Game needs a story and to be more Piratey. It's too friendly. I want better weapons that unlock and do more damage. Character progression. Who makes a pirate MMO and doesn't have everyone start at "stowaway" and work up to "Captain"? And an actual create a character would be nice. those are what I'd need to give this game another go. Unfortunately that would mean everyone starts from square one again and it'll never happen.
I hope they add map selection soon. They're probably scared no one will play the new map. It's now terrible, it's just not close to as fun as the original map.
@Utnayan: I have all 3 consoles this gen as well, and I use Xbox the most. Even the OG for 3rd party over PS4. Why? Because I know the games I purchase on the One will be available to me on the next gen Xbox system. The system I use the least? PS4. Why? Because there hasn't been an exclusive that has my attention since Uncharted 4. I need to play GoW, and will get Spider-man. But every other exclusive I've tried doesn't hold my attention. I'd take Quantum Break over Horizon or Persona any day. It's just all personal opinion, but I think some people are to brand loyal and rate games higher based on brand.
@lordbeefjerky: Here's the problem with that argument. If Detroit Become Human was released on Xbox, people would still be saying the stupidest phrase in gaming history, "Xbox has no games," because it would just be another multiplat. Xbox has few first party games. Or Xbox has few exclusives. But there is plenty to play on the Xbox. The idea that just because Sony has more exclusives means it has hundreds of more games is asinine. It has about 3 more games that are worth playing maybe 5. Sony fans make it sound like every single exclusive is worth owning and it's not. Not because they are bad, but 90% of the people don't like every type of game. I look forward to good games, not brand specific ones. I Zelda came out for the Xbox would it be a lesser game? Uncharted? No those are still two of the best games this gen. Or what if The Witcher 3 was an exclusive to one platform? Would any of those lose their status as some of the best games this gen?
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