs but chrome jus simplifies them easily. Everyone knows u can't delete cookies in IE. That's a major design flaw. Opera looks interesting for gamers being affiliated directly with wii but is risky in a spyware app type of way. Chrome also saves passwords more effectively and is free from spyware. For research firefox can delete everything and enter safe mode on slow computers. Firefox lets u choose the apps and + it has more except it doesn't have things like built in flash or DNS (for saving search results, passwords etc). Firefox has more compatibility options for foreign third party programs and eats up less ram though (for slower computers). If you like apps I would go for both either or, apps are simple web browsers. For developers check your stats, edit wiki entires, use mozilla but for gamers Go fast, go chrome.

Perference over Quality..it takes two to tango

firefox achilles heel, delete profile and all the hackers working for that dead end job dont go into your pc. BTW imho, firefox belongs to the civil war era of computers along with ubuntu and other newly invented confederate technology at that time. Google chrome may load slow, but its not a college kids playground like firefox is...mozilla turned bad aka the bad lamb. No more library browsing safely, but a site preference nightmare. Firefox is so unstable, it reboots itself whenever u get these so-called spyware 'updates' or when the registry magically becomes defunct after a lightning storm or power outage. Btw, to these insiders, staying on earth much for money poop is better than doing it for selfish purposes. I would hate for my frozen soul to be floating around 'up there', for infinite time. Does a cow moo or bark? Why doesn't the grasshopper cherp when youre near it? Sometimes the cow does indeed bark. Leave me on earth, you though, can go to hell. The fact is some competitors on the market don't have enemies...ebay has ebid..well technically market wise it has amazon.com, mozilla has opera (both 'gaming' browsers with spyware), yet xbox 360 has ps3, windows has mac and chrome has communism jk it prob has the most hated browser out-there, 'ie'. Google chrome is safer imho and more stable. Its a gaming browser, research one etc. Except i use mozilla 2.0 or something for a backup browser. Firefox used to be good basically so my verdict is google chrome wins. One needs a competitor to stay healthy, but in terms of communism, ebay and google, it seems the competition is dead in the water. Unfortunetly, firefox is one of those on that 'loner' list.;):arrow:

..is there even a position for #1? Guess not...but here goes (2014 update)

Imho, the position for number 1 is not google chrome or firefox. Firefox has utilities and saving features for html editors yet it crashes and at times can have downloading problems, in particular viruses via digital signatures, Google chrome has background updates they don't tell you about and often then most resets your settings without telling you. Best of all it doesn't have a delete history when close feature, meaning junk stays on your computer, although it is the most stable, often then most running on problematic pcs perfectly. It is funny, because I choose Internet Explorer actaully, the plague when set right will give you a flawless pc and a perfect design. Its simple, active x blockage is a necessity since windows xp created an operating system. With blocking digital signatures you will never need underground programs, paid for virus scanners or reinstalling/reformatting o/s. Only I.E. has this, and is a reason why it was chosen for xbox 360. Because without registry manipulation, browsers work prefectly, and consoles have no registry. With active x controls set right, browsers work perfectly and chrome/firefox has none of this. The only downside is that you won't be able to use websites, or they won't appear correctly, yet this is their fault for being greedy or negating the true problems. Not everyone wants to be a computer expert in spyware from third party sites. Blocking digital signatures is like blocking system information. Its vital for viruses to not go in your pc, and xp (the whole of the internet, xp, 7, vista you name it) will be built around explorer for years to come. Internet Explorer is in truth the best there is to give.

Firefox down again?!!

PS: next time you decide to sync email addys or update web browsers before thunder storms, would rec not becus it jus shows your dead in job on two fields. They tend to update web-browsers and sync emails. Except firefox freezes and creates too many problems and google chrome isn't even that great because they do the same thing. Automatic updates become problematic because they reset the custom data that was set. That and quick boots...via simple thunderstorms. So the article above was basically me losing information during a thunder-storm, firefox is good for library computers, its just not stable. I have problems with site preferences etc. but this is spyware tampering related. Better check that, firefox has the best updates on the net, and these 'college' kids are what makes the internet great, a well oiled machine that rarely breaks. Its just one of those things I rec but isn't perfect. Firefox is not number one but it has no competitors. Would rec firefox actually for a browser that is faster than ie and google chrome...the problem is not firefox, its xp in general, come to think of it its the browser i use the most ironically. Chrome once again is the better suit and tie, then firefox which is light weight and fast, yet constantly crashes. Chrome is rec for fast computers, firefox for slower outdated ones. The only small problem we see is chrome saves information on your pc and firefox does not. As far as I know, I experience technical difficulties (uhhh..its not the rain!?!) on my service with firefox...it basically has a problem. It obtains fraudulent signatures fairly easily. Why do I rec google chrome over firefox times 10? Because of this major reason: Google chrome is not virus penetrable source: there have been news stories on the internet that microsoft gave google corporation viruses, they wanted to obtain their license ie a pyramid scheme, capitalism is built on greed. Firefox however is a huge base for fraudulent signatures. Ever have a mozilla add-on? Well that's because of firefox's fraudulent signatures from you visiting popular websites. Ever hav your homepage go into 404s or be changed somehow? Well, luckily I found out it was infact the microsoft o/s tracking you. Proof is I navigated to the signatures on google chrome (under windows 7, waahh..its not even under the msc tool or watever under windows?!? Microsoft....you sh1t on the floor again). Anyways, there in windows 7 I found it again. Google chrome has a tool to verify untrusted root signatures, as to why they upload/dl sh1t from 1993 onwards may even be this reason...once again..open explorer was built before the operating system. Specifically for spying and sabotage. Microsoft has computers every 3 of 4 years being built faster this way, by destroying it collectively via thousands upon thousands of users. Google chrome also has been able to override this major error by making 2 or 3 bots instead of one run in the background. Root signatures need one bot for verification, and most app based web browsers have just that. However, Google chrome has 2 or 3, and the root signatures are only verified through them in general eg a fraudulent root signature is rechecked on the server up to 5 times and never gets through or added for that matter. You won't be getting an add on in the appfolder through html5 either, you may through flash though. google chrome is not app based either basically. No google folders under app document and settings dls for that tool bar that keeps popping up again (adblock, i'm looking at you). Unfortunately this is like having 5 virus scans on a slow pc, however Google chrome is by far the most safe web browser outthere. Internet explorer takes the cake, for web surfing and working ie online selling. Firefox for working with code. However, IE has features such as the save picture feature while googling, and firefox does not. Either that or use console web browsers...console browsers are getting better and more safe, one reason is the hardware or operating system is built first with the only issue being the service itself.

Genesis vs Snes: What's wat and Why One is..

NOT better than the Other

Snes was more powerful, but genesis was faster albeit genesis couldn't do what 360 could in some cases to compete with its competitor. Genesis had used animations back then@like 7 mhz instead of 4mhz. So you get games like lionking, aladin or earthworm jim which are better than the later snes's hardware revision BUT snes could do 3d rendering with more colors. Same with psone and...say saturn (see further details on the saturn vs ps1 entry blog on this debate). Saturn superceded ps1 in japan because of its superior technology to it yet noone noticed. Genesis was actually ahead of the horse (nintendo) in the market for the first time though. Genesis had sonic, and even 3dfx arcade games such as virtua racing. It excelled in 3rd parties eg sports but was horrible at 2d fighters imho if it wasnt capcom and could not do doom games without the 32x (unless you count zero torelance). It was better than snes except for its exclusives eg donkey kong, contra 3 etc compared to streets of rage, sonic and mostly sega only games.The genesis had a better number of 2d shooters and effects as well if you compare games like radius, vectorman, mercs and contra to jus one hit contra game. The slow games though and nintendo franchise was still there at the end though eg starfox, dk etc. So Snes edged out just a little to me in terms of quality, why play hardcorps or megabomberman blast when u could get the originals. Better scaling (snes) vs animation (genesis).

The library was also bigger. Genesis could also do two players and some 3d ala sonic 2 more effectively than the slow snes, albeit snes was less cool, it was still more original. Whilst both had the fx chip, snes did not stur too much attention unless you played party games over all else. Sega was just making things faster, and microsoft followed. Dreamcast vs ps2 was kind of almost the same thing too, hardware wise! Better 3d effects vs vector. If you make consoles early on in the market its actually a good thing sometimes! The six button controls were small and confortable on both systems, although snes was more durable, the right and left shoulder triggers invented at that time were told to be confusing, new and hard to reach. I personally perfered the genesis six button. Its almost always a tie in technology and function of the consoles by the competitors.Like most consoles its obvious, if you prefer arcade and shooters, fastpaste go for genesis. If you liked rpgs, its snes on this one but genesis also had that. Snes simply couldnt do arcade scrollers like punisher effectively. I noticed its animation of characters were often smaller and lacked frames eg mmx but its backgrounds and colors were multi-scrolling. If you like original franchises that made a big hit in the market go for snes. Sega was no noobie to hardware, being an arcade key player at the time.

Although nes and its library destroyed the market, genesis had better hardware just like the master system before it (actually master system had almost infinite better hardware than nes, 3d glasses to boot which today are now catching on ala ps3 although i personally stay away from the extra sensory market ala kinect on 360 wii dreamcast motion sensor ripoffs, ps3 3d etc blah, blah, been there done that nothing special here, luckily ps3 turned down that idea before its release lol, anyways:(). No conclusion on this blog spot.

How to fix a host file? Basic Virus Removal, Repair...and Cure

Here is a quick step guide on how to fix a host file. This will be fast because i accidentally deleted my essay already...first make sure your pc is stable with virus scan, etc. Here's how...

In the System Configuration window,

for the Services, do this instead...

1. Click Start

2. Click Settings

3. Select Control Panel

4. Double click Administrative Tools

5. Double click Services

6. Scroll down and highlight the service you want to adjust

7. Right-click on it and choose Properties

8. Click the stop button.

9. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar.

Disable these...

Smart Card / Smart Card Helper

TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service

Uninterruptible Power Supply

Remote Registry service

Error Reporting Service

Wireless Zero Configuration



Computer Browser

FastUser Switching Compatibility

Messenger Service

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Service

Network DDE/Network DDE DSDM

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Service

Telnet Service


disable DNS Client, Webclient, etc if need be or jus' get reg mechanic *not reccomended for installed steam apps (eg firmware and dashboard update equivalents) and p2p programs

For Startup via MSconfig...

Disable everything except...

your antivirus, video driver, audio driver & network ones.

The host file goes into your pc via thats why no program can block every single website on the internet. The pc will never be as stable as a console because its multi-purpose and built upon explorer. So you follow these directions, the corporations whom basically own the internet want the consumer to buy a product via distorting the host file and mimicking or cloning it so it lies invisibly. It can replecate itself, distort registrys and clone itself to make it look like u need more ram. Install programs wont work, ram will crowd up via cloning, freezes and google redirects will always be there. Now if you have advanced systemcare, it will clean up those problems but the redirects and small issues will still be there. So how do you fix that u ask? Get a new host file! So now tahts out of the way, you get the host file or so called virus out of the way via malware, reg scanner and virus removal. Then you download the host file here. The htaccess will still be affected and tracked, so you need to make sure that host file is up dns client disabled and your p2p networks are down. Here you want to kill the parasite so you may want to use firefox to reroute your proxy ip addy or to simply block it with a random ip addy (which also have redirects and host files). The random ip addy is good for block evasions mostly since you can type in say .en.wikipedia.org under network settings in firefox. You are practically invincible now. So here's a proxylist for ya to confuse the host a little. Not required but useful. The matter of the fact is no proxy is best for not tracking your computer and creating a invisible shield so to speak (however u will not get updates from programs). Now that we are invisible we have one more thing to do. Delete your prefetch, precache, temp and user data to all your programs. This is important because these folders hold the redirect virus data, usually its uncureable because of the IE curse but you can slow it down a little by deleting traces of the manipulated registry files. No more 404 errors on the list. No more ssl user entries. No more glitches with the new router given. You can also set up your real bandwidth speed of 1g back to 100 mbps. 1 g simply means the technology is not there yet, or there for expenisve wireless purposes. A backup o/s, disabling network functions and fixing internet settings are also useful but not really required. The host file uses cookies as tracking via programs u buy or download. The server hosting your computer file will not recognize you. Most importantly is DNS client, for it is required to have on 1g routers for optimal wireless performance. However DNS servers via countries are how one is tracked and spied on under undisclosed locations across the globe. If it is disabled and stopped prepare for slow connection speed. So just making it manual is fine. The bot tracking you via proxy is ultimately destroyed. Your pc is back to console statis! No more downloading pesky unwanted programs like spyware blaster which blocks maybe .0001 percent of the sites on the internet (and firefox deltrees automatically via site preferences). The corporate FTP is a gateway for corporate made trojans from across the networking globe. Bottom line is PCs are unstable in general, they are built that way because a plethora foreign companys may develop for them. They have gotten more unstable throughout the years even. However, they are able to be controlled with the right programs and if the hardware is 'fast enough.' The host file is essential but a short cord is more important, with a short cord you can detect if your internet is too slow or not, usually a defective cord will also reroute pages or give you bad signals. What usually causes bad signals though are common things like the cable to the wall being loose, looped or too long and the cable modem itself being on for weeks end will overheat the connector ports. k. Spyware is even known to hide itself in USB devices fairly easily through open explorer folders that manipulate the registry. That incombined with thousands of different software and hardware manufacturers makes your working environment crucial for safety and o/s computer knowledge. The autoplay or autorun features etc need to be reset after each update manually viaGpedit.msc settings or computer config near the security settings under properties though. And don't forget gamebooster to play those videogames which run too slow! Your precious retirement funds are protected! Best of all your 15+ gig one time install programs are saved :D


This is important incase their is a boot error, make sure to do chkdsk /r for boot repair. Only that will fix your boot via a winxp pro bootable disc under msdos. Make sure to do this after cleans, repairs and scans. Spyware detects ip configurations. Dont plug in your pc to the internet or the network registry settings wont be fixed. :)

2014 update

For the actual guide, check out the spyware removal guide on my later blog, because its so complex, this is just hardware prepartion really.

Forza 4 vs GT5 vs Shift 2: Graphics or Gameplay?

After browsing youtube, and perusing the game demo of forza 4, i was curious as to finding out which graphics were better. One video, not on youtube but on eurogamer.net described it all. Forza is good, and xbox 360 is made for those real cartoony games (basically shimmering textures; ala the bumpmapping effect which is why i put it as better in this gen then ps3, see older entries) that are playable and detailed by capcom but when it comes to realism ps3, beats it especially if its a simulator game. Forza is no simulator series, its fast eurocars drag racing fun with tweaks and enhancements. Yet it's painted graphics lack real-life aesthetics such as shadow in daylight or weather (well it lacks weather..all together lol). GT5 shows this and should be listed as one of the games in my history of realism article I wrote a while back. Here on Eurogamer.net it shows the differences, at first forza seems more action orientated and fun, but past the gameplay the truth is revealed and one shimmering sun effect won't save it. Gt5 excels in realism, shadows whilst forza does in textures, gameplay and graphics. But these are two different types of games, which make this console war unfair. DC vs Marvel maybe? Forza vs gt5 no. Ps3 vs xbox 360 yes! Gt5 and forza are two completly different games to tell you the truth. Gt5 has a better chance competing with a pc rally game like toca or better yet shift 2 then this. Graphically though, in the end it is forza4=>gt5>shift series or pc vs console. To explain it more concise I listed my youtube comment below:

"Effects, detail, speed forza. Everything else gt5 (environments, textures, shadows, realism etc) gt5."


^Sigh, now if only i could get my dreamcast logo boot screen to be the katana devkit one...:(

Mini update

from youtube:

Forza=more cars, effects, lighting detail, speed, sound (louder?!?) vs gt5 feel, weather, accuracy, ai, realism, environment. gt5 is a racing sim, forza not. Forza is an arcade racer, ps3 has better adventure rpg sims then xbox 360 franchise wise. Xbox 360 is a action/adventure/fps gaming console. Two totally different games, forza is fully customizable while gt5 is not. Bottomline is Unfair comparison. Since this topic is still hotly debated, on a minor note i have researched the minor details. eg forza will have smoke when crashing into the cars, gt5 will slow and outmaneuver cars, grass will sway in gt5. The bumpmapping and light reflection is superior on forza. Xbox always has superior textures. The polygonal count, glares eg lens flares and framerate always looks alittle better on ps3 anyways though given that its one year older. Xbox 360 is shinier i noticed. Things like that.