I feel bad for the people working there who made the decision. I doubt they meant any particular offence by the statue. This is just another example of how sexuality is a no go area in any form of media.
Again I doubt the intent was to create any statement about sexuality in particular but this is the point that has immediately been latched onto.
The game contains endless hoards of zombies wearing beach attire (This game being set at a seaside resort) and I'll bet anything that this outrage would not have occurred if it had been a naked male torso statue.
Ha! Its funny how he says he's going to resubmit the bill with the language unchanged. Doesn't that essentially equate to doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
Well Sony needed a bit of good news of late. So now they can claim to have been correct in their vision for what a current gen console should be.
I'm a pure Playstation guy all the way. But I won't denigrate people for not sharing my opinions. If anything, its good that there is a competing console in the Xbox 360 which creates competition which is always good for the consumer.
He has made a lot of bold claims here. He claims that his next game will be different from Heavy Rain, so does that mean there will be absolutely no QTE style button prompts in this next game like there was in Heavy Rain?
It will be interesting to see how it turns out and I will be expecting there to be no duplication in gameplay features for Beyond two souls since this is what he claims. I'm very skeptical about that though.
Sigh... Its sad to see a once great game series become so poor. I still vividly remember the times i spent playing Frontline and how incredible it was for the time. The atmosphere and music just made it so epic.
How did it get to this... Ah well every dog has its day.
I bought Far Cry 2 second hand to try it out and i liked it so much that i bought FC3 new. I wouldn't have if i had not tried FC2 first.
This could be a major error for sony, especially if Microsoft allow used games on their next console. I have been a big sony fan since PS1 but i will change to Xbox in a heartbeat if they allow used games and sony doesn't.
What a scumbag piece of trash this guy is. If that were the case, then why aren't they calling for Shakespear plays to be band. They are incredibly violent. Yet overall the world is a much safer place today than it was when Shakespear was alive.
Ah here we go with the hunt for the boogey man again. Violent games aren't marketed to children, they are 18s rated. They should look at the parents that buy these games for they're children.
He's a typical of the kind of person who looks for a scapegoat to something he doesn't understand as proven by his comments.
deadpeasant's comments