Well I have been a long term Playstation user and I've never heard of this Kevin Butler. But if their claims are true then they have a case because there are laws against this kind of practice.
I agree with him. Some great games come out at the end of a consoles life. Resident Evil 4 came out near the end of the PS2 lifetime. And how good was that?
I've moved on from skyrim now anyways and I don't care if they release it or not. I'll probably trade in the game soon coz I don't play it at all anymore. Old news.
I don't agree with Ryan. People don't just want to buy a new thing just to buy a new thing. They want new consoles because the current generation is ancient and has outdated technology. The wii U is essentially a current gen console, spec wise and through its games lineup. It won't sell half as much as he thinks.
deadpeasant's comments