@thelostscribe: I agree. You could take all the amazing games from this gen and the list would only be about as long as this 2009 list. Maybe a little longer, but it's been 5 years compared to 1 great one, maybe 2. But I can't really complain, I'm older and more broke now and time is always an issue. So less games benefits me.
Wow what an incredible year. MW2's campaign, and AC 2 were great. Uncharted 2 and Borderlands are two of my favorite games last gen, probably ever. Left 4 Dead 2 was an amazing game with a group of four people. Arkham Asylum still holds up fantastic today. 2010 was a great year as well.
I marathon'd these before Infinity War for the God knows how many'th time. And I can confidently say, I don't think I ever need to watch Thor, Captain America 1, Thor 2, Dr. Strange, or Thor 3 ever again. The only one that was genuinely bad was Thor Ragnarok. The others I've watched too many times or are just meh. Maybe when my kids are older I'll re watch, but they're on their own with Ragnarok.
@acerock980: It was, and then they took it down. My theory... It was right before the launch of 76. Bethesda probably had the contract up to that point to get people into Fallout, pull the rug out from under them, and hopefully they'd buy 76. Obviously it didn't work.
I think The Incredible Hulk one should be #1. It was the first sign of there really being huge cross overs. Nick Fury in Iron was almost tied in my book. But it was just kind of a nod to something bigger at the time. No one really knew how big it would get. Hulk made it feel official. I remember thinking, "Holy crap, this is gonna be huge," after watching Hulk and RDJ showed up.
@NTM23: If they were all in a $30 bundle I was ready to get them again. I have them on the One, but would love to have them on the Switch. But not for $90. I can beat any given one in 3-5 hours. Not spending $90 on 9 hours of game play. Not on three generations old games, I don't usually spend $60 on new generation 100 hours long games.
Hmm. I was thinking they'd be a $30 bundle, but was fully expecting a $40 bundle and would wait for a sale. Make "excitement" went from 12 to 6 for these now.
Something Wicked This Way comes was a fantastic book full of atmosphere. The movie starts off really strong, then downplays a lot of it. Not that the book was super adult oriented. The guys who do Stranger Things could do wonders for it in a remake though.
Also, the first Tron should be on the list. It was a weird concept at the time. We're just used to people living in computers in our movies now.
Say what you will about the animation itself, but those designs are so bad. I think the best design was the last one for the shows. But the best design ever, coming from a long time fan, was the CGI 4th installment movie. They absolutely nailed the look. The early 2000's toys design were probably the best toy line up.
Lost Planet 1 was awesome. Never played the other. But that would be a series I'd love to see new life breathed into. The mechs, the grapple, giant aliens, it was all a lot of fun.
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