This is awesome, They are filming in my hometown, I'm from the ATL [Atlanta Georgia] and as for this movie, I will just get the bootleg and not give Hollywood my money.
The only reason why I love the Dead Island series is that they use random Profanity words and I enbjoy games that uses them which makes the game even awesome. Dead Island: Riptide deserves to be No. 1 on the spot and no I'm not British, I'm U.S.
I'm surprise Mr. Levine is not going back to make a Bioshock PS Vita considering he was so interested back then and how he does not want to get back into it seems he was all talk.
Anyways, Infinite was a awesome game, [don't care about the ending] good story, and gameplay so whatever he does on his next Project, this should be for next-gen only.
Dear Gamespot and to you Eddie but this news/Interview is old like 3 Months ago and this is not something to talk about and I can tell this is going to be a slow day.
Xbox: Infinity huh? Okay MS, did you guys got this idea from Halo 4 UNSC Vessel name? Well in any case, this name is 10× time better then Wii U name. May 21st can't get hear soon enough.
So will the femals have Big TITS this time? Otherwise I'm not fucking buying this until I hear they fix da TITS on them Bitches then I will buy Dead or Alive 5.
The Wii U is only good for Wii U games exclusive only and nothing more which is the reason why I did it when I own a Wii and I will be doing it the same thing for Wii U, play exclusive games only.
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