I'm sure this next joypad will also be wireless like the DS3 so that means it will have onboard batteries. I wonder how bio-metric sensors and a screen will affect the battery life. Will they have bigger batteries for the extra power needed? And if so how heavy will the joypad be?
@WiredPilot @deadpeasant Ah thats a pity. But isn't there some rights for intellectual properties no matter what they are? Like for the concept. It just seems very unjust to me. I can imagine if EA was to have created that mod then they would be out with teams of lawyers!
@2bitSmOkEy @JohnMark320 Ha! very true! They were like dumpster trucks to control without the beep beep when reversing! Not to mention it added an element of strategy to the game by making you decide whether to either move to evaid, or shoot at an enemy since you couldn't do both at the same time.
On what happened to survival horror games? COD happened.
@Sgthombre @Smokescreened84 Well said! I personally can't see them making a TV series based on one of the stories from the games. It would be more likely to be a separate story based in the Fallout universe. That way it can be more easily adapted for television. If its made of course. Fingers crossed!
Damn! If it is true and it was done well it could be incredible! They could even maybe have it in two time periods, during the nuclear war and then hundreds of years after it.
No mention of Dragons Dogma? I liked how the night day cycle in that game meant different monsters appeared and how straying from the roads into the shadows was a very bad idea.
Far Cry 3 was the best open world overall. It felt very alive. Of course so did Dragons Dogma! :D
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