I remember Doink and Lex Luger being huge at the time. Doink was so big they even started giving him midgets as sidekicks. There was Dink the Clown. I remember the first match he showed up he came out from under the ring. Thing was it was like 2/3 through the show. The poor dude was just sitting under there waiting for like 2 hours.
@Atzenkiller: I wish it was. Sony pisses me off this gen. $20 for FFVII when it was $8 on PS3. Oh, but it's HD. That's great. Now we can see how crappy it looks in high definition. Like we care. I'd love for my digital PS One games to be on the PS4.
There's a few games I'd have gotten a month or two ago. But Crash is coming to the Switch and you'd be crazy to get that on anything else but, and now you can play Destroy All Humans through BC on Xbox. My Playstation keeps getting pushed aside lately. I know people praise it, but there is nothing on it for me for a while now. Not since Uncharted 4 has a game come out that I need to buy right away.
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