@cejay0813: Isn't the system being backwards compatible part of the advantage of the hardware you put you money on? PS4 doesn't have this feature, and as of right now, neither does Switch. So the BC feature is a selling point. And just because the games are old, doesn't mean they can't be new. I never played Knights of the Old Republic. So if I get it, it's a new game. Just not a new release.
@lojman: If you liked Sicario, check out Wind River and Prisoners. Both very good. Same writer I believe. Also season 1 of True Detective has the same vibe if you haven't watched it yet.
Fortnite is what I play when I don't feel like paying attention to anything and just goofing around. PUBG is what I play when I really want to get into something. The matches all have a sense of dread in them. PUBG really is a unique experience compared to Fortnite. Fortnite feels very free to play.
@Thanatos2k: I get my Xbox live for free every year. I think the most I paid for it is $40 for a year. And for $40 it saves me the pain of having to play online on a PC. Seems totally worth it to me.
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